Escalfado in english


pronunciation: poʊtʃt part of speech: adjective
In gestures

escalfado = poached. 

Example: The best way to determine when long-braised, stewed, or poached meat is done is to stick a knife or skewer into the meat.


» huevo escalfadopoached egg .

Example: This container enables microwave cooking of eggs in a variety of forms (e.g. poached and scrambled eggs and omelettes).

escalfar = poach. 

Example: The vegetables were then vacuum-packed, poached in water for 15 minutes and cooled rapidly to room temperature.


» escalfar huevospoach + eggs .

Example: For some visual help with poaching eggs, take a look at this tutorial.

Escalfado synonyms

cooked in spanish: cocido, pronunciation: kʊkt part of speech: adjective boiled in spanish: hervido, pronunciation: bɔɪld part of speech: adjective stewed in spanish: estofado, pronunciation: stud part of speech: adjective
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