Efusión in english


pronunciation: ɪfjuʒən part of speech: noun
In gestures

efusión = outpouring ; outflow ; gush. 

Example: This tremendous outpouring of titles is one reason why British publishing has such a highly esteemed place in the world.Example: A dam at the Strait of Gibraltar could be constructed to limit the outflow and reverse the climate deterioration, thus holding off the next ice age.Example: Uncritical gush is as repulsive as dry compulsion = Uncritical gush is as repulsive as dry compulsion.


» con efusióneffusively .

Example: Whatever the situation, prepared for or unexpected, it is always too easy to overplay one's hand, praising a book so extravagantly, so effusively, that many children are put off.

Efusión synonyms

gush in spanish: chorro, pronunciation: gʌʃ part of speech: noun, verb outburst in spanish: explosión, pronunciation: aʊtbɜrst part of speech: noun
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