pronunciation: hɪp
part of speech: noun
escaramujo = briar [brier] ; brier [briar].
Example: They live in a wood among briars and brambles trying to survive in the daunting and strange land of human giants.Example: The rest of the tombstones were scattered randomly among briers and weeds.
Escaramujo synonyms
in spanish: pelvis,
pronunciation: pelvəs
part of speech: noun
in spanish: informado,
pronunciation: ɪnfɔrmd
part of speech: adjective
in spanish: hep,
pronunciation: hep
part of speech: adjective
in spanish: coxa,
pronunciation: koʊksə
part of speech: noun
pelvic girdle
in spanish: cintura pélvica,
pronunciation: pelvɪkgɜrdəl
part of speech: noun
articulatio coxae
in spanish: articulatio coxae,
pronunciation: ɑrtɪkjuleɪʃioʊkɑkseɪ
part of speech: noun
hip joint
in spanish: articulación de cadera,
pronunciation: hɪpdʒɔɪnt
part of speech: noun
hip to
in spanish: cadera a,
pronunciation: hɪptu
pelvic arch
in spanish: arco pélvico,
pronunciation: pelvɪkɑrtʃ
part of speech: noun