Disputa in english
pronunciation: dɪspjut part of speech: noun

disputa = disputation ; row ; quarrel ; fray ; contest ; run-in ; altercation ; dispute ; wrangle ; bickering ; argument ; squabble ; squabbling ; contestation ; tug of war ; spat ; war of words ; dust-up ; grievance ; bunfight [bun fight] ; tiff ; fallout ; tussle ; wrangling ; bicker.
Example: Academic disputations are generally entered under the heading for the faculty moderator.Example: The rows over Britain's contributions to the Community budget and runaway spending on the the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), which took up two thirds of the budget, were documented blow by blow in the press.Example: The following account of a quarrel which took place in about 1540 between Thomas Platter and Balthasar Ruch comes from Platter's autobiography = The following account of a quarrel which took place in about 1540 between Thomas Platter and Balthasar Ruch comes from Platter's autobiography.Example: The academic librarian, by remaining neutral, can stay above the fray and does not need to take sides in order to provide scholars with access to the truth.Example: Anyway, experience had taught him that a subordinate who attempts to subdue a superordinate is almost always lost; the superordinate has too many advantages in such a contest.Example: 'When you've been here a while, you'll see that it's hard to avoid run-ins with her,' Lehmann spoke up.Example: Then I came within this disagreeable person's atmosphere, and lo! before I know what's happened I'm involved in an unpleasant altercation.Example: In practice meetings of the Council of Ministers -- the Community's main legislative body -- have in recent years become a forum for acrimonious dispute.Example: This is a history of The Old Librarian's Almanack (a pamphlet produced as a hoax in 1909) and of the literary wrangles which ensued from its publication.Example: Even if the management decided to make an arbitrary decision, it would be better than the endless bickering and ad-hoc measures we are having to put up with.Example: We do not want to see young assistants at the counter getting involved in an argument.Example: One might mistakenly be left with the impression that the crisis is a mere 'banana republic' squabble over power.Example: The DVD-RW drive has arrived but not without lots of squabbling among industry competitors.Example: These relations are constructed through negotiations and contestations that cannot be easily divorced from cultural context.Example: Library administrators might be able to predict their fortunes in the academic tug of war for funds if they understood more clearly the attitudes of institutional administrators towards libraries.Example: It also includes a blow-by-blow account of spats between management and labor.Example: War of words exposed chinks in coalition.Example: The annual global dust-up over whale hunting is about to kick off again.Example: So, in the bicentennial spirit here's a three-point bill of particulars or grievances (in addition to what was mentioned previously with respect to offensive or unauthentic terms).Example: The man in the middle of the current bunfight over racing sports rights is Ian Frykberg.Example: She found himself in trouble after a tiff with photo journalists during the shoot of a film.Example: Two men who beat another to death in a fallout over a cannabis crop have been gaoled for life.Example: A nosy octopus nearly got away with a scuba diver's camera in an underwater tussle that lasted a few tense minutes.Example: Mrs. Ross testified that virtually every day Mr. Ross, during their wranglings, would tell her he was 'going to teach her a lesson'.Example: The other day when I flounced out of the living room after a bicker with my father, she ran after me and hugged me tightly.more:
» disputa + continuar = dispute + rage [Especialmente de modo violento o con fuerza] .
Example: This dispute has been raging over the last 30 years = Esta disputa ha continuado durante los últimos 30 años.» disputa doméstica = domestic dispute .
Example: The woman reported that she and her ex had a history of domestic disputes, causing both she and her new boyfriend to fear for their lives.» disputa familiar = domestic dispute .
Example: The woman reported that she and her ex had a history of domestic disputes, causing both she and her new boyfriend to fear for their lives.» disputa industrial = industrial dispute ; industrial action .
Example: What to one author is a 'strike' to another is an industrial dispute. Example: More than 500 library users returning items borrowed before the industrial action were interviewed during the 4 weeks following the reopening of the libraries.» disputa infantil = petty bickering ; petty fighting ; petty fight .
Example: And the Democratic Party is a never-ending story of corruption, greed, petty bickering, and blithe disregard of the voters' interests. Example: Life's too short to worry over little things like petty fighting in a friendship. Example: Because of this, it is very important that couples learn how to handle petty fights in their relationship = Debido a esto, es muy importante que las parejas aprendan a tratar las disputas sin importancia que surjan en sus relaciones.» disputa + perdurar = dispute + rage [Especialmente de modo violento o con fuerza] .
Example: This dispute has been raging over the last 30 years = Esta disputa ha continuado durante los últimos 30 años.» disputa sin importancia = petty fight .
Example: Because of this, it is very important that couples learn how to handle petty fights in their relationship = Debido a esto, es muy importante que las parejas aprendan a tratar las disputas sin importancia que surjan en sus relaciones.» resolución de disputas = dispute settlement .
Example: This paper assesses the legal framework used in Nigeria for dispute settlement.» resolver una disputa = settle + a dispute ; solve + a dispute .
Example: Their purposes was to settle the disputes between the members, to negotiate with master, to accumulate and disburse a benevolent fund, and to exact contributions for drinks and parties. Example: They are obviously in love with the same man, and the hand-to-hand fight is the traditional gypsy way to solve the dispute.disputar = dispute ; quarrel with ; wage ; jockey for ; tussle ; wrangle ; bicker.
Example: Whatever viewpoint is taken, it is difficult to dispute the significance of AACR1.Example: What we would quarrel with is not CAS's 'motives', but what CAS 'did'.Example: It is as if libraries find themselves once again mired down in the bureaucratic information policy firefights waged during the Reagan and Bush administrations (1980-1992).Example: Librarians are not yet very successful in jockeying for position and power in the political world.Example: My father and I used to tussle about my decision to become an actor.Example: But weeks after wrangling with her lender, Cauley filed for bankruptcy and gave up her home.Example: Chapter 4 presents solutions for when children fight, bicker, compete, namecall, and hit.more:
» disputarse = battle it out for ; tussle for .
Example: People are unimpressed so far with the campaigns of the two Democrats battling it out for the nomination. Example: she put a gun to his head and after that they were tussling for the gun and after that all I heard was gun shots.» disputarse la atención de Alguien = vie for + Posesivo + attention ; compete for + Posesivo + attention .
Example: Before the optical disc and CD ROM-based systems have yet to take hold in the market, another optical format -- the optical memory card -- is vying for attention. Example: The two media, rather than competing for children's attention, have complementary roles to play in the literary development of young people.» disputar unas elecciones = fight + an election ; contend + an election .
Example: She fought the election on the basis that it was her campaign -- it was her decision to call the election. Example: All the main parties contending the election were committed to continuing with the bailout that Tsipras negotiated in the summer.