Egreso in english


pronunciation: egzɪt part of speech: noun
In gestures

egresar = graduate. 

Example: He was awarded the bachelor's degree, magna cum laude, from Harvard University, and he attended Rutgers Library School where he graduated first in his class.

Egreso synonyms

go in spanish: ir, pronunciation: goʊ part of speech: verb leave in spanish: salir, pronunciation: liv part of speech: verb issue in spanish: problema, pronunciation: ɪʃu part of speech: noun release in spanish: lanzamiento, pronunciation: rilis part of speech: noun, verb die in spanish: morir, pronunciation: daɪ part of speech: verb, noun loss in spanish: pérdida, pronunciation: lɔs part of speech: noun outlet in spanish: salida, pronunciation: aʊtlet part of speech: noun going in spanish: yendo, pronunciation: goʊɪŋ part of speech: noun perish in spanish: perecer, pronunciation: perɪʃ part of speech: verb departure in spanish: salida, pronunciation: dɪpɑrtʃɜr part of speech: noun expire in spanish: expirar, pronunciation: ɪkspaɪr part of speech: verb passing in spanish: paso, pronunciation: pæsɪŋ part of speech: noun decease in spanish: fallecimiento, pronunciation: dɪsis part of speech: noun expiration in spanish: vencimiento, pronunciation: ekspɜreɪʃən part of speech: noun get out in spanish: salí, pronunciation: getaʊt part of speech: verb go out in spanish: fuera, pronunciation: goʊaʊt part of speech: verb pass away in spanish: fallecer, pronunciation: pæsəweɪ part of speech: verb way out in spanish: salida, pronunciation: weɪaʊt part of speech: noun
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