Error in english


pronunciation: erɜr part of speech: noun
In gestures

error = error ; failure ; fault ; mistake ; pitfall ; bug ; stumble ; delusion ; goof ; blooper ; bobble ; muck-up ; goof-up ; flub. 

Example: Computers are reliable, and less prone to error provided they are instructed or programmed appropriately and correctly.Example: DBMS systems aim to cope with system failure and generate restart procedures.Example: Documents and information can be lost forever by faults in inputting.Example: A mistake, say, in trasncribing Fergusson as Ferguson may cause some problems, copying Davinson as Davison will cause even more!.Example: Nevertheless, it is worth drawing a comparison between them so that menu-based information retrieval systems might avoid some of the pitfalls of traditional classification.Example: A bug is an error in a program or an equipment malfunction.Example: His stumbles and missed opportunities were made up for by his signing of the agreement in 1990.Example: The article 'Illusions, delusions, conclusions' reminds searchers that the most important issue when looking at search results is to make sure that all information is reliable and true.Example: The film's supple structure, surprisingly light touch, and bravura performances make it perhaps the most fully formed, half-hearted goof ever.Example: Throughout the year we collect bloopers, funny things that happen while we are producing the program.Example: Gary's back pass took a bobble from a divot and in that moment Robinson suddenly found himself the subject of ridicule.Example: We realise it's nobody's fault, but it's such a muck-up.Example: The best way to avoid such goof-ups in the kitchen is to read the recipe at least twice before you start.Example: While the money invested might be recovered, it remains to be seen what such a flub will cost the university.


» a base de cometer erroresthe hard way .

Example: The article is entitled 'User needs the hard way: eighty-six simultaneous studies'.

» a base de erroresthe hard way .

Example: The article is entitled 'User needs the hard way: eighty-six simultaneous studies'.

» a fuerza de cometer erroresthe hard way .

Example: The article is entitled 'User needs the hard way: eighty-six simultaneous studies'.

» a fuerza de erroresthe hard way .

Example: The article is entitled 'User needs the hard way: eighty-six simultaneous studies'.

» análisis de erroreserror analysis .

Example: In the second, major descriptor phrases that begin with the word 'error' are retrieved, such as 'error analysis (language),' 'error of measurement,' and 'error patterns'.

» aprender a fuerza de erroreslearn by + trial and error .

Example: What I've learned I've learned by trial and error and not out of some book or from some course.

» aprender Algo a base de cometer erroreslearn + Nombre + the hard way .

Example: The article is entitled 'Learning the hard way: a public library's experience with CD-ROM'.

» aprender Algo a fuerza de erroreslearn + Nombre + the hard way .

Example: The article is entitled 'Learning the hard way: a public library's experience with CD-ROM'.

» aprender de erroreslearn from + errors .

Example: All librarians can tell tales of being caught out in this way, to learn of their error only when the answer has been produced: information on dance-halls when dinosaurs was asked for, or on the grey starling when something on Grace Darling was what was wanted = Todos los bibliotecarios pueden contar historias de cuando han metido la pata de este modo para aprender del error sólo cuando se ha producido la respuesta: información sobre los salones de baile cuando se preguntaba por los dinosaurios, o sobre el estornino gris cuando se quería algo sobre Grace Darling.

» aprender de + Posesivo + erroreslearn from + Posesivo + mistakes .

Example: And the conventional wisdom is don't make the same mistake twice, learn from your mistakes.

» aprender por el método de ensayo y errorlearn by + trial and error .

Example: What I've learned I've learned by trial and error and not out of some book or from some course.

» averiguar a base de cometer erroresfind out + the hard way .

Example: Perhaps you have already painfully found out the hard way how a 'half-brained' solution can be worse than none at all.

» caer en el error defall into + the error ofblunder into .

Example: Behavioral scientists have fallen into the error of assuming that employees resent job structuring and autocratic leadership.

Example: Australia risks blundering into a human rights mess that will exacerbate the conflict.

» cometer el error defall into + the error ofblunder into .

Example: Behavioral scientists have fallen into the error of assuming that employees resent job structuring and autocratic leadership.

Example: Australia risks blundering into a human rights mess that will exacerbate the conflict.

» cometer el mismo errormake + the same mistake .

Example: Cleveland is making the same mistake that Charlotte made with me.

» cometer el mismo error de nuevomake + the same mistake again .

Example: I have been in this situation before and I have made the same mistake again.

» cometer el mismo error dos vecesmake + the same mistake twice .

Example: And the conventional wisdom is don't make the same mistake twice, learn from your mistakes.

» cometer el mismo error otra vezmake + the same mistake again .

Example: I have been in this situation before and I have made the same mistake again.

» cometer errores por despistebump into + lampposts .

Example: Street boys like Slake, a dodger used to running away, do not, even when they are myopic and dreamers, allow themselves to bump into lampposts.

» cometer un errorcommit + an errormake + a mistakemake + an errorbe caught outslip up .

Example: Let us perform a simple thought experiment: assume that a cataloger has committed a simple transposition error and transcribed YEATS, WILLIAM BUTLER as YEATS, WILLIAM BUTLER.

Example: When mistakes have been made in invoicing or in paying a vendor, a credit or debit note is issued.

Example: This has been taken a step further by using a screen editor to 'prevent the human indexer or coder from making syntactic errors in the first place'.

Example: All librarians can tell tales of being caught out in this way, to learn of their error only when the answer has been produced: information on dance-halls when dinosaurs was asked for, or on the grey starling when something on Grace Darling was what was wanted = Todos los bibliotecarios pueden contar historias de cuando han metido la pata de este modo para aprender del error sólo cuando se ha producido la respuesta: información sobre los salones de baile cuando se preguntaba por los dinosaurios, o sobre el estornino gris cuando se quería algo sobre Grace Darling.

Example: He knew that if he slipped up again, he could be shipped to a higher-security prison and lose many of his privileges.

» cometer un error al escribir a máquinamistype  .

Example: German man finds himself in Montana after mistyping his destination on a flight-booking website.

» cometer un error garrafalcommit + a blundermake + a bloomermake + a blunderdrop + a clangerdrop + a bollockblunderflubmuff .

Example: Library staff should be provided with the opportunity to see blunders which they occasionally commit as well as the laudable 'savoir faire' with which they dispatch some reference question.

Example: He is well-known for making bloomers in public engagements.

Example: Since its independence 61 years ago our nation has erred, but this time they have made a blunder.

Example: After dropping a clanger, you are left with a sense of shame and you just want to disappear and hide away.

Example: But we are all only human and I have recently 'dropped a bollock' as we English say.

Example: Michael Howard has blundered again, and again he has done so by trying to imitate Blair while lacking his finesse.

Example: He's the son of a vice president perhaps best known for enduring ridicule after he flubbed the spelling of the word 'potato'.

Example: I've had my chance and I've muffed it.

» cometer un error mecanográficomake + a typo .

Example: If I can type without making typos, am I sober enough to drive?.

» cometer un error ortográficomisspell  .

Example: We may misspell a search term, either through ignorance or lack of typing skills.

» cometer un error ortográfico al escribir a máquinamistype  .

Example: German man finds himself in Montana after mistyping his destination on a flight-booking website.

» cometer un error tipográficomake + a typo .

Example: If I can type without making typos, am I sober enough to drive?.

» con erroresflawed .

Example: Librarians should welcome this document, which is nonetheless considered flawed = Los bibliotecarios deberían acoger bien este documento, aunque se considera defectuoso.

» con errores gramaticalesgrammatically challengedgrammatically incorrect .

Example: In addition to how poorly it would reflect on us to point someone to a grammatically challenged web site, it's a big hint that the content on the site is generally not up to snuff.

Example: The writer lists a number of illogical, imprecise, and grammatically incorrect statements she recently encountered on television and radio.

» corregir erroresdebug .

Example: In computer science, debug is the term used to locate and remove errors from a program.

» corregir un errorcorrect + an erroramend + a mistakecorrect + a wrongcorrect + Posesivo + mistakeamend + an error .

Example: When the error is corrected, a valid match is found and the text replaced by the heading's control number.

Example: One the questions that has to be answered regarding this software is how easy it is to make amendments, for example to go back to amend a mistake in an earlier field.

Example: This book is highly recommended for all types of libraries, and it should be required reading for librarians who want to correct the wrongs in their chosen profession = Este libro es muy recomendado para todo tipo de bibliotecas y debería ser de lectura obligatoria para aquellos bibliotecarios que quieran corregir los errores de su profesión.

Example: They want to know how people learn to use computers, how they modify their input, and how they identify and correct their mistakes.

Example: We will amend the error and provide a revised document as soon as possible and at no further cost if the error is on our part.

» deshacer los errores cometidosturn + the clock back(ward)put + the clock back(ward) .

Example: I will have to eat humble pie and face humiliation though but I was good at the job and wish I could turn the clock back.

Example: None of us can put the clock back; we can only speak from where we are, even if we are relating our own past.

» detección de erroreserror identification .

Example: This database covers 87.5% of US mining and manufacturing activities and depends on user feedback for error identification.

» detectar un errordetect + errorspot + a mistakespot + an error .

Example: Any errors detected or other special information is reported on the charge-out screen.

Example: A serious omission or duplication in a page of prose, for instance, might necessitate the rejustification of dozens of lines, whereas if the mistake had been spotted in the stick it could have been set right in a matter of moments.

Example: If you spot an error then flag it up to your bank promptly and insist they take action to rectify it.

» eliminar un errorremove + an error .

Example: This article describes measures to remove error in automated vocabularies based on comparisons of word particles such as roots and inflections, prefixes and suffixes.

» error administrativoclerical mistakeclerical error .

Example: Compared to the first group, the second group had significantly fewer errors, with careless mathematical and clerical mistakes almost eliminated.

Example: Equally important, the cataloger can be assured that changes will be applied with mechanical consistency, without any possibility of clerical error or oversights.

» error carocostly mistake .

Example: Hiring a candidate just because they are the best of a bad bunch is a supremely costly mistake.

» error crasogross mistakecrass mistakecrass errorblundermonumental mistakemonumental errorfumblefoul-up .

Example: Unless we are clear about the answers, we are likely to make a number of gross mistakes in trying to bring children and books together in a tensile and lasting connection.

Example: We rely on the collective knowledge of our fans to help us catch our crass mistakes.

Example: And, since it is based on a series of crass errors, we can well do without it.

Example: There is no better way for reference librarians to see how their efforts are perceived by library users than to see themselves in action -- blunders and all.

Example: We apologise for this apparent error of judgement but promise to keep you informed of any other similar monumental mistakes.

Example: Iraq and its future will be testimony to one of the most monumental errors in judgement the American and British people have ever made.

Example: But the other pleasures in this book are enough to make such fumbles dwindle in significance.

Example: The program delay was a result of a foul-up in the documentation that was supposed to detail exactly how the aircraft was made.

» error de cálculomiscalculation  ; mathematical mistakemathematical errorcalculation errorcalculation mistake .

Example: This article notes the brief and troubled history of this area of inquiry, which was prone to miscalculation, misinterpretation, and politicisation.

Example: Compared to the first group, the second group had significantly fewer errors, with careless mathematical and clerical mistakes almost eliminated.

Example: Some of the confusion encountered in electrochemistry due to misunderstandings of sign conventions and simple mathematical errors.

Example: This was important before computers were invented, when calculations were all done by hand, and also were done repeatedly to check for calculation errors.

Example: The author made some calculation mistakes in the comparison table.

» error de communicaciónmiscommunication  .

Example: One natural strategy for reducing the impact of miscommunication is selective verification of the user utterance meanings.

» error de contenidofactual error .

Example: In the course of reading this article, you may spot a factual error which makes you bristle, or you may think the writing is biased, but by now the ink has dried; all you can do is send a letter of complaint.

» error de copiaclerical errorclerical mistake .

Example: Equally important, the cataloger can be assured that changes will be applied with mechanical consistency, without any possibility of clerical error or oversights.

Example: Compared to the first group, the second group had significantly fewer errors, with careless mathematical and clerical mistakes almost eliminated.

» error de diagnósticomisdiagnosis [misdiagnoses, -pl.]  .

Example: The single most common cause of misdiagnosis is a doctor's failure to consider other possibilities after an initial diagnosis is reached.

» error de diseñodesign error .

Example: This article discusses the dangers of defective products and the difference between design errors and manufacturing defects.

» error de entendimientomisunderstanding  .

Example: Abbreviations can be used for brevity, but care must be taken to use standard ones so there will be no chance for misunderstanding.

» error de escrituramistyping  .

Example: Misspellings tend to differ from the correct words more than mistyping do.

» error de estilostylistic error .

Example: Close examination of many recent technical publications reveals an increase in stylistic and grammatical errors.

» error de juiciomisunderstanding  ; error of judgement .

Example: Abbreviations can be used for brevity, but care must be taken to use standard ones so there will be no chance for misunderstanding.

Example: Not only is it an error of judgment but also a Constitutional violation to consider race, creed, color, religion, politics, nationality and sex in evaluating work performance.

» error de la muestrasampling error [En estadística, posible diferencia entre el resultado obtenido de la muestra y el valor real que se obtendría del conjunto de la población] .

Example: User figures must come from sample surveys of the general population and here there is always the margin of sampling error.

» error de la naturalezafreak of nature .

Example: Despite statistics showing their phenomenal growth and use, on-line data bases in US libraries are still somewhat a freak of nature.

» error de lecturamisreading  .

Example: A few cases are known in printed texts of the hand-press period of errors which appear to have been caused by a mishearing rather than by a misreading of the copy.

» error del originalsic [Usado generalmente para indicar que hay un error en el texto que se cita]sic [Usado generalmente para indicar que hay un error en el texto que se cita] .

Example: The article is entitled 'Multimedia: an idea who's (sic) time has come'.

Example: The article is entitled 'Multimedia: an idea who's (sic) time has come'.

» error de mecanografíatypotyping errorkeying errortyping mistakemistype  .

Example: A recent survey showed that slightly more than one-third of executives recently cited typos or grammatical errors as the most common mistake on resumes.

Example: The BACKSPACE key, located above RETURN and marked with an arrow pointing left, erases typing errors.

Example: This would imply that either an invalid form is being used, a keying error has occurred, or that the heading still needs to be established.

Example: The software package such as spelling errors or various minor typing mistakes.

Example: Here are some of the common mistypes and some potential reasons on why they may occur.

» error de mediciónerror of measurement .

Example: In the second, major descriptor phrases that begin with the word 'error' are retrieved, such as 'error analysis (language),' 'error of measurement,' and 'error patterns'.

» error de muestreosampling error [En estadística, posible diferencia entre el resultado obtenido de la muestra y el valor real que se obtendría del conjunto de la población] .

Example: User figures must come from sample surveys of the general population and here there is always the margin of sampling error.

» error de percepciónmisperception  .

Example: Part time librarians often suffer from colleagues' and administrators' misperceptions about their commitment to the profession = A menudo los bibliotecarios a tiempo parcial padecen los errores de percepción sobre su dedicación a la profesión por parte de colegas y directivos.

» error de probabilidadprobability of error .

Example: Probability of error, generalised Chernoff bounds and related parameters will be used as performance criteria.

» error de pronunciaciónmispronunciation  .

Example: Inferencing skills can be learned as students clarify contextual meanings of ambiguous statements, mispronunciations, and boners that may be found in newspaper headlines, texts, and conversations.

» error desafortunadounfortunate mistake .

Example: On Friday, the boy was finally reunited with his parents, and while it sounds like the incident was a really unfortunate mistake, it's still majorly unsettling.

» error de transposicióntransposition error .

Example: Let us perform a simple thought experiment: assume that a cataloger has committed a simple transposition error and transcribed YEATS, WILLIAM BUTLER as YEATS, WILLIAM BULTER.

» erroresfloundering .

Example: Finding showed that too much time was spent on searching, partly because of floundering.

» errores en la vidalife mistakes [Generalmente usado en plural] .

Example: If you had an eraser that can erase all your life mistakes what would you erase?.

» error estilísticostylistic error .

Example: Close examination of many recent technical publications reveals an increase in stylistic and grammatical errors.

» error fatalfatal mistake .

Example: In your first few comments I think you were making the point I was trying to make, namely, automating what you're doing already is always a fatal mistake.

» error flagranteglaring error .

Example: She was acquitted after 'glaring errors' were found in the case against her, including a lack of DNA evidence.

» error garrafalblundercock-upcrass mistakecrass errorgross mistakemonumental mistakemonumental errorclangerfumblefoul-upfuck up .

Example: There is no better way for reference librarians to see how their efforts are perceived by library users than to see themselves in action -- blunders and all.

Example: The repatriation of the emigres was a tragic oversight rather than a war crime, a cock-up rather than a conspiracy.

Example: We rely on the collective knowledge of our fans to help us catch our crass mistakes.

Example: And, since it is based on a series of crass errors, we can well do without it.

Example: Unless we are clear about the answers, we are likely to make a number of gross mistakes in trying to bring children and books together in a tensile and lasting connection.

Example: We apologise for this apparent error of judgement but promise to keep you informed of any other similar monumental mistakes.

Example: Iraq and its future will be testimony to one of the most monumental errors in judgement the American and British people have ever made.

Example: Whilst this might work in the short term, this strategy is to be avoided even if the clanger isn't entirely your fault.

Example: But the other pleasures in this book are enough to make such fumbles dwindle in significance.

Example: The program delay was a result of a foul-up in the documentation that was supposed to detail exactly how the aircraft was made.

Example: I've come to realise that, how you react to a fuck up is often far worse and more detrimental than the fuck up itself.

» error gramaticalgrammatical error .

Example: The author's intentions might also have been misunderstood if his manuscript contained obvious lacunae or grammatical errors.

» error gravegrave errorserious mistake .

Example: In retrospect, this was a grave error -- my attitude in school was always to put things off to the last minute.

Example: The most serious mistake the man makes is underestimating the power of nature.

» error humanohuman error .

Example: Risk management has to take account of the problems caused by human error, power failure, computer hackers, viruses, intercepted electronic mail and telephone fraud.

» error manifiestoglaring error .

Example: She was acquitted after 'glaring errors' were found in the case against her, including a lack of DNA evidence.

» error matemáticomathematical mistakemathematical error .

Example: Compared to the first group, the second group had significantly fewer errors, with careless mathematical and clerical mistakes almost eliminated.

Example: Some of the confusion encountered in electrochemistry due to misunderstandings of sign conventions and simple mathematical errors.

» error mecánicomachine error .

Example: This should not be done since terminal use is expensive, involves extra staff training, and introduces the possibility of machine error = Esto no debería hacerse puesto que el uso de los terminales es caro, requiere formación adicional del personal e introduce la posibilidad de errores mecánicos.

» error mecanográficokeying errortypotyping errortyping mistakemistype  .

Example: This would imply that either an invalid form is being used, a keying error has occurred, or that the heading still needs to be established.

Example: A recent survey showed that slightly more than one-third of executives recently cited typos or grammatical errors as the most common mistake on resumes.

Example: The BACKSPACE key, located above RETURN and marked with an arrow pointing left, erases typing errors.

Example: The software package such as spelling errors or various minor typing mistakes.

Example: Here are some of the common mistypes and some potential reasons on why they may occur.

» error ópticooptical error .

Example: Assistant referees often make mistakes when judging an offside probably because of optical errors arising from their viewing angle.

» error ortográficomisspelling [mis-spelling]  ; orthographic errorspelling mistakespelling error .

Example: Any mis-spellings, poor grammar and verbose phrasing and any other features that contravene good abstracting practice must be eliminated.

Example: The work has resulted in new techniques for computerised text analysis with great tolerance to orthographic errors.

Example: Spelling mistakes are the most common but there are also more misleading errors.

Example: There are also software packages to correct spelling errors or various minor typing mistakes.

» error por omisiónomission failure .

Example: There are plenty of omission failures of this sort, and they litter most of the Hennepin County Library Cataloging Bulletins.

» error que acaba con la carrera de Alguiencareer killer [Usado generalmente para una trayectoria profesional o política] .

Example: Although personal scandals (especially scandals involving personal indiscretions) may not be 'career killers' as they once were, they do hasten the end to a political career.

» error tipográficotyping errortyping mistaketypographical errortypographical mistaketypokeying errormistype  .

Example: The BACKSPACE key, located above RETURN and marked with an arrow pointing left, erases typing errors.

Example: The software package such as spelling errors or various minor typing mistakes.

Example: Some checking, such as that directed towards eliminating minor typographical error, can be performed separately from editing.

Example: He took it upon himself to correct what he appears to have considered typographical mistakes and even infelicities in the text = Asumió la responsabilidad de corregir lo que parece que había considerado que eran errores tipográficos e incluso cosas desacertadas que contenía el texto.

Example: A recent survey showed that slightly more than one-third of executives recently cited typos or grammatical errors as the most common mistake on resumes.

Example: This would imply that either an invalid form is being used, a keying error has occurred, or that the heading still needs to be established.

Example: Here are some of the common mistypes and some potential reasons on why they may occur.

» evitar un erroravoid + an error .

Example: The trend seems to be towards holding information managers responsible for errors as a matter of policy because they would be the best placed to avoid the errors.

» gramática con errorespoor grammar .

Example: Any mis-spellings, poor grammar and verbose phrasing and any other features that contravene good abstracting practice must be eliminated.

» grave errorgrave error .

Example: In retrospect, this was a grave error -- my attitude in school was always to put things off to the last minute.

» identificación de erroreserror identification .

Example: This database covers 87.5% of US mining and manufacturing activities and depends on user feedback for error identification.

» lista de erroreserror report .

Example: This is a practical guide for the submission of error reports to OCLC for the purpose of data base quality control.

» lleno de erroresbuggy [buggier -comp., buggiest -sup.]  .

Example: OPUS software is version 1.0 and has been pretty buggy.

» margen de errormargin of error .

Example: Numerical data should be accurately reiterated together with any margin of error.

» mensaje de errorerror message .

Example: DOBIS/Leuven displays information typed by the user and all error messages in high intensity; all other information is displayed in normal intensity.

» no tener erroresbe error-free .

Example: Only 5 bibliographies were error-free.

» no tener margen de errorhave + no margin for error .

Example: I didn't feel threatened, but I knew that I was on a razor's edge -- I had no margin for error.

» nótese el errorsic [Usado generalmente para indicar que hay un error en el texto que se cita] .

Example: The article is entitled 'Multimedia: an idea who's (sic) time has come'.

» pagar caro + Posesivo + errorespay + dearly for + Posesivo + mistakes .

Example: Yes, his mother had been a sinner, but she had paid dearly for her mistakes.

» pagar por + Posesivo + error(es)pay for + Posesivo + mistake(s) .

Example: Jane, who was losing a battle with the bottle back in the 1930s, was blamed for the accident, and she's been paying for her mistake ever since.

» patrón de erroreserror pattern .

Example: In the second, major descriptor phrases that begin with the word 'error' are retrieved, such as 'error analysis (language),' 'error of measurement,' and 'error patterns'.

» plagado de erroresbuggy [buggier -comp., buggiest -sup.]  .

Example: OPUS software is version 1.0 and has been pretty buggy.

» plagar de erroreslitter with + failurelitter with + error .

Example: Only as his experience grew did this young man see that what he did was littered as much, if not more, with failure as it was crowned with success of a lasting kind.

Example: Many errors in Watt's 'Bibliotheca Britannica' are repeated by Allibone -- and 'Bibliotheca Britannica' was littered with error!.

» por el método de ensayo y errorby trial and errortrial and error .

Example: He draws a distinction between a craft, based on customary activities and modified by the trial and error of individual practice, and a profession.

Example: There are a number of ways of finding out something one wants to know: observation, trial and error experiment; asking someone; looking it up for oneself.

» por errorby mistakemistakenly .

Example: If you mark a record by mistake or change your mind, press <Del> to unmark it.

Example: International guidelines have been mistakenly applied as general rules for all libraries = Se han aplicado erróneamente las directrices internacionales como reglas generales para todas las bibliotecas.

» propenso a erroreserror proneprone to error .

Example: This type of disc is error prone.

Example: Due to the way it encodes colour data, it is prone to errors in the true reproduction of colour.

» rectificar un errorrectify + failure .

Example: To rectify failures, the librarian has two choices.

» sin erroreserror-free  .

Example: Of the 93 articles examined, only two had completely error-free reference lists.

» subsanar un errorextirpate + error .

Example: Let us hope too, in parenthesis, that one error it is no longer necessary to extirpate is that a reference book is one that is not available for loan.

» sujeto a erroresprone to error .

Example: Due to the way it encodes colour data, it is prone to errors in the true reproduction of colour.

» susceptible de errorsusceptible to errorsusceptible to mistake .

Example: Any transcription process, as we all know, is susceptible to error.

Example: Apart from errors due to general carelessness, proper names and chemical and mathematical formulae are particularly susceptible to mistakes.

» tasa de errorerror rate .

Example: This article examines the effect of increasing word list size on the error rate of spelling correctors.

» tener erroresbe flawed .

Example: A small but signifiant portion of the scientific literature is being flawed by the appearance of fraudulently produced research.

» tolerancia al errorerror tolerancefault tolerance .

Example: The moral of this little story is that at each of the critical steps in the cycle the error tolerances were compatible, hence, the system functioned despite the error.

Example: The effect of fault tolerance on the response time is significant, and cannot be ignored when evaluating the performance of multiprocessor systems.

» tolerante al errorfault toleranterror tolerant .

Example: More reliable storage, networking and software contribute to fault tolerant systems.

Example: This article describes the application of neural network principles to the development of an error tolerant word recognition system.

Error synonyms

mistake in spanish: Error, pronunciation: mɪsteɪk part of speech: noun fault in spanish: culpa, pronunciation: fɔlt part of speech: noun wrongdoing in spanish: marcha mala, pronunciation: rɔŋduɪŋ part of speech: noun misplay in spanish: juego mal, pronunciation: mɪspleɪ part of speech: noun, verb erroneousness in spanish: error, pronunciation: eroʊnius part of speech: noun erroneous belief in spanish: creencia errónea, pronunciation: eroʊniəsbɪlif part of speech: noun
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