Escatimar in english


pronunciation: sper part of speech: verb, adjective
In gestures

escatimar = cut + corners ; stint ; begrudge ; grudge ; skimp (on) ; scrimp (on). 

Example: Consequently, we would probably often consider cutting corners and not effecting the change under all of the added entries.Example: The answer to an inefficient system, however, is not to stint on care, but rather to restructure the system to remove the inflationary pressures.Example: She did not begrudge the money spent on her children's education.Example: He did not grudge them the money, but he grudged terribly the risk which the spending of that money might bring on them.Example: Workaholic lawyers may want to take note of research that suggests skimping on vacations can be bad for your health.Example: As I discussed in our first article in this series, there is a time to scrimp and a time to splurge on beauty supplies.


» no escatimar dinerolavish + money .

Example: While money has been lavished on the conversion itself, extreme savings have been made on interior decoration.

» no escatimar (en) gastosspare + no expense .

Example: These stars have spared no expenses when it comes to buying extravagant gifts for their partners.

» no escatimar gastosgo to + town onlash out (on)splash out on .

Example: He was refering to the unbelievable action taken by the riot police who for no good reason decided to go to town on innocent fans.

Example: The company is too tight to lash out on anything for the employees, even tools to increase productivity.

Example: While the rest of the lads are splashing out on luxury cars or expensive holidays in the sun -- O'Brien is pumping the money back into the farmland.

» sin escatimarwithout stintunstintingunstintinglyunstintingly .

Example: Only a man like D'Andrea, willing to use force without stint or limit, could rise to leadership against John Powers & his protected, armed partisans.

Example: The revolutionary people of the world are unstinting in their praise.

Example: Cathy contributed unstintingly to her neighborhood association with wise counsel and encouragement.

Example: Cathy contributed unstintingly to her neighborhood association with wise counsel and encouragement.

Escatimar synonyms

free in spanish: gratis, pronunciation: fri part of speech: adjective lean in spanish: apoyarse, pronunciation: lin part of speech: adjective, verb redundant in spanish: redundante, pronunciation: rɪdʌndənt part of speech: adjective bare in spanish: desnudo, pronunciation: ber part of speech: adjective reserve in spanish: reserva, pronunciation: rɪzɜrv part of speech: noun superfluous in spanish: superfluo, pronunciation: supɜrflwəs part of speech: adjective save in spanish: salvar, pronunciation: seɪv part of speech: verb trim in spanish: recortar, pronunciation: trɪm part of speech: noun, verb excess in spanish: exceso, pronunciation: ekses part of speech: noun, adjective sufficient in spanish: suficiente, pronunciation: səfɪʃənt part of speech: adjective thin in spanish: Delgado, pronunciation: θɪn part of speech: adjective extra in spanish: extra, pronunciation: ekstrə part of speech: adjective meager in spanish: pobre, pronunciation: migɜr part of speech: adjective surplus in spanish: superávit, pronunciation: sɜrpləs part of speech: noun, adjective unnecessary in spanish: innecesario, pronunciation: ənnesəseri part of speech: adjective meagre in spanish: pobre, pronunciation: migɜr part of speech: adjective give up in spanish: rendirse, pronunciation: gɪvʌp part of speech: verb scanty in spanish: escaso, pronunciation: skænti part of speech: adjective supernumerary in spanish: supernumerario, pronunciation: supɜrnumɜreri part of speech: adjective supererogatory in spanish: supererogatorio, pronunciation: supɜrroʊgəgeɪtɜri part of speech: adjective unneeded in spanish: innecesario, pronunciation: ənnidɪd part of speech: adjective unoccupied in spanish: desocupado, pronunciation: ənɑkjəpaɪd part of speech: adjective dispense with in spanish: prescindir de, pronunciation: dɪspenswɪð part of speech: verb meagerly in spanish: escasamente, pronunciation: migɜrli part of speech: adverb fifth wheel in spanish: quinta rueda, pronunciation: fɪfθwil part of speech: noun part with in spanish: parte con, pronunciation: pɑrtwɪð part of speech: verb spare part in spanish: pieza de recambio, pronunciation: sperpɑrt part of speech: noun
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