Escolar in english


pronunciation: skul part of speech: noun
In gestures

escolar1 = school child [school children, -pl.] ; schoolboy [school-boy] ; schoolgirl [school-girl] ; student ; pupil. 

Example: Schoolchildren, students, and other whose native language is written in a non-Roman script may find alphabetical order according to Roman characters an almost insurmountable hurdle in the use of catalogues and indexes.Example: When a schoolboy, coming to the library with nothing better than grades in mind, discovers incidentally the fascination of books that have nothing to do with his homework.Example: Students and their parents sued the school authorities for banning a young adult novel, 'ˆnnie on my mind', about two schoolgirls who fall in love.Example: Schoolchildren, students, and other whose native language is written in a non-Roman script may find alphabetical order according to Roman characters an almost insurmountable hurdle in the use of catalogues and indexes.Example: It describes the annual hobby exchanges week for 6th grade pupils at King's Cristian School library, when pupils swap collectable items eg baseball cards, stamps, coins and shells.

escolar2 = school ; teaching. 

Example: School events may be regular and seasonal, like Christmas and vacations, or occasional and minor like sports matches.Example: The teaching programme includes large postgraduate courses and an undergraduate course, each with 50 students a year with a total of 250 overall.


» absentismo escolartruancy .

Example: A prime reason for an illiteracy level of approximately 25% in Jamaica is that schooling takes second place to family agricultural tasks; this situation encourages deliberate truancy.

» acoso escolarbullying .

Example: The author focuses on the issues of divorce, bullying and homelessness, with reference to books published by Penguin and Puffin.

» almuerzo escolarschool lunchschool dinner .

Example: A preliminary report by the Department of Agriculture shows that school lunches are still fattier and saltier than they should be.

Example: This report provides tabular information on expenditures for teachers' salaries and retirement, school dinners, universities, primary and secondary schools, and adult education.

» año escolarschool year .

Example: At last we were ready to tackle our most ambitious and anxiously awaited project of the school year.

» asamblea escolarhigh school assembly .

Example: The film tells of the uproar the librarian created when he extended an invitation to an advocate of theories on black inferiority to address a high school assembly.

» ausentismo escolartruancy .

Example: A prime reason for an illiteracy level of approximately 25% in Jamaica is that schooling takes second place to family agricultural tasks; this situation encourages deliberate truancy.

» autobús escolarschool bus .

Example: This article describes potential health risks of diesel exhaust fumes to students riding school buses.

» autoridades escolaresschool authorities [Generalmente usado en plural] .

Example: Students and their parents sued the school authorities for banning a young adult novel, 'ˆnnie on my mind', about two schoolgirls who fall in love.

» beca escolarschool grant .

Example: The librarians have instituted a series of campaigns, including displays and leaflets on specific issues, eg family income supplement, rent and rates rebates, and school grants.

» biblioteca escolarschool library .

Example: Although it covers all knowledge it has been designed to be specifically applicable to the collections in school libraries.

» bibliotecario escolarschool librarian .

Example: Her sister-in-law worked as a school librarian, and so she convinced Jay to hire a professional to do the job.

» biblioteconomía relacionada con los temas de las bibliotecas escoschool librarianship .

Example: School librarianship in Britain has failed to secure a niche from which to advance its cause.

» centro de material didáctico escolarschool resource centre [Institución encargada de contener material didáctico especial de uso común por las escuelas de una región/provincia/estado] .

Example: This article considers the impact of cooperation on collections and technical services in school resource centres belonging to multistate, multitype library network.

» centro multimedia escolarschool library media centreschool media centre .

Example: This article identifies the role and function of a school library media centre in present day society.

Example: Other universities have a small core of required courses and permit students to specialize in such fields as administration, technical services, information science, and school media centers.

» comida escolarschool lunchschool dinner .

Example: A preliminary report by the Department of Agriculture shows that school lunches are still fattier and saltier than they should be.

Example: This report provides tabular information on expenditures for teachers' salaries and retirement, school dinners, universities, primary and secondary schools, and adult education.

» curso escolarschool year .

Example: At last we were ready to tackle our most ambitious and anxiously awaited project of the school year.

» de edad escolarschool-age .

Example: The objectives of the course have to be adapted to the immediate and realistic needs of school-age pupils.

» desertor escolardropoutschool dropout .

Example: Thus, if one has already had an online search to produce a large retrospective bibliography on pregnancy as a factor in high school dropouts, the librarian can instruct the computer to perform the same search each month when new data have been added to the file.

Example: Early childhood interventions are critical to reducing school dropouts over the long term.

» día escolarschool day .

Example: But when he got into the classroom he quickly discovered that neither his ideas nor his training were much help when it actually came to doing a full day's work every school day, every school week for a school year.

» distrito escolarschool district .

Example: In most public institutions, school, academic, and public libraries, such programs are mandated by the parent institution -- the municipality or county, the state college or university, or the school district.

» edad escolarschool age .

Example: Schucking noted that early step when a child's 'imagination awakes, without corresponding development of the critical faculty,' a step most children make before they reach school age = Schucking se percató de ese primer paso en el niño cuando "se despierta su imaginación sin el correspondiente desarrollo de la capacidad crítica", un paso que dan la mayoría de los niños antes de alcanzar la edad escolar.

» edificio escolarschool buildingschool house .

Example: If only more school buildings were as creatively designed as these, perhaps attendance rates would be higher.

Example: The existing laws authorise each district to levy and collect a tax, to the amount of four hundred dollars, for the purpose of erecting or repairing school houses.

» Lista de Encabezamientos de Materia de la Asociación de Bibliotecas EscolarSLA List .

Example: For instance, the SLA List recommends the choice of specific headings in the same way as Sears'.

» estrés escolarschool pressure .

Example: School pressure is the biggest worry for secondary-school students, but most of them have more than one issue that causes stress.

» fracaso escolarschool failurefailure at school .

Example: Irvine claims that black children are subject to school failure because of their culture, race, and social class.

Example: Failure at school does not mean failure in life.

» horario escolarschool timetable .

Example: In practice, once the barriers are broken down in children antagonistic to reading, everything blends into the flux of a whole experience split into bits only by the dictates of a school timetable.

» índice de abandono escolardropout rate .

Example: A dropout and flunk-out rate of 50% during the freshman year is occurring in many large municipal institutions of higher education.

» índice de deserción escolardropout rate .

Example: A dropout and flunk-out rate of 50% during the freshman year is occurring in many large municipal institutions of higher education.

» índice de fracaso escolarfailure ratedropout rate .

Example: However, the failure rate in examinations at Sheffield does not seem to be at all high = No obstante, el número de suspensos en los exámenes de Sheffield no parece ser del todo alto.

Example: A dropout and flunk-out rate of 50% during the freshman year is occurring in many large municipal institutions of higher education.

» jornada escolar, lateaching day, the .

Example: Access to school staff and facilities after the teaching day is a major benefit for boarding pupils.

» libro de texto escolarschool text .

Example: Exports of school texts seem to do well, with a total contribution of 7.34 per cent to total turnover compared to 9.21 per cent from the home sales.

» líder escolarschool leader .

Example: Setting aside their first instinct to wade in with a half-and-half approach, school leaders decided instead to take the plunge.

» niño de edad escolarschool-age child .

Example: Parents' roles are changing -- more than half of the school-age children have working mothers, there are many single-parent families, and many unmarried mothers with children.

» niño en edad escolarschool-age child .

Example: Parents' roles are changing -- more than half of the school-age children have working mothers, there are many single-parent families, and many unmarried mothers with children.

» niño que recibe la educación escolar en su casahomeschooler [home schooler]  .

Example: Librarians can keep the lines of communication with homeschoolers open and approach homeschooling families to find out what they need in a public library.

» nivel escolargrade level .

Example: This reading practice programme for primary school children who are reading below their grade level is run by volunteers who meet with students on a one-to-one basis for an hour weekly throughout the school year.

» período escolarschool daysterm time .

Example: Don't go to France thinking that your cherished ancient institution from your 50s/60s school days remains unchanged amid the splendour of its beautiful if dingy old digs.

Example: A Herefordshire mother says she's facing a jail sentence for taking her daughter on holiday during term time.

» preescolarpreschool [pre-school] .

Example: The author describes how, as a teacher, she introduced pre-school children to books by reading to them, and developed older children's critical interest by reading, discussing and enacting popular fables.

» problema escolarschool problem .

Example: As predicted by the theory, family and school problems were significantly associated with negative peer influence.

» recreo escolarschool recess .

Example: Throughout history, school recess has been promoted as a time for children to take in fresh air and release their pent-up energy.

» reforma escolarschool reform .

Example: Among concepts that seem to be the guardian angels of school reform, coherence is a rebel angel, advancing human learning, but escaping control.

» refuerzo escolarhomework assistance .

Example: The data suggest that after-school homework-assistance programs can serve a protective function for children at-risk for school failure.

» rendimiento escolarschool achievementschool performancelearning achievementlearning performance .

Example: This paper reviews research on youth motivation for visiting amusement arcades and on the relationship among the school achievement, socioeconomic status, and self-esteem of fourth graders.

Example: Children of poor families more frequently demonstrated dental disease; skin, tonsil, and ear infections; and poor school performance.

Example: The author compares learning achievement, social adjustment, and family conflict among 146 Bedouin students from polygamous and monogamous families.

Example: Results lend preliminary support to the hypothesis that a difficult to use hypermedia system can negatively affect learning performance.

» semana escolarschool week .

Example: But when he got into the classroom he quickly discovered that neither his ideas nor his training were much help when it actually came to doing a full day's work every school day, every school week for a school year.

» sistema escolar, elschool system, the .

Example: George Ticknor, the leader of the Boston 'brahmins', the intellectual class of that city, now entered the picture and wrote to Everett arguing firmly that the new library should indeed be the 'crowning glory of the school system'.

» tasa de abandono escolardropout rate .

Example: A dropout and flunk-out rate of 50% during the freshman year is occurring in many large municipal institutions of higher education.

» tasa de deserción escolardropout rate .

Example: A dropout and flunk-out rate of 50% during the freshman year is occurring in many large municipal institutions of higher education.

» tasa de fracaso escolardropout ratefailure rate .

Example: A dropout and flunk-out rate of 50% during the freshman year is occurring in many large municipal institutions of higher education.

Example: However, the failure rate in examinations at Sheffield does not seem to be at all high = No obstante, el número de suspensos en los exámenes de Sheffield no parece ser del todo alto.

» transporte escolarschool transport .

Example: A Government working party has been set up to review school transport and to report on any changes that may be required.

Escolar synonyms

train in spanish: entrenar, pronunciation: treɪn part of speech: noun, verb cultivate in spanish: cultivar, pronunciation: kʌltəveɪt part of speech: verb shoal in spanish: banco, pronunciation: ʃoʊl part of speech: noun educate in spanish: educar, pronunciation: edʒəkeɪt part of speech: verb schooling in spanish: enseñanza, pronunciation: skulɪŋ part of speech: noun civilize in spanish: civilizar, pronunciation: sɪvəlaɪz part of speech: verb schoolhouse in spanish: escuela, pronunciation: skulhaʊs part of speech: noun schooltime in spanish: horario de escuela, pronunciation: skultaɪm part of speech: noun
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