Dátil in english


pronunciation: deɪt part of speech: noun
In gestures

dátil = date. 

Example: This ready-to-eat nutritious food is made by admixing condensed milk with rolled oats, honey, dates, wheat germ, coconuts, and walnuts.

Dátil synonyms

see in spanish: ver, pronunciation: si part of speech: verb engagement in spanish: compromiso, pronunciation: engeɪdʒmənt part of speech: noun appointment in spanish: cita, pronunciation: əpɔɪntmənt part of speech: noun escort in spanish: escolta, pronunciation: eskɔrt part of speech: noun, verb go out in spanish: fuera, pronunciation: goʊaʊt part of speech: verb go steady in spanish: vaya constantemente, pronunciation: goʊstedi part of speech: verb date stamp in spanish: sello de la fecha, pronunciation: deɪtstæmp part of speech: verb day of the month in spanish: día del mes, pronunciation: deɪʌvðəmʌnθ part of speech: noun
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