Escudo in english


pronunciation: ʃild part of speech: noun
In gestures

escudar = shield. 

Example: Both types of printer are noisy and will have to placed away from public areas and/or shielded with an acoustic cover (which can be very expensive).

escudo = badge ; shield ; aegis [egis, -USA]. 

Example: Her list of categories includes: Advertisements, Almanacs, Announcements, Appointments, badges, Bumper stickers, Calendars, and Cards.Example: Display cases are thermostatically controlled to 68F and heat shields are fitted.Example: Even when she is in her warrior role, Athena still carries the image of the snakes on her aegis (shield) with the severed head of Medusa.


» Comité Internacional del Escudo Azul (ICBS)International Committee of the Blue Shield (ICBS) .

Example: The International Committee of the Blue Shield (ICBS) aims to provide authorities and professionals with expertise and networks in the case of armed conflict or natural disasters that could affect cultural heritage.

» escudo antidisturbiosriot shield .

Example: Despite its representation in videogames, most riot shields cannot block bullets from large caliber firearms.

» escudo antimisilesmissile shield .

Example: The United States has plans to deploy a national missile shield within the next decade.

» Escudo Azul, elBlue Shield, the .

Example: The Blue Shield is the equivalent of the Red Cross/Red Crescent in the field of cultural heritage.

» escudo de armasescutcheon [scutcheon] .

Example: The ornaments that surround escutcheons were introduced to denote the birth, dignity, or office of the person to whom the coat of arms belongs.

» escudo heráldicocoat of arms .

Example: Early woodcut initials, coats of arms, etc., were sometimes made from wood cut across the grain, but the use of end-grain blocks remained uncommon until the later eighteenth century.

» escudo humanohuman shield .

Example: The prohibition of using human shields is contained in numerous military manuals, many of which extend the prohibition to all civilians.

Escudo synonyms

screen in spanish: pantalla, pronunciation: skrin part of speech: noun harbor in spanish: puerto, pronunciation: hɑrbɜr part of speech: noun harbour in spanish: puerto, pronunciation: hɑrbɜr part of speech: noun buckler in spanish: escudo, pronunciation: bʌkəlɜr part of speech: noun
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