Dársena in english


pronunciation: dɑk part of speech: noun
In gestures

dársena = dock ; dry dock ; bus bay. 

Example: It is a project that has been incubating since he lost the space for his privately run museum in Gloucester docks two years ago.Example: After the dry dock had been completed the water was pumped out but the cement floor and sides were not strong enough to prevent rupture by the pressure from below.Example: The existing bus shelter and bus bay shall only be demolished and removed after the new ones are completed and satisfactorily inspected.

Dársena synonyms

tail in spanish: cola, pronunciation: teɪl part of speech: noun bob in spanish: mover, pronunciation: bɑb part of speech: noun sorrel in spanish: Alazán, pronunciation: sɔrəl part of speech: noun wharf in spanish: muelle, pronunciation: wɔrf part of speech: noun bobtail in spanish: rabicorto, pronunciation: bɑbteɪl part of speech: noun, adjective wharfage in spanish: muelle, pronunciation: wɔrfɪdʒ part of speech: noun dockage in spanish: estación del barco, pronunciation: dɑkɪdʒ part of speech: noun docking facility in spanish: instalación de acoplamiento, pronunciation: dɑkɪŋfəsɪlɪti part of speech: noun sour grass in spanish: hierba agridulce, pronunciation: saʊɜrgræs part of speech: noun
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