Esbozo in english


pronunciation: aʊtlaɪn part of speech: noun, verb
In gestures

esbozar = adumbrate ; outline ; rough out ; sketch. 

Example: Knud Larsen had been concerned in the 1950s to adumbrate the conditions necessary for the creation of the basic bibliographic records.Example: In many respects, principles and practices outlined in this chapter apply equally to AACR1 and AACR2 and the Concise AACR2.Example: Stories began to be roughed out, pictures sketched, layouts planned.Example: Stories began to be roughed out, pictures sketched, layouts planned.


» esbozar prestacionesoutline + capabilities .

Example: The capabilities of current systems, both experimental and commercially available, are outlined, focusing on new possibilities for authoring and design.

» esbozar resultadosoutline + results .

Example: This article lists committees in whose work Soviet delegates took part and outlines results.

» esbozarseshadow .

Example: Compassion shadowed the trustee's face -- she could see he was desperate -- and compassion was in her voice as she answered: 'All right, I'll go over this afternoon'.

» esbozar un problemaoutline + a problem .

Example: This article outlines some of the problems which confronted students attempting to master the skills of back-of-book indexing.

esbozo = outline ; sketch ; adumbration ; rough sketch ; rough draft. 

Example: It may be helpful to begin with a careful reading of the definitions before attempting to deal with the outline.Example: A short score is a sketch made by a composer for an ensemble work, with the main features of the composition set out on a few staves.Example: The article 'adumbrations on the information support centre' suggests that each type of library must examine the functions, circumstances, and needs of its particular clientele.Example: Intelligent software that brings rough sketches to life in a virtual world is promising to revolutionise the way children learn and to help engineers.Example: This paper describes the program devised to extract references from the OCLC data base and generate bibliographies in rough draft form.

Esbozo synonyms

line in spanish: línea, pronunciation: laɪn part of speech: noun draw in spanish: dibujar, pronunciation: drɔ part of speech: verb frame in spanish: cuadro, pronunciation: freɪm part of speech: noun abstract in spanish: resumen, pronunciation: æbstrækt part of speech: adjective, noun draft in spanish: borrador, pronunciation: dræft part of speech: noun trace in spanish: rastro, pronunciation: treɪs part of speech: noun, verb rough in spanish: áspero, pronunciation: rʌf part of speech: adjective delineate in spanish: delinear, pronunciation: dɪlɪnieɪt part of speech: verb describe in spanish: describir, pronunciation: dɪskraɪb part of speech: verb synopsis in spanish: sinopsis, pronunciation: sɪnɑpsɪs part of speech: noun compose in spanish: componer, pronunciation: kəmpoʊz part of speech: verb adumbrate in spanish: bosquejar, pronunciation: ədʌmbreɪt part of speech: verb schema in spanish: esquema, pronunciation: skimə part of speech: noun sketch in spanish: bosquejo, pronunciation: sketʃ part of speech: noun, verb limn in spanish: manuscrito iluminado, pronunciation: lɪm part of speech: verb precis in spanish: resumen, pronunciation: preɪsi part of speech: noun draw up in spanish: dibujar, pronunciation: drɔʌp part of speech: verb chalk out in spanish: tiza, pronunciation: tʃɑkaʊt part of speech: verb
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