Escolta in english

Shooting guard

pronunciation: ʃutɪŋgɑrd part of speech: none
In gestures

escolta = escort ; chaperon. 

Example: Escort can be seen as part of the referral process or as a separate activity of accompanying a client to ensure that the person reaches the source of help.Example: Apart from the tale that babies are found under gooseberry bushes, to 'play gooseberry' was to act as a chaperon, or be an unwanted third presence when lovers wanted to be alone.


» escolta policialpolice escort .

Example: A convoy of 80 buses headed by two limousines and a police escort (complete with siren) hurtled its way through the streets of Beijing.

» hacer de escoltachaperon [También escrito chaperone] .

Example: We're looking for francophone adult volunteers to chaperon our little students.

» trabajo de escoltaescort work .

Example: Some I & R centres use auxiliaries to carry out escort work.

escoltar = escort ; chaperon. 

Example: Their work included escorting clients to other agencies.Example: We're looking for francophone adult volunteers to chaperon our little students.
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