Documental in english

Documentary film

pronunciation: dɑkjəmentɜrifɪlm part of speech: noun
In gestures

documental1 = footage ; documentary film ; documentary. 

Example: IFVL has over 900 titles in the collection, which include a variety of categories including historic fashion/culture footage from the 50s, designer 'ramp' shows, and interviews with the industry's leaders.Example: The author considers the problems associated with taking cataloguing from secondary sources when cataloguing documentary films.Example: He focuses on the particular question as to how the laws apply to the various practices such as the screening of documentaries and other films in staff meetings.


» documental sobre viajestravelogue [travelog, -USA] .

Example: The book is a picturesque hybrid of travelogue, personal memoir, lyric rhapsody, art history, and cultural criticism.

» informática documentallibrary computing fieldlibrary computing .

Example: These complex and interactive technologies should alert managers, educators and participants in the library computing field to several key trends.

Example: This article provides a brief summary of the 3 generations of library computing.

» rodar un documentalshoot + a documentary .

Example: While shooting a documentary in Peru in 2000 I happened upon a rural library located in Cajamarca, high in the Andean mountains.

» serie documentaldocumentary seriesseries [Conjunto de obras independientes, numeradas o no, relacionadas entre sí por el hecho de que, además de su título propio, llevan un título colectivo que se repite en cada una de ellas; una serie es también una subdivisión o subserie de una colección editorial; o también una publicación seriada] .

Example: It's a documentary series about the day-to-day lives of people who make their living in the world of adult entertainment.

Example: A set of government publications could be filed alphabetically by the issuing bureau, and then by title of the particular series in numerical order.

» serie documental televisivatelevision documentary series .

Example: The Roman Catholic Church is bracing for a new public backlash after agreeing to participate for the first time in a television documentary series about the Inquisition.

» soporte documentalinformation carrierinformation format .

Example: This information is contained in information carriers, which vary widely in their physical forms, eg books, films or gramophone records.

Example: Different information formats for both data and text, and the quality of information are discussed.

documental2 = documentary. 

Example: But the leaven of the principles, promulgated by the International Federation, has not yet penetrated into more than half the lump of documentary material.


» análisis documentaldocument analysis [Conjunto de operaciones realizadas para representar el contenido de un documento de forma distinta de la original, con el fin de facilitar la consulta o la recuperación]subject analysis [Conjunto de operaciones realizadas para representar el contenido de un documento de forma distinta del original con el fin de facilitar la consulta o la recuperación] .

Example: There are two major document analysis tools: abstracts and indexes.

Example: Subject analysis thus selects and names subject concepts as they are expressed, and sought, in documents.

» búsqueda documentaldocument search .

Example: While considerable progress has been made in information technology in the document search field, these advances have to be communicated to the end user.

» cadena documental, lainformation chain, the [Etapas por las que pasa la información desde su creación hasta su difusión] .

Example: After listing alarming trends in the publishing industry, cooperation by librarians and publishers in the information chain is recommended.

» conjunto documental multimediakit [Conjunto de materiales documentales en el que no hay ninguno que predomine sobre los demás]multimedia item [Conjunto de materiales documentales en el que no hay ninguno que predomine sobre los demás] .

Example: A kit is an item containing two or more categories of material, no one of which is identifiable as the predominant constituent of the item; also designated multimedia item.

Example: A multimedia item is an item containing two or more categories of material, no one of which is identifiable as the predominant constituent of the item; also designated kit.

» descripción documentaldocument description .

Example: Document descriptions may be included in catalogues, bibliographies and other listings of documents.

» encargado de la gestión documentalrecord(s) manager .

Example: This article explains how the introduction of automation will do away with the distinctions between librarians, archivists, and records managers.

» estrategia documentaldocumentation strategy [En documentación, plan de actuación en todos los aspectos relacionados con el tratamiento documental] .

Example: Yet the documentation strategy is still a largely untested concept.

» evidencia documentaldocumentary evidence .

Example: This paper identifies the walled towns of Ireland through surviving structures and documentary evidence.

» fondo documentaldocument collection .

Example: Finally, the tacit assumption so far has been that we are dealing with a single document collection.

» formación documentalinformation education [Aprendizaje de los métodos y técnicas que nos ayuden a obtener y utilizar información]information education [Aprendizaje de los métodos y técnicas que nos ayuden a obtener y utilizar información] .

Example: Information education should be carried out at all levels of the education system.

Example: Information education should be carried out at all levels of the education system.

» gestión documentalrecord management [records management] [Todas aquellas tareas relacionadas con el almacenamiento y recuperación de registros de cualquier tipo]record(s) management [En una institución, se aplica a las tareas relacionadas con la creación, almacenamiento y recuperación de la documentación generada por la empresa]record keeping [recordkeeping] [Todas aquellas tareas que se realizan para almacenar, recuperar y organizar la información que una organización posee] .

Example: This article discusses the OPAC revolution and the development of microcomputer for end-user searching and record management.

Example: This paper divides the life of a record into 8 stages: the first four stages -- from creation of a record to destruction or transfer to an archive -- may be regarded as records management.

Example: All of the processing, acquisitions, shelving, and record-keeping that is done in a library is for the purpose of making information available to those who need it.

» gestor documentaldocument retrieval systeminformation managerrecord manager [records manager]document management systemdocument management softwaretext information management system .

Example: A document retrieval system may be described by 3 formal characteristics: the syntax employed to describe documents, the form of machine-processable queries it accepts as valid and the retrieval rules used to rank or retrieve documents.

Example: The information manager supervises all services to ensure competitiveness, optimal staff deployment and attention to users.

Example: New technologies are making long-cherished concepts held by all information handlers -- librarians, archivists, record managers -- seem mere provincialisms rather than sacred theory or immutable principles.

Example: Information professionals have come to recognise the importance of software in the performance of document management systems.

Example: This article suggests document management software as a new approach to managing small or large files of evidentiary documents.

Example: Computer-based information retrieval systems include the services of the online search service suppliers, CD-ROM products, inhouse text information management systems and online public access catalogues.

» información documentaldocumentary informationdocument information .

Example: The author presents arguments in favour of automating libraries and documentary information.

Example: 1037 Web objects were examined for data in 4 categories: document information; use of meta fields; use of images and use of chemical names.

» informática documentallibrary computing fieldlibrary computing .

Example: These complex and interactive technologies should alert managers, educators and participants in the library computing field to several key trends.

Example: This article provides a brief summary of the 3 generations of library computing.

» justificación documentalliterary warrant [Uso de fuentes escritas para justificar el encabezamiento elegido] .

Example: On the basis of literary warrant, any classification scheme or indexing language will reflect the subjects, and the relationships between subjects present in the literature that the scheme or language has been designed to organise.

» lenguaje documentalindex language .

Example: Such an extreme form of control would achieve an index language which, like pidgin English, would be capable of being easily learned and used.

» material documental de interés para los vecinos del barriocommunity literature .

Example: Many libraries amass a considerable amount of community literature, some of which is kept on permanent display.

» patrimonio documentalpublished heritagedocumented heritageliterary heritage .

Example: The system of legal deposit ensures that Australia's published heritage is preserved for present and future generations.

Example: India has a documented heritage of stable family life and structure that has been able to withstand the vicissitudes over the centuries.

Example: The Library of America is a nonprofit publishing company whose mission is to renew and preserve the literary heritage of the USA.

» perfil documentaldocument profile .

Example: A complete set of possible search keys can be described as a document profile.

» profesional de la gestión documentalinformation management professional .

Example: Its underlying principles offer opportunity for information management professionals.

» prueba documentaldocumentary evidence .

Example: This paper identifies the walled towns of Ireland through surviving structures and documentary evidence.

» recuperación documentaldocument retrieval [Procedimiento para localizar o recuperar y facilitar documentos que han sido solicitados y que tratan de un tema específico] .

Example: In the author approach there is a clear emphasis on document retrieval as distinct from information retrieval.

» recursos documentalesdocumentary resources .

Example: Its purpose is to provide advice and on-site salvage assistance to those organisations having documentary resources that are damaged in a natural or man-made disaster.

» responsable de la gestión documentalrecord(s) manager .

Example: This article explains how the introduction of automation will do away with the distinctions between librarians, archivists, and records managers.

» resumen documentaldocument summary .

Example: There are a number of different kinds of document summary.

» ruido documentalnoise [Datos obtenidos en la recuperación que sobrepasan en profundidad, superficialidad o extensión los estrictamente solicitados] .

Example: These non-relevant documents are frequently referred to as 'noise'.

» serie documentaldocumentary seriesseries [Conjunto de obras independientes, numeradas o no, relacionadas entre sí por el hecho de que, además de su título propio, llevan un título colectivo que se repite en cada una de ellas; una serie es también una subdivisión o subserie de una colección editorial; o también una publicación seriada] .

Example: It's a documentary series about the day-to-day lives of people who make their living in the world of adult entertainment.

Example: A set of government publications could be filed alphabetically by the issuing bureau, and then by title of the particular series in numerical order.

» sistema de gestión documentalrecord(s) system .

Example: Creating an electronic medical record system is necessary to coordinate patient care cost effectively.

» sistema de información documentaldocument information system .

Example: The author discusses the costs and benefits of document information systems and some design methodological aspects that arise from the documentary nature of the data.

» sistema documentaldocumentary system .

Example: The article 'All-Polish format for the description of documents. Utopia or real need?' reports on the debate concerning the formats for the description of documents in Polish documentary systems.

» soporte documentalinformation carrierinformation format .

Example: This information is contained in information carriers, which vary widely in their physical forms, eg books, films or gramophone records.

Example: Different information formats for both data and text, and the quality of information are discussed.

» sustituto documentaldocument representationdocument substitutesubstitute .

Example: They do this primarily by providing multiple access to documents via the medium of document substitutes or representations.

Example: They do this primarily by providing multiple access to documents via the medium of document substitutes or representations.

Example: The record can thus act as a substitute for the document.

» técnica documentaldocument-handling technique .

Example: The main goal of the course has been the integration of traditional document handling techniques with modern information management in the biosciences, so creating a new type of profession.

» técnicas documentalesdocumentation techniques .

Example: In Aug 86 library schools in the Netherlands introduced a new 4-year course with greater emphasis on documentation techniques.

» unidad documentaldocument unitrecord unit .

Example: Search is then applied only to the subset of the selected document units that are relevant to the user and established following his profile.

Example: Descriptions for archival record units groups tend to be lengthier and more detailed than those for published materials such as books and journals.

» video documentaldocumentary video .

Example: The documentary video 'Out in the Cold' seeks to raise audience awareness of the plight of homeless gay and lesbian youth.
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