Erróneo in english


pronunciation: rɔŋ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

erróneo = erroneous ; false ; misguided ; misleading ; wrong ; wrong-headed ; misapplied ; fallacious ; misplaced ; misinformed ; in error. 

Example: Mistakes in check-in will occasionally lead to erroneous entries in the receipt history.Example: The concept 'Senses' constitutes a false link in the chain.Example: We have long recognized the necessity for medical schools and law schools to lead the way in exploring new methods and new ideas -- even ones that prove to be wrong or misguided.Example: Some titles are deliberately misleading or eye-catching, rather than informative.Example: In a conventional system, the omission of a punctuation mark or an abbreviation will not necessarily cause an entry to be filed in the wrong place, because humans can compensate for variations in spelling and punctuation.Example: His largest group of intentional alterations consisted of 27 relatively minor emendations, mostly wrong-headed.Example: The word 'archival' has been rejected so as to avoid some misapplied promotional efforts by vendors.Example: On the basis of current knowledge it seems fallacious to describe people's consumer behavior as having clear-cut objectives.Example: Because of the nature of AIDS, much misinformation, prejudice, and misplaced fear exist both within the general public and in professional communities worldwide.Example: In the 1990s damaging stereotypes and misguided caricatures persist in dominating the American public's generally misinformed view of what it means to be a librarian.Example: Errors are indicated by a flashing light and the repositioning of the cursor at the item in error.


» aplicar un tratamiento erróneomistreat  .

Example: Scabies is frequently misdiagnosed and mistreated, partly because its symptoms mimic so many other skin diseases.

» colocado en lugar erróneomisplaced  .

Example: A recitation of the best thought out principles for a cataloging code is easily drowned out by the clatter of a bank of direct access devices vainly searching for misplaced records.

» correo con dirección erróneamisdirected mail .

Example: In my own system, its use causes an enormous amount of misdirected mail.

» del tamaño erróneowrong size .

Example: It seems they sent me an oil filter with the wrong size thread diameter.

» en el momento erróneoat the wrong time .

Example: The important thing to know is that all feet pronate and supinate, but abnormal feet do one of these things too much or at the wrong time.

» hacer Algo de forma erróneago about + Nombre + the wrong way .

Example: It may be that I'm going about it the wrong way, trying to learn it by rote rather than really understanding it.

» hacer Algo de manera erróneago about + Nombre + the wrong way .

Example: It may be that I'm going about it the wrong way, trying to learn it by rote rather than really understanding it.

» hacer Algo de modo erróneogo about + Nombre + the wrong way .

Example: It may be that I'm going about it the wrong way, trying to learn it by rote rather than really understanding it.

» información erróneamisreportingmisstatement [mis-statement]  ; misinformation  .

Example: Barriers to business researchers are lack of reliable official statistics and data sources, market immaturity, political interference in the information and communications industry, and corruption and misreporting in the stock market.

Example: The author examines the risk which the law librarian runs in crossing the boundary between identifying sources of information and offering legal advice, by a consideration of the law with respect to the liability for negligent misstatement.

Example: This article examines the legal implications of supplying negligent misinformation, which only arises outside of contractual relationships.

» interpretación erróneamisinterpretation  ; misrepresentation  .

Example: In this case all the works of a given author will be assembled on the shelf under his/her name as well, so it is not really in conflict and I think there is a misinterpretation.

Example: But more to the point, the claim that 2 1/2 million jobs depend on slashing red tape is a misrepresentation of a CBI survey carried out in advance of the UK general election of 1983.

» llegar a una conclusión erróneaput + two and two together to make five .

Example: This article suffers from a classic case of putting two and two together to make five.

» llevar a conclusiones erróneasmislead  .

Example: Nevertheless it could be misleading to leave this topic without two further comments.

» representación erróneamisrepresentation  .

Example: But more to the point, the claim that 2 1/2 million jobs depend on slashing red tape is a misrepresentation of a CBI survey carried out in advance of the UK general election of 1983.

» ser erróneobe wide of the mark [A veces se usa como be wide off the mark]be wrongbe in error .

Example: Your answer is wide of the mark.

Example: He began swearing and saying 'I don't know what you're on about, whatever we do, it's wrong!' and of course I answered his nastiness back.

Example: If the information supplied is in error to such an extent that the client suffers demonstrable harm, then legal action for redress is available = Si la información suministrada es errónea hasta el punto de que el usuario sufra daños demonstrables, existe la posibilidad de entablar un juicio para buscar compensación.

Erróneo synonyms

base in spanish: base, pronunciation: beɪs part of speech: noun awry in spanish: torcido, pronunciation: ɜraɪ part of speech: adverb damage in spanish: dañar, pronunciation: dæmədʒ part of speech: noun reprehensible in spanish: reprensible, pronunciation: reprɪhensəbəl part of speech: adjective deplorable in spanish: deplorable, pronunciation: dɪplɔrəbəl part of speech: adjective erroneous in spanish: erróneo, pronunciation: eroʊniəs part of speech: adjective criminal in spanish: criminal, pronunciation: krɪmənəl part of speech: adjective, noun amiss in spanish: mal, pronunciation: əmɪs part of speech: adverb inside in spanish: dentro, pronunciation: ɪnsaɪd part of speech: adverb, noun false in spanish: falso, pronunciation: fɔls part of speech: adjective fallacious in spanish: erróneo, pronunciation: fəleɪʃəs part of speech: adjective immoral in spanish: inmoral, pronunciation: ɪmɔrəl part of speech: adjective inappropriate in spanish: inapropiado, pronunciation: ɪnəproʊpriɪt part of speech: adjective haywire in spanish: loco, pronunciation: heɪwaɪr part of speech: noun misguided in spanish: equivocado, pronunciation: mɪsgaɪdɪd part of speech: adjective improper in spanish: incorrecto, pronunciation: ɪmprɑpɜr part of speech: adjective unethical in spanish: poco ético, pronunciation: əneθɪkəl part of speech: adjective mistaken in spanish: equivocado, pronunciation: mɪsteɪkən part of speech: adjective mis in spanish: mal, pronunciation: mɪs part of speech: noun untimely in spanish: prematuro, pronunciation: əntaɪmli part of speech: adjective incorrect in spanish: incorrecto, pronunciation: ɪnkɜrekt part of speech: adjective inaccurate in spanish: incorrecto, pronunciation: ɪnækjɜrət part of speech: adjective untrue in spanish: falso, pronunciation: əntru part of speech: adjective wrongly in spanish: erróneamente, pronunciation: rɔŋli part of speech: adverb inopportune in spanish: inoportuno, pronunciation: ɪnɑpɜrtun part of speech: adjective unsuitable in spanish: inadecuado, pronunciation: ənsutəbəl part of speech: adjective unseasonable in spanish: inoportuno, pronunciation: ənsizənəbəl part of speech: adjective out of order in spanish: fuera de servicio, pronunciation: aʊtʌvɔrdɜr dishonorable in spanish: deshonroso, pronunciation: dɪsɑnɜrəbəl part of speech: adjective incorrectly in spanish: incorrectamente, pronunciation: ɪnkɜrektli part of speech: adverb condemnable in spanish: condenable, pronunciation: kəndemnəbəl part of speech: adjective wrongheaded in spanish: equivocado y obstinado, pronunciation: rɔŋhedɪd part of speech: adjective dishonourable in spanish: deshonroso, pronunciation: dɪʃɑnɜrəbəl part of speech: adjective ill timed in spanish: mal tiempo, pronunciation: ɪltaɪmd ill-timed in spanish: inoportuno, pronunciation: ɪltaɪmd wrongfulness in spanish: ilicitud, pronunciation: rɔŋfəlnəs part of speech: noun the matter in spanish: el asunto, pronunciation: ðəmætɜr legal injury in spanish: lesiones legales, pronunciation: ligəlɪndʒɜri part of speech: noun
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