Economizar in english


pronunciation: ɪkɑnəmaɪz part of speech: verb
In gestures

economizar = retrench ; economise [economize, -USA] ; cut + costs. 

Example: In the face of overpublishing and growing scepticism, this once booming area is now retrenching and broadening its coverage = In the face of overpublishing and growing scepticism, this once booming area is now retrenching and broadening its coverage.Example: Libraries with strained budgets need to make every effort to economise wherever possible.Example: This information would be an extremely useful service to the traveller seeking to cut his travel costs.


» Algo que ayuda a economizarbudget stretcher [Algo que ayuda a que el presupuesto dé más de sí] .

Example: Prebound paperbacks are excellent budget stretchers.

» economizar en cosas importantes y derrochar en nimiedadespenny wise and pound foolish [Proverbio] .

Example: The article 'Penny wise and pound foolish' discusses the need to find a better solution to the overdue book problem than charging fines.

Economizar synonyms

husband in spanish: marido, pronunciation: hʌzbənd part of speech: noun conserve in spanish: conservar, pronunciation: kənsɜrv part of speech: verb economise in spanish: economizar, pronunciation: ɪkɑnəmaɪz part of speech: verb
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