Dudoso in english


pronunciation: daʊtfəl part of speech: adjective
In gestures

dudoso = suspect ; dodgy ; doubtful ; dubious ; questionable ; suspicious ; suspicious ; unconvinced ; dicey ; uncleared ; iffy ; rocky ; borderline ; fishy [fishier -comp., fishiest -sup.] ; fly-by-night ; dubious-sounding ; controversial ; fluk(e)y . 

Example: The utility, in information service terms, of a narrow technical education is suspect.Example: The statistical procedures from Czchekoslovakia and Romania have been pretty dodgy and unsatisfactory.Example: Without AACR is doubtful whether computerised cataloguing would have been implemented so relatively painlessly and successfully = Without AACR is doubtful whether computerised cataloguing would have been implemented so relatively painlessly and successfully.Example: On no account should the schedules of a classification scheme be modified in order to gain some dubious advantage of this kind.Example: It was questionable if the talent available was fit for the rather specific purposes of SLIS.Example: This can make them reluctant to accept or suspicious of outside help.Example: This program can also discover misconfigured or faulty applications that generate suspicious data traffic.Example: Many educators still remain unconvinced of the value of school libraries in the school.Example: Predicting the future is dicey.Example: Its relation to cognitive impairment is as yet uncleared.Example: I think we have some chance to get Friday in, but Saturday is dead meat without any doubt whatsoever and Sunday is pretty iffy.Example: The English is a little rocky on this lovely web site but we have it on good word that the original French is très bien.Example: An indication that the Commission would be prepared to accept a borderline project would provide a useful lever when the application is passed to the UK Government.Example: This is when children are not really concerned with scientific truth; they believe in Father Christmas anyway, even if there lurks the suspicion that there is something rather fishy about it all.Example: What I was reading about looked like a really genuine and reliable way of earning good money that didn't involve some fly-by-night, get-rich-quick scheme.Example: But I seem to get an awful lot of people trying to interest me in dubious-sounding business propositions.Example: The last 3 years while grants were available saw a rise in loans, readers and outreach services, a controversial stock revision and scrapping were carried out and a PC was taken in use.Example: Really, we're all sure you're wonderful but your flukey dog has less to do with you and more to do with genetic weirdness than anything else.


» con dudosa reputacióndisreputable  .

Example: Items from disreputable publishers may be ignored, whereas items from the respected publishers would always be abstracted = Los documentos de editores de dudosa reputación se podían ignorar, mientras que los de editores respetados siempre se resumían.

» conseguido de manera dudosaill-gotten  .

Example: Young people are exposed to adults with ill-gotten material possessions & begin to question whether personal honesty pays off in the long run.

» estar dudosobe doubtfulbe in/of [USA] two minds (about/whether or not) .

Example: This pie-in-the-sky solution is a long way off and I am doubtful that it will really solve the problem of tieing individual records into the authority file.

Example: I have long been of two minds about the relationship of form and content.

» proceder dudosounfair practice .

Example: For the record, schools and libraries in the late 1960s recovered in excess of $10,000,000 from publishers and wholesalers as a result of unfair practices highlighted by Mr. Scilken.

» que parece dudosodubious-sounding .

Example: But I seem to get an awful lot of people trying to interest me in dubious-sounding business propositions.

» ser dudosobe doubtful .

Example: This pie-in-the-sky solution is a long way off and I am doubtful that it will really solve the problem of tieing individual records into the authority file.

Dudoso synonyms

tentative in spanish: tentativo, pronunciation: tentətɪv part of speech: adjective dubious in spanish: dudoso, pronunciation: dubiəs part of speech: adjective uncertain in spanish: incierto, pronunciation: ənsɜrtən part of speech: adjective questionable in spanish: cuestionable, pronunciation: kwestʃənəbəl part of speech: adjective unsettled in spanish: inestable, pronunciation: ənsetəld part of speech: adjective unsure in spanish: inseguro, pronunciation: ənʃʊr part of speech: adjective in question in spanish: en cuestión, pronunciation: ɪnkwestʃən dubitable in spanish: dudoso, pronunciation: dubɪtəbəl part of speech: adjective incertain in spanish: en cierto, pronunciation: ɪnsɜrteɪn part of speech: adjective
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