Escarbo in english


pronunciation: skɑrlət part of speech: adjective, noun
In gestures

escarbar = burrow ; root ; dig. 

Example: Anecdotal records describe habitat destruction through soil erosion due to burrowing by puffins, shearwaters and stoats.Example: We let our 4 hens loose to root in the garden but I think it's not a good idea in the long run, as they would kill raspberries and other plants.Example: The factory worker compensates for his noisy and dirty work environment by digging his allotment.


» escarbar un agüjeroburrow + a hole .

Example: They burrow a hole on a live coral and live their for the rest of their lives, occasionally emerging from their home to catch passing plankton.

» escarbar un hoyoburrow + a hole .

Example: They burrow a hole on a live coral and live their for the rest of their lives, occasionally emerging from their home to catch passing plankton.

Escarbo synonyms

red in spanish: rojo, pronunciation: red part of speech: adjective, noun cherry in spanish: Cereza, pronunciation: tʃeri part of speech: noun ruby in spanish: rubí, pronunciation: rubi part of speech: noun, adjective ruddy in spanish: rubicundo, pronunciation: rʌdi part of speech: adjective crimson in spanish: carmesí, pronunciation: krɪmzən part of speech: adjective carmine in spanish: carmín, pronunciation: kɑrmən part of speech: noun, adjective cerise in spanish: cereza, pronunciation: sɜris part of speech: noun, adjective vermilion in spanish: bermellón, pronunciation: vɜrmɪljən part of speech: noun colored in spanish: de colores, pronunciation: kʌlɜrd part of speech: adjective chromatic in spanish: cromático, pronunciation: kroʊmætɪk part of speech: adjective blood-red in spanish: sangre roja, pronunciation: blʌdred part of speech: adjective reddish in spanish: rojizo, pronunciation: redɪʃ part of speech: adjective cherry-red in spanish: rojo cereza, pronunciation: tʃerɪred part of speech: adjective ruby-red in spanish: rojo rubí, pronunciation: rubɪred part of speech: adjective orange red in spanish: rojo naranja, pronunciation: ɔrəndʒred part of speech: noun
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