Escapatoria in english


pronunciation: ɪskeɪp part of speech: verb, noun
In gestures

escapatoria = loophole ; way out. 

Example: Problems in compiling these include loopholes in the legal deposit law, material which is not printed (leaflets, posters, speeches), exempted material, and excluded material.Example: She racked her brains for a way out but could not find anything successful.


» comida como escapatoria, lafood trap .

Example: Common food traps that accompany depression including eating too much, eating too little, and making unhealthy food choices.

» no haber escapatoriathere + be + no way out .

Example: They waited for help, but by then, they knew there was no way out but the window.

» no haber escapatoria fácilthere + be + no easy way out .

Example: Germany warns France there is no easy way out after it elects anti-austerity president -- as sour-faced Sarko breaks cover for last official duties.

» no hay escapatorianeeds must when the devil drives .

Example: The work has to be done as we have no choice; as they say, needs must when the devil drives.

» no tener escapatoriahave + no way out .

Example: In the midst of a financial crisis, you may feel like you have no way out and no where to turn.

» sin escapatoriano way out .

Example: There was no love, no marriage, but no way out.

Escapatoria synonyms

miss in spanish: perder, pronunciation: mɪs part of speech: noun, verb flight in spanish: vuelo, pronunciation: flaɪt part of speech: noun elude in spanish: eludir, pronunciation: ɪlud part of speech: verb leak in spanish: fuga, pronunciation: lik part of speech: noun, verb get off in spanish: bajate, pronunciation: getɔf part of speech: verb evasion in spanish: evasión, pronunciation: ɪveɪʒən part of speech: noun leakage in spanish: fuga, pronunciation: likədʒ part of speech: noun outflow in spanish: salida, pronunciation: aʊtfloʊ part of speech: noun escapism in spanish: evasión, pronunciation: ɪskeɪpɪzəm part of speech: noun get out in spanish: salí, pronunciation: getaʊt part of speech: verb dodging in spanish: regate, pronunciation: dɑdʒɪŋ part of speech: noun get by in spanish: arreglárselas, pronunciation: getbaɪ part of speech: verb get away in spanish: Aléjate, pronunciation: getəweɪ part of speech: verb break loose in spanish: liberarse con fuerza, pronunciation: breɪklus part of speech: verb safety valve in spanish: válvula de seguridad, pronunciation: seɪftivælv part of speech: noun escape cock in spanish: escapar de la polla, pronunciation: ɪskeɪpkɑk part of speech: noun relief valve in spanish: Válvula de seguridad, pronunciation: rɪlifvælv part of speech: noun escape valve in spanish: válvula de huida, pronunciation: ɪskeɪpvælv part of speech: noun
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