Deterioro in english
pronunciation: dɪtɪriɜreɪʃən part of speech: noun

deteriorar = damage ; impair ; spoil ; disrupt ; corrode ; get + worse ; make + Nombre + worse.
Example: Single holds are useful, for example, when a particular copy of a document is damaged or needs rebinding.Example: It is difficult to neglect either entirely, without impairing the effectiveness in fulfilling the other objective.Example: But if set-off did occur and threatened to set back and spoil subsequent impressions of the first forme, the tympan cloth could be rubbed over with lye to clean it.Example: Essentially, problem patrons can be considered in three groups: (1) the dangerous or apparently dangerous; (2) the patron who disrupts readers; and (3) the nuisance whose focus is the librarian.Example: At times, however, stresses on the system, whether caused by internal or external forces, threaten to corrode the ethical boundaries.Example: Reports confirm that what seems bad now is going to get worse.Example: Boils on the buttocks can be very painful, and the pressure from sitting can make the pain worse.more:
» deteriorarse = decay ; deteriorate ; creak ; go + downhill ; fall into + disrepair ; grow + worse ; fall apart ; dilapidate ; go to + seed ; degenerate (into) ; go to + pot ; go to + the dogs ; come down in + the world ; go down in + the world ; fray around/at + the edges ; come apart at + the seams ; fall apart at + the seams .
Example: A data base must respond to a dynamic reality in which terms, 'strain, crack and sometimes break under the burden, under the tension, slip, slide, perish, decay with imprecision, will not stay in place, will not stay still'. Example: But the relationship between the source of most of the shared cataloging data, the Library of Congress, and nonresearch libraries shows signs of deteriorating rather than improving. Example: Such recommendations can be viewed as attempts to shortcircuit a system which has creaked more noticeably with the passage of time. Example: The late James Bennet Childs, one-time head of Descriptive Cataloging at LC and long-time documents specialist, has often pointed out how the quality of documents cataloging went downhill after the special cataloging unit was abolished. Example: His bodily frame, verging on obesity, appeared to have fallen into disrepair, as though he had ceased to be interested in it. Example: As we all know, the situation has only grown worse since then. Example: Most of the packaging for cassettes provided by commercial vendors that are known nationwide is lousy, falls apart, looks bad, and so on. Example: The mission was in the process of building a new wing onto the convent, so the old house was allowed to dilapidate. Example: She berated him for having 'gone to seed' and lambasted him for not living up to his ideals = Ella le recriminó por "abandonarse" y le acusó de no vivir de acuerdo con sus ideales. Example: The assistant's position frequently degenerates into a 'catch-all' position, with the assistant ending up with a number of miscellaneous odd-jobs (sometimes 'keep-busy' type jobs, well below his or her capabilities). Example: Alesha tells Laila that she's getting on her wick because it started off so well and went to pot. Example: Dictator Robert Mugabe has laid into Britain describing it as 'small in mind' and a nation that has 'gone to the dogs'. Example: Since I came down in the world I've become a better person. Example: If you were seen in anything but a good pair of belled denim jeans your social standing simply went down in the world. Example: There are some signs that growth in the advanced economies may be fraying at the edges, and China may be embarking on another mini downturn. Example: The emergency services were frantically racing against the clock to try and hold together their city which was coming apart at the seams. Example: Society is falling apart at the seams, causing individuals who have not been able to cope with the changes to feel unprotected and hopeless.» empezar a deteriorarse = hit + the skids ; be on the skids ; go into + a decline ; fall into + decline .
Example: Economic data released Friday in Tokyo leaves no doubt that Japan's economy has hit the skids. Example: But will Barack Obama dare to touch this sacred cow that seems as American as apple pie -- especially now, when the housing market is on the skids?. Example: America is going into a decline the like of which the world has never seen before. Example: After the Romans left, the city of London fell into a decline.» situación + deteriorarse = situation + worsen ; situation + get worse .
Example: Britain already had a serious unemployment problem in the 1920s, but the situation worsened markedly after 1929. Example: The situation got worse in 2002 because of political violence during presidential elections that year which targeted farmers and their workers.deterioro = damage ; decay ; deterioration ; impairment ; embrittlement ; slippage ; degradation ; degeneration ; rot ; decline ; rack and ruin ; worsening ; dilapidation ; decrepitude.
Example: Wastage is sometimes defined as material which temporarily or permanently has evaded the usual lending procedures due to misplacement, damage, non-registration, theft or non-returns.Example: Nevertheless, deacidification alone will not stop the decay unless soluble copper compounds are removed from the object or converted to chemically inert compounds.Example: And thirdly and most importantly, I am concerned about some movements which I think symptomatize ideological deterioration and would have us, as someone put it, march boldly backwards into the future.Example: A well-designed multimodal application can be used by people with a wide variety of impairments.Example: This article considers the need for a survey of modern printed book collections, in the context of the embrittlement of book papers.Example: The Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) also publishes FAO Books in Print on an intended annual cycle but the programme has been subject to slippage in recent years.Example: This article describes how the property of chemiluminescence -- the faint emission of light from organic materials undergoing oxidisation -- may be used to measure the rate of degradation of paper.Example: The article 'The degeneration of the work of man' examines the work of hunter/gathers, farmers, factory workers, and information handlers from the Ice Age to the Information Age.Example: The article 'Stop the rot!' reports on a half-day seminar on audiovisual conservation.Example: Library automation was in its ascendancy at precisely the same time that the nation's economy was firmly embarked on its present calamitous decline.Example: The policies that the Mugabe government have taken have lead the country to economic and political rack and ruin.Example: We have also considered other possible mechanisms to explain the worsening of hypokalemia in this patient.Example: If Central Park is to be rescued from the general dilapidation it is much money and energy intelligently directed must be expended.Example: It's its decrepitude as much as its ceremonial pomp that makes this cemetery interesting to me.more:
» acelerar el proceso de deterioro = hasten + rot .
Example: CD rot can be hastened by many factors including improper storage and handling during use.» deterioro biológico = biodeterioration .
Example: The article is entitled 'biodeterioration and biostability of library materials'.» deterioro cognitivo = cognitive impairment .
Example: Its relation to cognitive impairment is as yet uncleared.» deterioro de la salud = failing health .
Example: At the age of 90, and in failing health, her face creased up in a smile on hearing that she had been granted a retrial in a murder case for which she spent 10 years in prison.» deterioro del CDROM = CD rot .
Example: The purportedly 'permanent' CD-ROM medium follows the immutable laws of nature: the aluminum coating on the disc oxidises over time (a condition called disc rot or CD rot), resulting in an unreadable disc.» deterioro de los bits = bit rot ; bit decay .
Example: The term 'bit rot' gets batted around a lot, but its definition isn't so easy to nail down. Example: We offer new algorithms for finding cryptographic keys in memory images and for correcting errors caused by bit decay.» deterioro de los datos = data decay ; data rot .
Example: But even keeping a step ahead of data decay and software obsolescence is no guarantee of escaping the problem. Example: There are dozens of causes for data rot, from natural disasters to computer viruses.» deterioro de los discos = disc rot .
Example: The purportedly 'permanent' CD-ROM medium follows the immutable laws of nature: the aluminum coating on the disc oxidises over time (a condition called disc rot or CD rot), resulting in an unreadable disc.» deterioro de los enlaces = link rot [En Internet, término usado para referirse al deterioro de los hipervínculos a otros servidores web que aparecen en una página web debido al cambio de las direcciones a las que apuntan o su desaparición total] .
Example: Link rot, in which a significant percentage of links no longer work due mainly to to URLs change or dissapearance, is a common problem on the Web.» deterioro de los nervios = nerve damage .
Example: Nerve damage may mean that you no longer notice the stone in your shoe, due to loss of sensation to your feet.» deterioro de propiedad alquilada = dilapidation .
Example: A dilapidation deposit, usually equal to 1.5 times the monthly rental figure, must be paid by the tenant to cover any minor losses or dilapidation.» deterioro social = social decay .
Example: Cordelia emerges amid the moral depravity and social decay as one who is honest and true to her beliefs = Cordelia emerge en medio de la depravación moral y la deterioro social como una persona que es honesta y fiel a sus creencias.» en deterioro = deteriorating ; crumbling ; decaying ; dilapidated ; disintegrating [Pincha en para ver otras palabras que comienzan con este prefijo] .
Example: This article discusses the current situation, emphasising the apparent complacency of the government in the face of incipiently deteriorating prospects for public libraries. Example: We must now look beyond crumbling books to determine the deeper significance of our stewardship obligations for the future = Debemos mirar más allá de los libros en deterioro para determinar cuál es el verdadero significado de nuestras obligaciones para el futuro. Example: Following World War II, 'urban renewal' referred primarily to public efforts to revitalize aging and decaying inner cities. Example: China's transport authorities plan to scrap dilapidated ships to enhance safety and improve the competitiveness of the industry. Example: For all Havana's crumbling structures, its disintegrating roads and toxin-belching jalopies, it attracts over a million tourists each year.» en estado de deterioro = decaying ; dilapidated .
Example: Following World War II, 'urban renewal' referred primarily to public efforts to revitalize aging and decaying inner cities. Example: China's transport authorities plan to scrap dilapidated ships to enhance safety and improve the competitiveness of the industry.