Erupción in english


pronunciation: ɪrʌpʃən part of speech: noun
In gestures

erupción1 = eruption. 

Example: Information on the news items relevant to 'mad cow disease' was collected for a period of 100 days starting very close to the eruption of the crisis.


» entrar en erupciónerupt .

Example: Almost every school boy feels he has outgrown his infancy when his six-year molars erupt and that he is nearing manhood when his 12-year molars appear.

» erupción solarsolar flaresolar storm .

Example: In her current work she has broadened her scope so as to follow energy as it is expressed in tidal waves, earthquakes, magnetic fields, solar flares, and stellar winds.

Example: Astronauts have filmed the incredible moment a solar storm lit up the skies, giving onlookers a stunning view of the Northern Lights.

» erupción volcánicavolcanic eruption .

Example: In Feb 73 a volcanic eruption destroyed the library but the books were rescued.

» hacer erupciónerupt .

Example: Almost every school boy feels he has outgrown his infancy when his six-year molars erupt and that he is nearing manhood when his 12-year molars appear.

erupción2 = rash ; flare. 

Example: The specific health problems investigated were a rash, a sore throat, a toothache, bleeding gums, an upset stomach, a cavity, and a bad headache.Example: It is clear that foods such as cow's milk and hen's eggs can directly provoke flares of atopic dermatitis.


» erupción cutánea con picazónitchy rash .

Example: At one point the plastic coating on my eyeglass temples wore away, and I got an itchy rash over the tops of my ears.

» erupción cutánea con picoritchy rash .

Example: At one point the plastic coating on my eyeglass temples wore away, and I got an itchy rash over the tops of my ears.

» salir una erupciónbreak out in + a rash .

Example: I just recently got a tattoo, and I'm now breaking out in a rash.

Erupción synonyms

blast in spanish: explosión, pronunciation: blæst part of speech: noun rash in spanish: erupción, pronunciation: ræʃ part of speech: noun, adjective bang in spanish: explosión, pronunciation: bæŋ part of speech: noun clap in spanish: aplaudir, pronunciation: klæp part of speech: noun, verb efflorescence in spanish: eflorescencia, pronunciation: ɪflɔrssəns part of speech: noun blowup in spanish: explotar, pronunciation: bloʊəp part of speech: noun eructation in spanish: eructo, pronunciation: ɜrjukteɪʃən part of speech: noun loud noise in spanish: ruido fuerte, pronunciation: laʊdnɔɪz part of speech: noun volcanic eruption in spanish: erupción volcánica, pronunciation: vɑlkænɪkɪrʌpʃən part of speech: noun skin rash in spanish: erupción cutanea, pronunciation: skɪnræʃ part of speech: noun skin eruption in spanish: erupción de la piel, pronunciation: skɪnɪrʌpʃən part of speech: noun
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