Efectivamente in english


pronunciation: ɪfektɪvli part of speech: adverb
In gestures

efectivamente = to be sure ; sure enough ; indeed ; effectively. 

Example: To be sure, there is not much flexibility in the classical bookform catalog.Example: I told my roommate he can't come to Florida for spring break unless he shaves his chest, and sure enough he did.Example: Indeed the selection of an indexing approach is crucially dependent upon the way in which the index is to be used.Example: A financial survey views the net effect of California's Proposition 13 as effectively lowering financial support of libraries by 25%.

Efectivamente synonyms

in effect in spanish: en efecto, pronunciation: ɪnɪfekt part of speech: adverb efficaciously in spanish: eficazmente, pronunciation: ɪfəkeɪʃəsli part of speech: adverb
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