Errático in english


pronunciation: ɪrætɪk part of speech: adjective
In gestures

errático = erratic. 

Example: The arrangement of headings into an overall sequence is important, and an order which is erratic, unpredictable, or with which the user is not familiar can lead to poor retrieval in any printed, card or microfilm index or catalogue.


» de forma erráticaerratically .

Example: This survey found that circulation increases erratically with size of population served and that circulation increases fairly consistently with collection size.

» de modo erráticoerratically .

Example: This survey found that circulation increases erratically with size of population served and that circulation increases fairly consistently with collection size.

» mente erráticameandering mind .

Example: The qualities inherent to the daydreamer's meandering mind are those that I wish to evoke within my photographs.

» pensamiento erráticomeandering thought .

Example: You are the soundtrack to every ethereal dream, every meandering thought and every contemplative moment you've ever experienced.

Errático synonyms

fickle in spanish: voluble, pronunciation: fɪkəl part of speech: adjective mercurial in spanish: mercurial, pronunciation: mɜrkjʊriəl part of speech: adjective temperamental in spanish: temperamental, pronunciation: temprəmentəl part of speech: adjective wandering in spanish: errante, pronunciation: wɑndɜrɪŋ part of speech: noun, adjective quicksilver in spanish: azogue, pronunciation: kwɪksɪlvɜr part of speech: noun unsettled in spanish: inestable, pronunciation: ənsetəld part of speech: adjective planetary in spanish: planetario, pronunciation: plænəteri part of speech: adjective unreliable in spanish: no fidedigno, pronunciation: ənrɪlaɪəbəl part of speech: adjective changeable in spanish: cambiable, pronunciation: tʃeɪndʒəbəl part of speech: adjective changeful in spanish: variable, pronunciation: heɪndʒfəl part of speech: adjective undependable in spanish: poco confiable, pronunciation: əndɪpendəbəl part of speech: adjective
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