Escarbar in english


pronunciation: skrætʃ part of speech: noun, verb
In gestures

escarbar = burrow ; root ; dig. 

Example: Anecdotal records describe habitat destruction through soil erosion due to burrowing by puffins, shearwaters and stoats.Example: We let our 4 hens loose to root in the garden but I think it's not a good idea in the long run, as they would kill raspberries and other plants.Example: The factory worker compensates for his noisy and dirty work environment by digging his allotment.


» escarbar un agüjeroburrow + a hole .

Example: They burrow a hole on a live coral and live their for the rest of their lives, occasionally emerging from their home to catch passing plankton.

» escarbar un hoyoburrow + a hole .

Example: They burrow a hole on a live coral and live their for the rest of their lives, occasionally emerging from their home to catch passing plankton.

Escarbar synonyms

mark in spanish: marca, pronunciation: mɑrk part of speech: noun, verb fret in spanish: traste, pronunciation: fret part of speech: verb, noun notch in spanish: muesca, pronunciation: nɑtʃ part of speech: noun fray in spanish: refriega, pronunciation: freɪ part of speech: noun slit in spanish: corte largo, pronunciation: slɪt part of speech: noun scrape in spanish: raspar, pronunciation: skreɪp part of speech: verb, noun dent in spanish: abolladura, pronunciation: dent part of speech: noun chafe in spanish: rozar, pronunciation: tʃeɪf part of speech: noun, verb rub in spanish: frotar, pronunciation: rʌb part of speech: verb, noun itch in spanish: picar, pronunciation: ɪtʃ part of speech: noun scar in spanish: cicatriz, pronunciation: skɑr part of speech: noun abrasion in spanish: abrasión, pronunciation: əbreɪʒən part of speech: noun incision in spanish: incisión, pronunciation: ɪnsɪʒən part of speech: noun scribble in spanish: garabato, pronunciation: skrɪbəl part of speech: verb, noun excoriation in spanish: excoriación, pronunciation: ekskɔrieɪʃən part of speech: noun scrawl in spanish: garabatear, pronunciation: skrɔl part of speech: noun, verb scraping in spanish: raspado, pronunciation: skreɪpɪŋ part of speech: noun cacography in spanish: cacografia, pronunciation: kækəgræfi part of speech: noun scratching in spanish: rascarse, pronunciation: skrætʃɪŋ part of speech: noun, adjective chicken feed in spanish: alimento para pollos, pronunciation: tʃɪkənfid part of speech: noun scratch up in spanish: reunir, pronunciation: skrætʃʌp part of speech: verb
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