Escalada in english


pronunciation: klaɪmɪŋ part of speech: noun
In gestures

escalada = climbing ; rock climbing ; escalation ; spiral ; spiralling [spiraling, -USA] ; ascent ; mountain climbing ; climb. 

Example: Thus in games, manipulatory skills are often exercised and extended, as for example in games that involve running, climbing or making objects -- bows and arrows, catapults, clothes for dolls, and so on.Example: Includes an annotated bibliography of books covering rock climbing, winter sports, water sports, backpacking and mountain biking.Example: Such a formula would seek to contain the escalation in serial prices.Example: The spiral begins its downward swirl very early in life when a child has difficulty learning to read.Example: The spiralling of periodical subscription prices is considered to have endangered the viability of the periodicals themselves.Example: Highways with repeating hairpin turns allow easier, safer ascents and descents of mountainous terrain than a direct, steep climb and descent.Example: Mountain climbing is an extreme sport that can be highly dangerous, and even fatal.Example: The graph of the growth of the subject shows an initial flat, a steep climb, a small flat, and a rapid decline.


» escalada bélicaescalation of war .

Example: Differing attitudes about nuclear war, the nuclear freeze, and escalation of war are discussed in their cultural contexts.

» escalada de montañamountain climb .

Example: Living with chronic illness can make life seem like a steep mountain climb.

» escalada librefree-climbing .

Example: The present study investigates the main differences between the following four mountain disciplines: free-climbing, alpinism, speleology and ski jumping.

escalar = scale ; climb ; spiral. 

Example: You'll be scaling walls, jumping between rooftops, swinging on ropes, hanging from pipes, sliding under 4WDs and doing anything you can to avoid those zombies.Example: Stanton felt a bit like someone who, after boasting that she could dive into water from a great height has climbed to the height and dares not jump, but knows that she must jump.Example: Hospital admissions doubled, out patient services quintupled, dental services quadrupled, and hospital births spiraled.


» análisis escalar de GuttmanGuttman scale analysis .

Example: Guttman scale analysis is a statistical technique designed both for selecting items to make up a unidimensional scale along which individuals may be scored, and as a hypothesis-testing technique for determining whether a set of individuals adequately fit a scale, or whether a scale adequately reflects observed response patterns.

» escalar posicionescome (up) from behind .

Example: She came up from behind to win an Olympic gold medal in Atlanta.

» escalar puestoscome (up) from behind .

Example: She came up from behind to win an Olympic gold medal in Atlanta.

» escalar una montañascale + a mountain .

Example: Scaling mountains and fording streams, a Chinese farmer walked alone for 219 days across 10,000 kilometers.

Escalada synonyms

climb in spanish: subida, pronunciation: klaɪm part of speech: verb, noun mounting in spanish: montaje, pronunciation: maʊntɪŋ part of speech: noun scandent in spanish: escandente, pronunciation: skændənt part of speech: adjective
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