Escarpadura in english


pronunciation: skɑrp part of speech: noun
In gestures

escarpadura = escarpment ; ridge. 

Example: Use of Woolston Library has declined slightly: the area is isolated by the River Itchen, a busy main road, and a natural escarpment.Example: It is worth camping out there for the weekend but probably with mates as it is hard to convince the chicks they want to hike over a ridge to get to a place with no bogs.


» escarpadura costeracoastal ridge .

Example: The darker areas represent the areas located along the coastal ridge that are at elevations above the floodplain.

Escarpadura synonyms

escarpment in spanish: escarpa, pronunciation: eskɑrpmənt part of speech: noun escarp in spanish: escarpe, pronunciation: eskɑrp part of speech: noun protective embankment in spanish: terraplén protector, pronunciation: prətektɪvembæŋkmənt part of speech: noun
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