Escrutador in english


pronunciation: telɜr part of speech: noun
In gestures

escrutador = scrutineer ; teller. 

Example: A panel of independent scrutineers appointed by the chief excecutive officer shall check the results = A panel of independent scrutineers appointed by the chief excecutive officer shall check the results.Example: The Secretariat shall take steps to arrange for at least three tellers to be appointed for each council meeting = The Secretariat shall take steps to arrange for at least three tellers to be appointed for each council meeting.


» escrutador de votosscrutineer  .

Example: A panel of independent scrutineers appointed by the chief excecutive officer shall check the results = Un panel de escrutadores independientes elegidos por el director ejecutivo comprobará los resultados.

Escrutador synonyms

cashier in spanish: cajero, pronunciation: kæʃɪr part of speech: noun bank clerk in spanish: empleado bancario, pronunciation: bæŋkklɜrk part of speech: noun vote counter in spanish: contador de votos, pronunciation: voʊtkaʊntɜr part of speech: noun
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