Erizado in english
pronunciation: brɪstli part of speech: adjective
pronunciation: brɪstli part of speech: adjective
In gestures
erizado = spiny ; bristly.
Example: We are more kindred to the sea urchin, an echinoderm whose spiny brethren include starfish and sea cucumbers.Example: The most attractive stage is when the young leaves are expanding as bright red bristly tendrils.erizar
» erizar la crin = raise + Posesivo + hackles .
Example: A dog standing in the middle of the road raised his hackles and growled as the line of filthy, gaunt humans marched down the dusty street towards him.» erizar los pelos = bristle .
Example: In the course of reading this article, you may spot a factual error which makes you bristle, or you may think the writing is biased, but by now the ink has dried; all you can do is send a letter of complaint.