Enviar in english


pronunciation: səbmɪt part of speech: verb
In gestures

enviar = deliver ; despatch [dispatch] ; direct ; dispatch [despatch] ; forward ; post ; route ; send ; ship ; subject ; send out ; submit ; remit ; ship off ; send away ; send in ; ship out. 

Example: You do not want to try and clear the building, thinking it is a fire when it is just somebody trying to deliver a parcel of books to the back door.Example: The aim of the project is to refine selection procedures and improve the quality of books despatched to Africa.Example: This statement directs the user to adopt a number more specific terms in preference to the general term.Example: Any surrogates and their arrangement and dispatch to users who can be expected to be interested in the associated document.Example: It also stores any messages which it cannot forward because the receiving terminal is busy or which can be sent at off-peak times.Example: At the same time, a notice to the borrower is posted to the 'hold available' print queue.Example: Requests which cannot be filled by local or regional libraries are automatically routed by the system to NLM as the library of last resort.Example: Usually a central cataloguing agency is based upon a national library or copyright office, where publishers are required by law to send at least one copy of every book published in that country.Example: According to librarians, vendors aren't shipping books fast enough.Example: Author abstracts are the abstracts prepared by authors of the document that has been subjected to abstracting.Example: The claim category tells DOBIS/LIBIS how many days to allow in addition to the receipt lag before sending out a claim.Example: Most publications are probably free distribution material and whilst that does not absolve the publishers from the obligation of legal deposit it is probable that many local authorities do not submit their materials.Example: The Court has already ruled that it has power to hear and determine the matter without remitting it back to the lower court.Example: Sex was taboo, premarital sex was not accepted and if a girl found herself 'in the family way' many times she was shipped off to live with relatives.Example: The particular harshness of Jane's childhood lay in the early age at which she was sent away to school.Example: Marcus' family are in deep debt and, when they fail to pay, soldiers are sent in to repossess their house.Example: An order placed after the 15th will ship out the following month.


» continuar enviando + Nombrekeep + Nombre + coming .

Example: Keep up the great work and keep the ideas coming!.

» enviar a combatesend + Nombre + into battle .

Example: Knowing that he was up against a large enemy force, he fearlessly rode to the head of his troops to calm them before sending them into battle.

» enviar a la cárcelsend + Nombre + to gaol [La palabra gaol también se escribe jail, principalmente en inglés americano]send + Nombre + to jail [La palabra jail también se escribe gaol, principalmente en inglés de influencia británica]throw + Alguien + in jailput + Alguien + in jailput + Alguien + in jailslam + Alguien + in jailsend + Nombre + to gaol [La palabra gaol también se escribe jail, principalmente en inglés americano]send + Nombre + to prison .

Example: When a person was sent to gaol he had to pay fees to the gaoler, even if later he was found to be not guilty.

Example: This discussion focused on the activities of Frank Gillie, who has recently been sent to jail for getting libraries to pay substantial sums for multi-volume works which he could not provide.

Example: If the judge believes she has violated the deal, he can throw her in jail for 90 days.

Example: Putting her in jail only makes the problem worse and uses up more tax payer money.

Example: Putting her in jail only makes the problem worse and uses up more tax payer money.

Example: Lindsay is in need of serious medical detox and this is why they didn't want to just slam her in jail.

Example: When a person was sent to gaol he had to pay fees to the gaoler, even if later he was found to be not guilty.

Example: A woman who ripped off her ex-boyfriend's testicle with her bare hands has been sent to prison.

» enviar al exiliosend + Nombre + into exile .

Example: She became Caligula's third wife in AD 38, but he divorced her and sent her into exile after six months.

» enviar + Alguien + arefer + Alguien + to .

Example: This is because a reference provides little direct information about a document, but rather refers the user to another location or entry where this information can be found.

» enviar al pasadosend + Nombre + back in time .

Example: His songs are gathering dust somewhere, waiting to be discovered by someone who will invent a time machine and send them back in time.

» enviar a prisiónsend + Nombre + to jail [La palabra jail también se escribe gaol, principalmente en inglés de influencia británica]send up + the riversend upsend + Nombre + to prisonsend + Nombre + to gaol [La palabra gaol también se escribe jail, principalmente en inglés americano]throw + Alguien + in jailput + Alguien + in jailslam + Alguien + in jail .

Example: This discussion focused on the activities of Frank Gillie, who has recently been sent to jail for getting libraries to pay substantial sums for multi-volume works which he could not provide.

Example: Friday the twerp who undertook the attempt to defraud countless around the nation was sent up the river.

Example: And so if people are violating the law by doing drugs, they ought to be accused and they ought to be convicted and they ought to be sent up.

Example: A woman who ripped off her ex-boyfriend's testicle with her bare hands has been sent to prison.

Example: When a person was sent to gaol he had to pay fees to the gaoler, even if later he was found to be not guilty.

Example: If the judge believes she has violated the deal, he can throw her in jail for 90 days.

Example: Putting her in jail only makes the problem worse and uses up more tax payer money.

Example: Lindsay is in need of serious medical detox and this is why they didn't want to just slam her in jail.

» enviar a repararsend + Nombre + off for repair .

Example: If I take it back to the shop and say I dropped it accidentally, how likely are they to say they'll send it off for repair with no charge?.

» enviar a un asesor expertorefer .

Example: The contributions are input to the data base, then referred and any suggestion made by the referee are communicated through the data base to the editor.

» enviar de nuevoresend [re-send]  .

Example: It then becomes an easy matter to instruct the microcomputer to re-send the data if, say, the message was not correctly received by the host.

» enviar de vueltasend back .

Example: It has been estimated that computers 1000 times faster than today's fastest supercomputers will be needed by the late 1980s to process the amount of data sent back by surveillance satellites.

» enviar en contenedorcontainerise [containerize, -USA] .

Example: Other major ports in South Africa, such as Durban, are also following the trend towards containerising bulk commodities -- in a similar way to fruit exports.

» enviar información adirect + output .

Example: For example, enter SET PRINT COM2 if you want to direct output to a serial printer that is connected to the COM2 port of your computer.

» enviar información de un modo automáticopush + information .

Example: The information pushed from a server to a user actually comes as the result of a programmed request from the user.

» enviar por contenedorcontainerise [containerize, -USA] .

Example: Other major ports in South Africa, such as Durban, are also following the trend towards containerising bulk commodities -- in a similar way to fruit exports.

» enviar por correomailsend through + the mailpost .

Example: This hold slip can be used to mail the document to the borrower.

Example: A lengthy list may be printed off-line and sent through the mail, rather than have the user maintain a lonely vigil at the terminal.

Example: You could put the search result in an envelope and post it if you wish.

» enviar por correo aéreoair-mail .

Example: The user can instruct the computer to save the results of a search and print them out off-line, to be air-mailed as soon as ready.

» enviar por correo electrónicoe-mail [email] .

Example: Any feasible reference question is answered in 15 minutes and e-mailed within a day.

» enviar + Posesivo + saludossend + Posesivo + regards .

Example: He said to send his regards to everyone, and thanks especially to those who spoke so highly of him.

» enviar señalessend out + signals .

Example: My eldest daughter, who is a fighter, began to send out aggressive signals, but I called her to heel before the woman noticed.

» enviar una cartasend + a letter .

Example: Sending a letter to Santa is as traditional as leaving him milk and cookies on Christmas Eve.

» enviar una invitaciónsend + invitationissue + an invitation .

Example: Invitations were sent to 1,500 children covered by 6 branch libraries, 23 turned up.

Example: An invitation was issued to those who had served in both public and school libraries to participate in the discussion.

» enviar una nota a Alguiendrop + Nombre + a note .

Example: Please drop me a note if you plan to attend so I can have a sense of numbers to plan for.

» enviar una pregunta a una lista de correopost + a question .

Example: An email discussion list that allows subscribers to post questions to hundreds of users.

» enviar una señalsend + signal .

Example: Subscribers can send signals via the TV set to a computer to order information that they wanted for display on the TV screen.

» enviar un correo electrónicoe-mail [email] .

Example: Any feasible reference question is answered in 15 minutes and e-mailed within a day.

» enviar un documentodeliver + a document .

Example: Normally the claim category assigned to the vendor is left unchanged, since it reflects the time that vendor requires to deliver documents.

» enviar un mensajeforward + a message .

Example: These messages can be displayed, deleted, forwarded, and saved in the same way as the messages to you.

» enviar un mensaje a una lista de correopost + a message .

Example: This paper provides basic instructions on how to subscribe to electronic mailing lists, how to post messages and how to unsubscribe, along with tips for the beginner.

» enviar un mensaje de textotext .

Example: This is illustrated by the fact that over than half of her national sample texted friends more than five times a day.

» enviar un smstext .

Example: This is illustrated by the fact that over than half of her national sample texted friends more than five times a day.

» no dejar de enviar + Nombrekeep + Nombre + coming .

Example: Keep up the great work and keep the ideas coming!.

» persona que envía un smstexter  .

Example: The strong arm of the law is not enough to still the busy hands of texters while they're driving.

» recoger y enviar datostelemeter .

Example: This global climate monitoring system consists of approximately 70 moored buoys telemetering atmospheric and oceanographic data in real time to a shore based computer via a satellite system.

» seguir enviando + Nombrekeep + Nombre + coming .

Example: Keep up the great work and keep the ideas coming!.

» término al que se envíatarget term .

Example: The code indicates the relationship between the target term and the referred-from term, and the type of reference that is to be printed (i.e. see or see also).

» término del que se envíareferred-from term .

Example: The code indicates the relationship between the target term and the referred-from term, and the type of reference that is to be printed (i.e. see or see also).

» volver a enviarresubmit [re-submit]  ; reship  ; resend [re-send]  .

Example: When the abstracts were resubmitted in structured format, there was always a highly significant increase in the information content.

Example: It is necessary to anticipate a delay of approximtely 2 weeks for our European center to ship the issues to our American centre and for it to reship them to individual subscribers.

Example: It then becomes an easy matter to instruct the microcomputer to re-send the data if, say, the message was not correctly received by the host.

Enviar synonyms

state in spanish: estado, pronunciation: steɪt part of speech: noun take in spanish: tomar, pronunciation: teɪk part of speech: verb present in spanish: presente, pronunciation: prezənt part of speech: adjective, noun, verb render in spanish: hacer, pronunciation: rendɜr part of speech: verb bow in spanish: arco, pronunciation: baʊ part of speech: noun, verb defer in spanish: aplazar, pronunciation: dɪfɜr part of speech: verb reconcile in spanish: conciliar, pronunciation: rekənsaɪl part of speech: verb accede in spanish: acceder a, pronunciation: æksid part of speech: verb undergo in spanish: someterse, pronunciation: əndɜrgoʊ part of speech: verb relegate in spanish: relegar, pronunciation: reləgeɪt part of speech: verb resign in spanish: Renunciar, pronunciation: rɪzaɪn part of speech: verb put forward in spanish: presentar, pronunciation: pʊtfɔrwɜrd part of speech: verb pass on in spanish: Transmitir, pronunciation: pæsɑn part of speech: verb put in in spanish: meter en, pronunciation: pʊtɪn part of speech: verb give in in spanish: ceder, pronunciation: gɪvɪn part of speech: verb
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