Encargado in english

In charge

pronunciation: ɪntʃɑrdʒ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

encargado1 = manager [manageress, -fem.] ; official ; attendant ; appointee ; housekeeper [house-keeper] ; minder ; business manager ; line manager ; warden ; overseer ; person-in-charge. 

Example: Such hosts are more likely to be accessed by end-users such as economists and managers, than information workers.Example: See also reference tracings include related headings such as personal and corporate headings for officials, pseudonyms used as uniform headings, etc.Example: Other libraries allow bags to be brought in but an attendant is employed to check the contents as the reader leaves the library.Example: Upon hearing the favourable appraisal the committee was giving of her, the young appointee swelled with pride.Example: A software agent named SiteHelper is designed to act as a housekeeper for the Web server and as a helper for a Web user to find relevant information at a particular site.Example: Education for librarianship should concern itself with encouraging self-reliance and sustained questioning rather than training servile machine minders.Example: Watman wondered how the profession would react to the idea of a business manager instead of assistant.Example: The major advantage is that staff feel able to talk more freely to colleagues than to a line manager.Example: Carers and wardens are encouraged to involve themselves in the service.Example: At the top of the hierarchy would be the high officials and their families: the vizier, the overseer of the treasury, and the first priest.Example: Every fax machine is to be assigned to a person-in-charge who will have the responsibility of distributing incoming fax messages to recipients.


» encargado de anotar los tantosscorer  .

Example: The league president shall appoint an official scorer who shall observe the game from a position in the press box.

» encargado de buscar a los alumnos que hacen novillostruant officer .

Example: Even though we were asked to by the truant officer we don't even report school age children who are in the library during school hours.

» encargado de hacer el presupuestobudgetmaker  .

Example: This can demonstrate to local government budgetmakers the value of the library to the parent organisation, even if its value to the public remains somewhat uncertain.

» encargado de la colecciónstock editor [En una biblioteca, persona encargada de velar por la condición física de la colección y de que haya un número suficiente de ejemplares de las obras más solicitadas] .

Example: One member of the library staff may act as stock editor and it will be his or her task to keep a constant vigil on the stock.

» encargado de la gestión de documentosrecord(s) manager .

Example: This article explains how the introduction of automation will do away with the distinctions between librarians, archivists, and records managers.

» encargado de la gestión documentalrecord(s) manager .

Example: This article explains how the introduction of automation will do away with the distinctions between librarians, archivists, and records managers.

» encargado de la informaciónintelligence officer .

Example: Variously described as information consultant, resource person, intelligence officer, communication scientist, etc, they are still rare birds.

» encargado de la listalist moderator .

Example: Any questions can be directed to the list moderator at [email protected].

» encargado del almacénwarehouse keeperwarehouseman [warehousemen, pl.] .

Example: Finally, a few copies of an edition seem generally to have slipped through with their cancellanda uncancelled, so that examples of the original settings may sometimes be found (occasionally slashed by the warehouse keeper's shears, deliberate defacement which escaped notice).

Example: Then the warehouseman arranged all the heaps of printed sheets in order on a bench, and took one sheet from each heap in turn, until at the end he had collected a copy of the whole book in sheets.

» encargado de la máquina de imprimirmachine-minder [En historia de la imprenta, persona que estaba a cargo del manejo de la máquina de imprimir] .

Example: Printing machines were operated by two new grades of worker, skilled machine-minders and unskilled machine boys.

» encargado de las tareas domésticashousekeeper .

Example: In Poland over 70 percent of married women are gainfully employed performing traditional female roles as wives, mothers and housekeepers, as well as the modern role of employee.

» encargado de la tecnología de la informacióninformation technologist .

Example: However, to realize this potential, scientists and information technologists must forge new models of cooperation.

» encargado del correomail clerk .

Example: 'Just one letter today!' the mail clerk announced as she handed an envelope to Assistant Professor of Library Science Leslie Remington.

» encargado del desarrollo de nuevos productosproduct developer .

Example: There is a need for more communication between teacher librarians and product developers so that specific needs are satisfied.

» encargado de libreríabookstore clerk .

Example: His unnamed protagonist is a squat little bookstore clerk of blank expression and deadpan movements.

» encargado de llevar a caboimplementor [implementer] .

Example: This could only be discovered by talking to the principal policy implementors and resource gatherers.

» encargado de llevar el marcadorscorer  .

Example: The league president shall appoint an official scorer who shall observe the game from a position in the press box.

» encargado de orientar al lectorreaders' adviser .

Example: As readers' advisors, librarians attempt to match users with books they will enjoy.

» encargado de personalpersonnel officerwelfare officer .

Example: The personnel officer of a factory drops a stack of a few thousand employee cards into a selecting machine and produces in a short time a list of all employees who live in Trenton and know Spanish.

Example: In larger library systems there will be a welfare or personnel officer who can assist staff with personal problems relating to home life or their employment.

» encargado de políticaspolicy officer .

Example: Prior to joining Hartleys, he spent 16 years as a policy officer with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

» encargado de poner en prácticaimplementor [implementer] .

Example: This could only be discovered by talking to the principal policy implementors and resource gatherers.

» encargado de prestar los primeros auxiliosfirst aider .

Example: The ambulance service has put first aiders on bikes in an attempt to beat the city's traffic and save lives.

» encargado de recogergatherer  .

Example: This could only be discovered by talking to the principal policy implementors and resource gatherers.

» encargado de recursos humanoshuman resource manager .

Example: Conflict resolution and improving overall workplace moral is a key part of the role of a human resource manager.

» encargado de relaciones públicaspublic liaison .

Example: In attempt to supplement the number of hands available to run the library, volunteers serve as public liaisons and assistants in the library's computer facilities.

» encargado de seguridadsecurity officersecurity officialsafety official .

Example: Guards, who are also called security officers, patrol and inspect property to protect against fire, theft, vandalism, terrorism, and illegal activity.

Example: A security official said that Yemeni warplanes have killed 80 anti-government tribesmen who overran part of a military camp.

Example: Safety officials have examined two fairground rides after two people were killed and three injured in two separate accidents.

» encargado de ventassales manager .

Example: Sales managers see the virtue of common applications in all offices they visit and management see the value of common standards for business reports and resource utilisation.

» encargadosline management .

Example: The good manager should use line management (i.e. the people in charge of branches, service points, and public counters) to reach the user.

» encargados, lospeople in charge, the .

Example: It's all about the people in charge, are they smart? are they dim?.

» joven ayudante del encargado de la máquina de imprimirmachine boy [En imprenta antigua, joven que ayudaba al operario a cargo de la máquina de imprimir] .

Example: Printing machines were operated by two new grades of worker, skilled machine-minders and unskilled machine boys.

» persona encargada de recabar fondosfundraiser [fund-raiser] .

Example: These groups typically use paid fundraisers to solicit donations.

encargado (de)2 = in charge (of). 

Example: The vice-president in charge of marketing services, Una Feaver, is responsible for media planning and buying, research, and sales promotion.


» autoridades encargadas de hacer cumplir la leylaw enforcement authorities .

Example: If you suspect that dogfighting is happening in your neighborhood, contact local law enforcement authorities.

» bibliotecario encargado de la sección juvenilyoung adult librarian .

Example: The article 'Children's cornucopia' describes how children's and young adult librarians have long felt discrimination based on sex as well as discrimination based on the age of the users served.

» dejar a Alguien encargado de Algoleave + Nombre + in charge .

Example: Libraries invite legal liability and potential lawsuits when students are left in charge.

» persona encargada de actualizarmaintainer  .

Example: The requirements of a physical form of catalogue can be divided into two categories: those which are primarily in the interest of the catalogue or index maintainer, and those which mostly affect the catalogue user.

» profesor encargado de la bibliotecateacher-librarian [Generalmente, en una escuela o instituto, miembro del personal que trabajo como profesor y como bibliotecario] .

Example: In my experience it is by no means proved that a qualified librarian in a school is more effective than a teacher-librarian who has enough time to run the library.

encargar = charge ; commission ; order ; deputise [deputize, -USA]. 

Example: A mission-oriented abstract is an abstract which is prepared for an abstracting service that has been charged to cater for the application of a specific branch of knowledge.Example: Some libraries opt to commission a central agency to support their catalogue creation.Example: Edge notch cards are often ordered in a size tailored to the demands of the index, and can be purchased with any coding that the index designer specifies.Example: In effect we deputized him to maintain stability in the gulf and promised to sell Iran almost any military hardware the shah desired.


» encargar Algo a Alguienfarm + Nombre + out to [Encargar a terceros] .

Example: The author examines the possibility of having professional journals farmed out to a commercial publisher.

» encargar de antemanopre-order .

Example: You can pre-order select movies, music, and books and have them delivered to you as soon as they're available.

» encargar especialmentespecial order .

Example: Because the opening is very tiny indeed, we special ordered some small droppers which will include one free eyedropper with each set of three.

» encargarse detake overundertake [Verbo irregular: pasado undertook, participio undertaken]manrun [Verbo irregular: pasado ran, participio run]see to .

Example: DOBIS/LIBIS can take over much of the housekeeping work necessary for a smoothly functioning library = DOBIS/LIBIS puede encargarse de la mayor parte del trabajo de gestión administrativa para que la biblioteca funcione sin problemas.

Example: Among the documents that are worthy of consideration for abstracting are sources, in particular journals or reports issued by a specific organisation, for which the abstracting agency has undertaken to give comprehensive coverage.

Example: The responsibility for manning the one telephone left at the disposal of a residue of callers fell to a single officer who had other duties to carry out to justify his keep.

Example: The service is run by Radio-Suisse and can be accessed via de PSS.

Example: They should see to the social reintegration of children who are victims of foreign occupation, anti-personnel mines and sexual abuse.

» encargarse de las finanzascontrol + the purse strings .

Example: I'm not saying that in his defence, it just seems that he is taking more flak than those who should be controlling the purse strings effectively.

» encargarse del presupuestocontrol + the purse strings .

Example: I'm not saying that in his defence, it just seems that he is taking more flak than those who should be controlling the purse strings effectively.

» encargarse de quesee to it thatsee that .

Example: This system was often abused for a grasping clicker would see to it that the fastest compositor got the easiest work.

Example: The emphasis on title entry came from the specialized libraries, primarily the technical libraries, that were small but had the money and the power behind them to see that their view prevails.

» encargarse de una tareaundertake + a task .

Example: The Working Group was charged with the specification of the procedures and studies needed to undertake the tasks.

» encargar un estudiocommission + study .

Example: As part of the process of tackling such technical barriers to trade, the Commission may organize conferences and seminars and commission studies in order to examine the scientific and technical aspects.
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