Dicha in english
pronunciation: blɪs part of speech: noun

dicha1 = bliss ; happiness ; joy ; felicity ; jouissance ; gaiety ; merriment ; mirth ; jollity ; jolliness.
Example: Keats contrasted the grim facts of reality, as he had just seen them, with the sense of bliss stirred in him by the song of the nightingale.Example: I thank you most sincerely for the happiness your books have given me.Example: In an authority list, the terms, whether descriptors or non-descriptors, may be single words (e.g., Hosiery, Journalism, Lingerie), or phrases of two or three words (e.g., Electric meters, Electric power plants, joy and sorrow).Example: We follow a mishmash of characters as they move through their unfortunate life without felicity.Example: The enjoyment of castigating Jade, of anticipating the derision and humilation she will face involves, undoubtedly, a classist jouissance.Example: There was a hype of gaiety and merriment in the air over the festive season.Example: There was a hype of gaiety and merriment in the air over the festive season.Example: The director continued speaking amid the embers of their mirth.Example: The more obvious effect is the public display of jollity that, when surrounded by others in the same spirit, brings an amazing energy and excitement to the air.Example: They say jolliness skips a generation.more:
» dicha de vivir = joie de vivre .
Example: It is a tall order for information workers to avoid objective obsolescence and subjective burnout, and enhance the joie de vivre of the work setting.dicha2 = good fortune.
Example: There is an element of good fortune involved in being in the right place at the right time and it is essential to take the best advantage of whatever opportunities arise.more:
» nunca es tarde si la dicha es buena = better late than never .
Example: The article 'Better late than never' discusses the extraordinary pace of change in the academic book market.dicho1 = adage ; dictum [dicta, -pl.] ; utterance ; wise saying ; old saying ; saying ; saw ; refrain.
Example: But now she was beginning to wonder if there was any truth to the old adage that 'It's not what you know, but who you know'.Example: John Ward's dictum was that 'deprivation is as much a lack of information and the knowledge to use it as it is of the basic essentials'.Example: One natural strategy for reducing the impact of miscommunication is selective verification of the user utterance meanings.Example: Stories range from one-sentence statements we call jokes and wise sayings, through gossip to the most profound and complicated structures we call novels and poems and plays.Example: Chapters include drinking and moonshine, courting, old cures and remedies, fishing and hunting, plus a chapter of pithy quotes and old sayings.Example: 'Practice makes perfect' is a saying that can be applied to reading = 'Practice makes perfect' is a saying that can be applied to reading.Example: And his life confirms the famous old saw: No man is a prophet in his own land.Example: The importance of the right to information or the right to know is an increasingly constant refrain in the mouths of academics, the media and governments.more:
» como dice el dicho = as the saying goes ; so the saying goes .
Example: The play is damned by the critics but packs in the crowds and the producers may be upset by the adverse criticisms but they can, as the saying goes, cry all the way to the bank. Example: Behind every good man, so the saying goes, is a good woman, and behind every maniac, is a good woman losing her sanity!.» dicho bíblico = biblical saying .
Example: Your following the biblical saying to cast you bread upon the waters, certainly has been helpful to me.» dicho familiar = familiar saying .
Example: As the familiar saying goes, 'From the sublime to the ridiculous is but a step'.» dicho favorito = catchphrase .
Example: He was a pathological liar making up the lies on the spot, and if he came up with a particularly good lie he would say his catchphrase, 'That's the ticket!'.» dicho gracioso = witticism ; quip .
Example: It uses humor rather than witticisms, and self-deprecation rather than deprecation of the professional field. Example: His genius is sometimes most evident in his quips.» dicho ingenioso = witticism ; quip .
Example: It uses humor rather than witticisms, and self-deprecation rather than deprecation of the professional field. Example: His genius is sometimes most evident in his quips.» dicho popular = adage ; wise saying ; old saying ; saying ; familiar saying ; saw ; popular saying .
Example: But now she was beginning to wonder if there was any truth to the old adage that 'It's not what you know, but who you know'. Example: Stories range from one-sentence statements we call jokes and wise sayings, through gossip to the most profound and complicated structures we call novels and poems and plays. Example: Chapters include drinking and moonshine, courting, old cures and remedies, fishing and hunting, plus a chapter of pithy quotes and old sayings. Example: 'Practice makes perfect' is a saying that can be applied to reading = "La práctica hace al maestro" es un refrán que se puede aplicar a la lectura. Example: As the familiar saying goes, 'From the sublime to the ridiculous is but a step'. Example: And his life confirms the famous old saw: No man is a prophet in his own land. Example: The popular saying 'Take care of the pence and the pounds will take care of themselves' is as true of personal habits as of money .» dicho preferido = catchphrase .
Example: He was a pathological liar making up the lies on the spot, and if he came up with a particularly good lie he would say his catchphrase, 'That's the ticket!'.» dicho sin hecho no tiene provecho = actions speak louder than words .
Example: But in the end, although I've talked myself blue in the face, I'm afraid actions speak louder than words.» dichos sabios = nuggets of wisdom .
Example: It is clear that the author is not short of ideas and the book contains plenty of nuggets of wisdom and suggestions for improvements.dicho2 = stated.
Example: Throughout, the code is based upon clearly stated principles.more:
» bien dicho = amen to that! [Expresión utilizada para indicar total acuerdo con lo que alguien ha dicho] .
Example: Amen to that!.» como han dicho otros = as others have said .
Example: As others have said, this is an aspirational directive about the sort of Europe we want to create = Como otros han dicho, ésta es una directiva ambiciosa sobre el tipo de Europa que queremos crear.» como otros han dicho = as others have said .
Example: As others have said, this is an aspirational directive about the sort of Europe we want to create = Como otros han dicho, ésta es una directiva ambiciosa sobre el tipo de Europa que queremos crear.» cuatro verdades bien dichas = home truth .
Example: The book `Life's Like That' demystifies some myths, hopefully triggered some change and established some home truths about homosexuality.» del dicho al hecho hay mucho trecho = actions speak louder than words ; many a slip between the cup and the lip ; be easier said than done ; There's many a slip 'twixt cup and lip ; talk the talk walk the walk .
Example: But in the end, although I've talked myself blue in the face, I'm afraid actions speak louder than words. Example: The article is entitled 'Towards academic status: many a slip between the cup and the lip'. Example: In formulating strategies and choosing options to deal with Iraq, it is important to recognize that some things are easier said than done. Example: There's many a slip twixt cup and lip, of course, in plans like these, but that's the intention now. Example: Don't just talk the talk, walk the walk -- if you believe that women can change the world, donate to a charity that will help them to do so.» después de todo lo dicho y hecho, es más lo dicho que lo hecho = after all is said and done, more is said than done .
Example: Many Americans seem to be living out the old cliché 'after all is said and done, more is said than done'.» dicho anteriormente, lo = foregoing, the [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo] .
Example: Whatever the motives (and the foregoing is no more than a selection) the resultant effect is to cause great problems for bibliographic control.» dicho de otra forma = put another way ; in other words ; said differently .
Example: Put another way, if broadcasting were a garden, pirate radio stations would be poisonous crabgrass. Example: In other words, my job is to attempt to put what you have heard into perspective in terms of today and the future. Example: Said differently, the public access technology adoption curve seems to be in the process of leveling = Dicho de otro modo, la curva de adopción de tecnología para el acceso público comienza a nivelarse.» dicho de otra manera = put another way ; in other words ; said differently .
Example: Put another way, if broadcasting were a garden, pirate radio stations would be poisonous crabgrass. Example: In other words, my job is to attempt to put what you have heard into perspective in terms of today and the future. Example: Said differently, the public access technology adoption curve seems to be in the process of leveling = Dicho de otro modo, la curva de adopción de tecnología para el acceso público comienza a nivelarse.» dicho de otro modo = in other words ; said differently ; put another way .
Example: In other words, my job is to attempt to put what you have heard into perspective in terms of today and the future. Example: Said differently, the public access technology adoption curve seems to be in the process of leveling = Dicho de otro modo, la curva de adopción de tecnología para el acceso público comienza a nivelarse. Example: Put another way, if broadcasting were a garden, pirate radio stations would be poisonous crabgrass.» dicho esto = that said .
Example: That said, India, in my estimation, will take some beating.» dicho más arriba, lo = foregoing, the [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo] .
Example: Whatever the motives (and the foregoing is no more than a selection) the resultant effect is to cause great problems for bibliographic control.» dicho sea a su favor = to + Posesivo + credit .
Example: To their credit, they created an ambitious programme to maximise the digital opportunities and advantages.» dicho sea de paso = by the way ; on a sidenote ; by the by(e) ; as an aside .
Example: It is not wise, by the way, to approach the author by telephone for this puts him on the spot and he may refuse simply in self-defense and especially if you happen to butt in when he is struggling with an obstinate chapter in a new book. Example: On a sidenote, this book almost didn't happen when the author showed her editor her proposal. Example: Zenobia, by-the-by, as I suppose you know, is merely her public name. Example: As an aside, if the analysis presented so far is correct, it has some interesting consequences.» dicho sucintamente = economically told .
Example: The economically told chronicle of Slake's adventures is more than a survival saga.» dicho y hecho = no sooner said than done .
Example: No sooner said than done -- he slipped a dog collar around Pinocchio's neck and tightened it so that it would not come off.» entre el dicho y el hecho hay un gran tr = There's many a slip 'twixt cup and lip .
Example: There's many a slip twixt cup and lip, of course, in plans like these, but that's the intention now.» entre el dicho y el hecho hay una gran trecho = talk the talk walk the walk .
Example: Don't just talk the talk, walk the walk -- if you believe that women can change the world, donate to a charity that will help them to do so.» entre el dicho y el hecho hay un gran trecho = many a slip between the cup and the lip ; be easier said than done .
Example: The article is entitled 'Towards academic status: many a slip between the cup and the lip'. Example: In formulating strategies and choosing options to deal with Iraq, it is important to recognize that some things are easier said than done.» la verdad sea dicha = to tell the truth ; in (all) fairness .
Example: To tell the truth, I may speak, on this being indeterminate and indivisible, only tautologically: the being is the being. Example: In all fairness, there are very few, if any, Benjamin Franklins in the contemporary American firmament either.» la verdad sea dicha que = if the truth be told .
Example: If the truth be told, both sides of the political spectrum suffer from those who operate on emotions rather than logic.» mejor dicho = nay .
Example: Said another timidly, nay, sheepishly: 'You can see we need help, can't you Mr. Bibeau?'.» o mejor dicho = or rather .
Example: These are analogous, or rather synonymous, terms with intermingled aims and objectives and as such they need some elucidation.» propiamente dicho = proper [Significado apropiado cuando sigue a un nombre] ; properly .
Example: In other words, the name information (the name proper, dates, whether the name is a single surname, and so forth) is the same for all documents associated with a name. Example: The conclusion is that AI has limited potential because many information management tasks are properly shallow information processing ones.» ¿Qué ha dicho? = I beg your pardon? .
Example: 'I beg your pardon?' Rundle said, genuinely surprised.» título propiamente dicho = title proper [Título principal de una publicación, es decir, el título en la forma en que aparece en la portada o en el sustituto de ésta] .
Example: This latter does not, for example, have a title proper or edition area.» una vez dicho esto = having said that .
Example: Having said that, I try not to look at things through rose coloured glasses to the point where I'm out of touch with reality.» verdaderamente dicho = in disguise .
Example: The author addresses the question of whether a metadata specialist is really a cataloguer in disguise.dicho3 = such.
Example: Preferential relationships generally indicate preferred terms or descriptors and distinguish such terms from non-descriptors or non-preferred terms.more:
» en dicha ocasión = on that (particular) occasion .
Example: The truth is, I don't remember what I said to her on that particular occasion.decir = declare ; put ; read ; say ; state ; tell ; volunteer ; make + the point that ; let + Nombre + know ; let + it be known ; observe ; bid ; reflect ; utter ; tender ; hip ; call + the tune ; pipe up.
Example: 24.17 declares Enter a body created or controlled by a government under its own name unless it belongs to one or more of the types listed in 24.18.Example: As one respondent from this end of the information spectrum put it, 'Context is all in the information world'.Example: This error message is displayed in the upper right-hand corner of the screen and reads: DAWT008, 107, DFCR....Example: In conclusion, it should not be necessary to say that instructions and guiding must be as brief as possible.Example: Short abstracts are generally preferred, but there are instances where the most effective approach is to cite the original unamended, and to state that this is what has been done.Example: Program function key 1 (FP1) tells DOBIS/LIBIS to stop whatever it is doing and go back to the function selection screen.Example: 'Anything wrong?' 'Oh, I'm okay, I guess,' volunteered Datto cautiously.Example: However, they do make the very important point that the notation is not an essential part of the scheme.Example: Then the secretary, having rallied herself, said forlornly 'I'll let him know you're here in a minute'.Example: It can certainly be status-conferring to let it be known in social conversation that one has read the latest Fay Weldon book, but if the group one is in never reads Fay Weldon anyway and could not care less what she has written then the victory is a somewhat hollow one.Example: 'All this is not very likely,' she observed at last, 'not only because of the strength of the selection process -- its imperviousness to proof before an arbitrator'.Example: 'Sit down please,' he bade her.Example: 'Now, you know, I could merely turn this over to the two division or all the department heads and let them decide,' reflected Bough.Example: The ideal was forever etched in his consciousness from the day Crane uttered it: a good librarian working anywhere is a credit and benefit to libraries everywhere.Example: 'Well,' Stanton tendered, 'one candidate clearly has the superior experience -- Kass'.Example: He was aghast after having been hipped to the fact there are hookers on the Internet.Example: As long as we allow other people to pay the piper, they will continue calling the tune in Africa.Example: Avoid using 'decimate' as someone will pipe up about it meaning 'remove 1/10th of,' and those people are dickheads.more:
» a decir de todos = by all accounts .
Example: By all accounts, trafficking in human beings is increasing at staggering rates.» a decir verdad = to tell the truth ; if the truth be known ; if the truth be told ; in all truth ; in truth ; to be fair ; quite frankly ; in (all) fairness ; Mind you .
Example: To tell the truth, I may speak, on this being indeterminate and indivisible, only tautologically: the being is the being. Example: If the truth be known, most successes are built on a multitude of failures. Example: If the truth be told, both sides of the political spectrum suffer from those who operate on emotions rather than logic. Example: In all truth, it must be said that this howling, hissing, foot-scraping body of young rapscallions found some cause for complaint. Example: But why had he said he offered to do the work for the superintendent when in truth she had initiated the request?. Example: To be fair, this was not Ewart's or Edwards' idea of a public library. Example: The whole work hard, play hard mantra unfortunately shows no sign of stopping even though it's quite frankly a marketing con. Example: In all fairness, there are very few, if any, Benjamin Franklins in the contemporary American firmament either. Example: 'Mind you,' the manager appended, 'I'm suggesting this as a permanent arrangement, not as a stop-gap measure'.» a decir verdad... = fact is ; the fact is that... ; the fact of the matter is that... ; the truth of the matter is that... .
Example: Fact is, we are the largest group of ungrateful, spoiled brats the world has ever seen. Example: The fact is that income inequality is real -- it's been rising for more than 25 years. Example: But the fact of the matter is that they wouldn't have gotten the chance of a lifetime if not for the hard work of Epperson. Example: In some ways I understand this line of reasoning but the truth of the matter is that all of us will kick the bucket at some point.» a decir verdad = to tell the truth ; if the truth be known ; if the truth be told ; in all truth ; in truth ; to be fair ; quite frankly ; in (all) fairness ; Mind you .
Example: To tell the truth, I may speak, on this being indeterminate and indivisible, only tautologically: the being is the being. Example: If the truth be known, most successes are built on a multitude of failures. Example: If the truth be told, both sides of the political spectrum suffer from those who operate on emotions rather than logic. Example: In all truth, it must be said that this howling, hissing, foot-scraping body of young rapscallions found some cause for complaint. Example: But why had he said he offered to do the work for the superintendent when in truth she had initiated the request?. Example: To be fair, this was not Ewart's or Edwards' idea of a public library. Example: The whole work hard, play hard mantra unfortunately shows no sign of stopping even though it's quite frankly a marketing con. Example: In all fairness, there are very few, if any, Benjamin Franklins in the contemporary American firmament either. Example: 'Mind you,' the manager appended, 'I'm suggesting this as a permanent arrangement, not as a stop-gap measure'.» a decir verdad... = fact is ; the fact is that... ; the fact of the matter is that... ; the truth of the matter is that... .
Example: Fact is, we are the largest group of ungrateful, spoiled brats the world has ever seen. Example: The fact is that income inequality is real -- it's been rising for more than 25 years. Example: But the fact of the matter is that they wouldn't have gotten the chance of a lifetime if not for the hard work of Epperson. Example: In some ways I understand this line of reasoning but the truth of the matter is that all of us will kick the bucket at some point.» a decir verdad = to tell the truth ; if the truth be known ; if the truth be told ; in all truth ; in truth ; to be fair ; quite frankly ; in (all) fairness ; Mind you .
Example: To tell the truth, I may speak, on this being indeterminate and indivisible, only tautologically: the being is the being. Example: If the truth be known, most successes are built on a multitude of failures. Example: If the truth be told, both sides of the political spectrum suffer from those who operate on emotions rather than logic. Example: In all truth, it must be said that this howling, hissing, foot-scraping body of young rapscallions found some cause for complaint. Example: But why had he said he offered to do the work for the superintendent when in truth she had initiated the request?. Example: To be fair, this was not Ewart's or Edwards' idea of a public library. Example: The whole work hard, play hard mantra unfortunately shows no sign of stopping even though it's quite frankly a marketing con. Example: In all fairness, there are very few, if any, Benjamin Franklins in the contemporary American firmament either. Example: 'Mind you,' the manager appended, 'I'm suggesting this as a permanent arrangement, not as a stop-gap measure'.» Algo me dice que... = Something tells me that... .
Example: Something tells me that if we could turn the clock forward ten or fifteen years, we'll be using an entirely different lexicon altogether.» alguna gente dice que = some say that .
Example: Some say that Leninism is the application of Marxism to the conditions that are peculiar to the situation in Russia.» algunas cosas es mejor no decirlas = some things are better left unsaid [A veces abreviado a better left unsaid] .
Example: Honesty may be the best policy, but some things are better left unsaid.» algunos dicen que = some say that .
Example: Some say that Leninism is the application of Marxism to the conditions that are peculiar to the situation in Russia.» arriesgarse a decir = hazard ; go out on + a limb and/to say ; go + (as/so) far as to say .
Example: 'I suppose we could go to the board of county commissions,' she hazarded, after a longish pause. Example: So, as much as I liked this book, I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that I liked the movie better. Example: In fact, I would go so far as to say that people do not change.» atreverse a decir = go + (as/so) far as to say ; go out on + a limb and/to say ; hazard .
Example: In fact, I would go so far as to say that people do not change. Example: So, as much as I liked this book, I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that I liked the movie better. Example: 'I suppose we could go to the board of county commissions,' she hazarded, after a longish pause.» aunque a decir verdad = Mind you .
Example: 'Mind you,' the manager appended, 'I'm suggesting this as a permanent arrangement, not as a stop-gap measure'.» aventurarse a decir = venture .
Example: 'I can certainly understand your concern,' she ventured, speaking with a certain amiable casualness which she hoped would keep the edge off his annoyance, 'but we're really trying to protect the taxpayer's investment and the library's materials'.» baste decir que = suffice (it) to say .
Example: Suffice it to say that there are some problems associated with recording all components in the description.» bote para depositar dinero por decir tacos = cuss jar [Costumbre que algunas familias siguen para acostumbrar principalmente a los hijos a no decir palabrotas] .
Example: Those who let a foul word slip will be encouraged to deposit money into the cuss jar as penance.» bote para depositar dinero por decir palabrotas = cuss jar [Costumbre que algunas familias siguen para acostumbrar principalmente a los hijos a no decir palabrotas] .
Example: Those who let a foul word slip will be encouraged to deposit money into the cuss jar as penance.» como dice el dicho = as the saying goes ; so the saying goes .
Example: The play is damned by the critics but packs in the crowds and the producers may be upset by the adverse criticisms but they can, as the saying goes, cry all the way to the bank. Example: Behind every good man, so the saying goes, is a good woman, and behind every maniac, is a good woman losing her sanity!.» como dice el refrán = as the saying goes ; so the saying goes .
Example: The play is damned by the critics but packs in the crowds and the producers may be upset by the adverse criticisms but they can, as the saying goes, cry all the way to the bank. Example: Behind every good man, so the saying goes, is a good woman, and behind every maniac, is a good woman losing her sanity!.» como dicen = so they say ; as they say .
Example: First love is special, so sweet...but the first cut is the deepest, so they say. Example: Change, as they say, is the only constant = El cambio, según se dice, es la única constante.» confiar en lo que Alguien dice = take + Nombre + at/for + Posesivo + word .
Example: Let's try for a minute to take the religious conservatives at their word and define marriage as the Bible does.» continuar diciendo = go on .
Example: Dexter Rundle went on: 'As I said I'm late for an appointment and have to go, but tell Ms. Lachaise that I'll be in touch with her'.» cuanto menos se diga, mejor = the less said (about it), the better .
Example: In fact, when it comes to spying on employees Internet surfing behavior, perhaps the less said, the better.» cumplir lo que se dice = live up to + Posesivo + claim .
Example: The system has lived up to its claims, fulfilling all specifications and proving highly reliable = El sistema ha cumplido lo dijo, haciendo realidad todas sus especificaciones y demostrando ser muy fiable.» dar que decir = set + (the) tongues wagging .
Example: In this edition we want to take a look back at some of the breakups that set the tongues wagging.» decían las malas lenguas que = rumour had it that ; word had it that .
Example: Rumour had it that he was being wooed by Technicomm, Inc. Example: Word had it that the village was among the most feared over claims of witchcraft practices.» decir abiertamente = come out in + the open .
Example: They came out in the open to show the world that they are together.» decir a ciencia cierta = tell + Nombre + for a fact .
Example: As a referee, I can tell you for a fact that what he did was not bookable.» decir adiós = bid + Nombre + goodbye [Verbo irregular que mantiene la misma forma en los tiempos de pasado] ; bid + adieu ; kiss + Nombre + goodbye ; bid + Posesivo + farewell ; wave + a bye ; say + Posesivo + farewell ; wave + Nombre + off .
Example: Datto rose, bid her good-bye, and hurried away. Example: Bibeau smiled, said thanks, and bid everyone adieu. Example: The article 'Don't kiss Boolean goodbye' criticizes the recent trend away from Boolean searching and towards natural language searching in online systems. Example: The editorial 'Bidding a fond farewell' marks the end of Carol Diedrichs' 13 years as editor in chief of the journal. Example: Imagine my surprise when I turned to see the gentleman waving a bye to me!!. Example: My plan for this is to sort out the final business I have with relatives, say my farewells and bury the battle axe and raise the white flag. Example: I just come to the position of attention until he waves me off, or tells me to 'stand at ease', or to be 'as you were'.» decir adiós (a) = say + goodbye (to) .
Example: They said good-bye, and he left.» decir adios a = say + adios to .
Example: She said adios to the cold weather most of the US is experiencing to soak up the sun in Miami.» decir adiós al pasado = bid + farewell + to the past .
Example: The article has the title 'Time to bid the past farewell'.» decir adiós con la mano = wave + goodbye .
Example: He smiled again, waved goodbye, and departed.» decir adiós con un gesto = signal + goodbye .
Example: She signaled good-bye.» decir a favor de = say in + favour of .
Example: What can be said in favor of ISBD is that it represents an international agreement; but an agreement on inadequate rules is worse than a disagreement.» decir Algo = break + the news .
Example: 'Let me know how you think we should break the news, uh?,' Cissy Bogardus replied and took her leave.» decir Algo a Alguien = let + Nombre + in on .
Example: If I decide to spring for this I'll let you in on what I find out.» decir algo como que = say + something to the effect that .
Example: As I recall he said something to the effect that if she waited too long, she'd be set in her ways, and then she'd never remarry.» decir Algo de un modo colérico = flame out .
Example: 'Didn't you learn anywhere along the line that a subordinate has an obligation to keep a supervisor informed about what's going on?' she flamed out indignantly.» decir Algo que es obvio por sí mismo = state + the obvious .
Example: And beware of stating the obvious since in many cases the title will be explicit.» decir balbuceando = splutter ; sputter .
Example: 'Jeanne ... I don't ... I need to talk ...,' she spluttered. Example: One of them sputtered and gesticulated with sufficient violence to induce us to desist.» decir bolas = fib .
Example: She also fibbed about the place the wedding took place - citing a country town when they were married in a city registry office.» decir bromeando = quip .
Example: As one wag quipped, 'She came here saying that she never met a person she didn't like -- then she met Tilly the Hun!'.» decir chorradas = bullshit ; blather [blether] ; talk + rubbish ; drivel on ; talk + garbage .
Example: We want them to sit down and do the agreements in good faith and stop bullshitting in the press. Example: Whenever someone blathers on about 'innocent' Israeli citizens, please remember that Israelis go to watch the genocide in Gaza from a hilltop as a spectator sport, cheering on every explosion. Example: I would also like to know where to find other expats in Dusseldorf would have the same like for beer/wine and talking rubbish. Example: But as he drivelled on about courage, peace, dignity and democracy everyone could see that it was just the same old rubbish. Example: The reason some feminists are angry is because people like you talk garbage about us without actually listening to what we have to say.» decir con desdén = sneer .
Example: 'Arnold and the others are too sensitive!' he sneered, spreading his hands in a fantastic gesture of disdain.» decir con desprecio = sneer .
Example: 'Arnold and the others are too sensitive!' he sneered, spreading his hands in a fantastic gesture of disdain.» decir con la boca llena = say in + full confidence .
Example: And although I still feel there are oodles of designers out there who are better than me, I can say in full confidence I ain't half bad.» decir con mal humor = spit out .
Example: He stared coldly at her for a moment, then spat out: 'Bah! You're in charge'.» decir con toda confianza = say in + full confidence .
Example: And although I still feel there are oodles of designers out there who are better than me, I can say in full confidence I ain't half bad.» decir con voz + Adjetivo = say in + a + Adjetivo + voice .
Example: 'I can't take it any more, Tom,' said Lespran, in a trembling and wrathful voice.» decir cosas desagradables = say + mean things .
Example: But every now and then you'll run into someone who's truly a bad sport -- a kid who plays dirty, hogs the ball, or says mean things to you.» decir de mala manera = object + peevishly .
Example: 'Don't turn on the light,' John objected peevishly as she moved toward the electric switch.» decir de paso que = let + it drop that .
Example: He was as usual talking about himself and his work when he let it drop that no female writer could ever be his equal.» decir de un modo enfadado = spit out .
Example: He stared coldly at her for a moment, then spat out: 'Bah! You're in charge'.» decir de verdad = mean .
Example: Men communicate by insulting each other, but they don't really mean it.» decir disparates = shoot off at + the mouth ; talk + rubbish ; talk + nonsense ; talk through + Posesivo + hat ; haver [Usado principalmente en escocés] ; maunder ; be full of crap ; shoot + Posesivo + face off [Usado también con el orden shoot off + Posesivo + face] ; shoot + Posesivo + mouth off [Usado también con el orden shoot off + Posesivo + mouth] ; say + gibberish ; talk + gibberish ; talk + garbage .
Example: Perry has a lingering problem of shooting off at the mouth first, and asking questions later. Example: I would also like to know where to find other expats in Dusseldorf would have the same like for beer/wine and talking rubbish. Example: Money is not the root of all evil but too much money can make you talk nonsense. Example: Any lawyer who claims to be able to foresee perfectly the court's custody ruling, given the complexity of the issues at stake, is talking through his hat. Example: So that's what a Scotsman does when he gets drunk: he havers at you. Example: The Democrats are going to spectacularly lose the elections unless they stop maundering pathetic crap about Palin's inexperience. Example: If you're full of crap or know someone who is, this is the place for you. Example: Boy, how they shot their face off about how they were going to beat us!. Example: She's just always shooting her mouth off and sticking her foot in it. Example: My friend keeps waking up saying gibberish, starts to snore, and falls back asleep. Example: A guy walked over and started talking gibberish to him, then he just took a swing and punched him. Example: The reason some feminists are angry is because people like you talk garbage about us without actually listening to what we have to say.» decir en alta voz = say + aloud .
Example: She should never had said aloud that she doesn't fancy tattoos.» decir en confianza = confide (in/to) .
Example: When the interviewer made a second visit to some households and had become accepted, more and complicated problems were confided simply because she was an outside person.» decir en defensa de = say in + defence of .
Example: What has been said in defense of full titles may be true, that 'it takes longer to abridge a title than to copy it in full'.» decir en serio = mean .
Example: Men communicate by insulting each other, but they don't really mean it.» decir entrecordamente = splurt out .
Example: In between tears, he managed to splurt out that the Russians hold on the trophy was finally over.» decir entre dientes = say under + Posesivo + breath .
Example: 'Rhinoceros!' she said under her breath, shaking her head.» decir en voz alta = say + out loud ; say in + a loud voice .
Example: What he said out loud is what African American people had been saying out loud forever, behind closed doors. Example: You don't have to be bombastic to be powerful [he says in a loud voice], you can be more intimate [he says in a quieter voice].» decir en voz baja = say under + Posesivo + breath ; say in + a low voice ; say in + a quiet voice .
Example: 'Rhinoceros!' she said under her breath, shaking her head. Example: 'When I ---' he said in a low voice, and then he began again, 'When I filled out your evaluation form last week I wasn't feeling well'. Example: You don't have to be bombastic to be powerful [he says in a loud voice], you can be more intimate [he says in a quieter voice].» decir + esperar = express + hope .
Example: He also expressed the hope that the changes to be made would enable the scheme to last for a considerable time into the future.» decir estupideces = talk + rubbish ; talk + nonsense ; talk through + Posesivo + hat ; blather [blether] ; haver [Usado principalmente en escocés] ; maunder ; be full of crap ; say + gibberish ; talk + gibberish ; talk + garbage .
Example: I would also like to know where to find other expats in Dusseldorf would have the same like for beer/wine and talking rubbish. Example: Money is not the root of all evil but too much money can make you talk nonsense. Example: Any lawyer who claims to be able to foresee perfectly the court's custody ruling, given the complexity of the issues at stake, is talking through his hat. Example: Whenever someone blathers on about 'innocent' Israeli citizens, please remember that Israelis go to watch the genocide in Gaza from a hilltop as a spectator sport, cheering on every explosion. Example: So that's what a Scotsman does when he gets drunk: he havers at you. Example: The Democrats are going to spectacularly lose the elections unless they stop maundering pathetic crap about Palin's inexperience. Example: If you're full of crap or know someone who is, this is the place for you. Example: My friend keeps waking up saying gibberish, starts to snore, and falls back asleep. Example: A guy walked over and started talking gibberish to him, then he just took a swing and punched him. Example: The reason some feminists are angry is because people like you talk garbage about us without actually listening to what we have to say.» decir gilipolleces = talk + nonsense ; talk + rubbish ; bullshit ; talk through + Posesivo + hat ; haver [Usado principalmente en escocés] ; maunder ; be full of crap ; say + gibberish ; talk + gibberish ; talk + garbage .
Example: Money is not the root of all evil but too much money can make you talk nonsense. Example: I would also like to know where to find other expats in Dusseldorf would have the same like for beer/wine and talking rubbish. Example: We want them to sit down and do the agreements in good faith and stop bullshitting in the press. Example: Any lawyer who claims to be able to foresee perfectly the court's custody ruling, given the complexity of the issues at stake, is talking through his hat. Example: So that's what a Scotsman does when he gets drunk: he havers at you. Example: The Democrats are going to spectacularly lose the elections unless they stop maundering pathetic crap about Palin's inexperience. Example: If you're full of crap or know someone who is, this is the place for you. Example: My friend keeps waking up saying gibberish, starts to snore, and falls back asleep. Example: A guy walked over and started talking gibberish to him, then he just took a swing and punched him. Example: The reason some feminists are angry is because people like you talk garbage about us without actually listening to what we have to say.» decir guarradas = talk + dirty [Generalmente entre parejas para excitarse sexualmente] ; talk + filth ; talk + smut .
Example: As for me, talking dirty is an essential part of my sex life and one of the naughtiest things I enjoy. Example: But, until they make talking filth to an undercover police officer a crime, these guys are committing no crime. Example: They all wanted to meet up and talk smut, but couldn't admit it, so they said there was some scientific purpose behind it all.» decir guarrerías = talk + dirty [Generalmente entre parejas para excitarse sexualmente] ; talk + filth ; talk + smut .
Example: As for me, talking dirty is an essential part of my sex life and one of the naughtiest things I enjoy. Example: But, until they make talking filth to an undercover police officer a crime, these guys are committing no crime. Example: They all wanted to meet up and talk smut, but couldn't admit it, so they said there was some scientific purpose behind it all.» decir humorísticamente = quip .
Example: As one wag quipped, 'She came here saying that she never met a person she didn't like -- then she met Tilly the Hun!'.» decir idioteces = blather [blether] .
Example: Whenever someone blathers on about 'innocent' Israeli citizens, please remember that Israelis go to watch the genocide in Gaza from a hilltop as a spectator sport, cheering on every explosion.» decir inadvertidamente = let + Nombre + slip .
Example: Those who let a foul word slip will be encouraged to deposit money into the cuss jar as penance.» decir inesperadamente = blurt out ; pipe .
Example: Then something compelled her to blurt out: 'Are you interested in the job?' 'We haven't frightened you off, have we?' ejaculated another, with a nervous laugh.