Eructar in english


pronunciation: bɜrp part of speech: noun, verb
In gestures

eructar = belch ; burp. 

Example: Everyone has gas and eliminates it by belching or farting (passing it through the rectum).Example: It's polite to burp after a meal in some countries.


» propenso a eructarbelchy [belchier -comp., belchiest -sup.]  ; burpy [burpier -comp., burpiest -sup.]  .

Example: These past couple of months I have noticed that after eating, I am left feeling rather bloated around the tummy which is really uncomfortable, and I get very gassy and belchy.

Example: During the day, he didn't cry, but very burpy and lots of hiccups, very gassy.

euctar = belch out. 

Example: In the early 18th century the volcanoes in this area belched out molten lava and buried entire villages and hamlets.

Eructar synonyms

bubble in spanish: burbuja, pronunciation: bʌbəl part of speech: noun belch in spanish: eructo, pronunciation: beltʃ part of speech: noun, verb eruct in spanish: eructo, pronunciation: ɪrʌkt part of speech: verb eructation in spanish: eructo, pronunciation: ɜrjukteɪʃən part of speech: noun belching in spanish: eructos, pronunciation: beltʃɪŋ part of speech: noun burping in spanish: eructos, pronunciation: bɜrpɪŋ part of speech: noun
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