Escenificar in english


pronunciation: steɪdʒ part of speech: noun
In gestures

escenificar = stage. 

Example: Book shops also participated by staging similar special features.


» sin escenificarunproduced .

Example: Most of the plays remained unpublished and unproduced until they were rediscovered in 1997.

Escenificar synonyms

point in spanish: punto, pronunciation: pɔɪnt part of speech: noun level in spanish: nivel, pronunciation: levəl part of speech: noun present in spanish: presente, pronunciation: prezənt part of speech: adjective, noun, verb degree in spanish: la licenciatura, pronunciation: dɪgri part of speech: noun phase in spanish: fase, pronunciation: feɪz part of speech: noun leg in spanish: pierna, pronunciation: leg part of speech: noun arrange in spanish: organizar, pronunciation: ɜreɪndʒ part of speech: verb bring about in spanish: producir, pronunciation: brɪŋəbaʊt part of speech: verb stagecoach in spanish: diligencia, pronunciation: steɪdʒkoʊtʃ part of speech: noun microscope stage in spanish: etapa de microscopio, pronunciation: maɪkrəskoʊpsteɪdʒ part of speech: noun
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