Destrozo in english
pronunciation: ʃætɜrɪŋ part of speech: noun, adjective

destrozar = shatter ; batter ; vandalise [vandalize, -USA] ; wreak + devastation ; smash ; pull apart ; ravage ; tear + Nombre + apart ; mangle ; dismember ; shred ; blow + Nombre + away ; wreck ; rip through ; pull + Nombre + to bits ; wipe + the floor with ; rubbish ; blight ; chew up ; rip + Nombre + apart ; run + Nombre + (in)to the ground ; butcher ; knock + the bottom out of ; crucify ; slaughter ; break + Nombre + apart ; break + Nombre + apart ; tear + Nombre + apart.
Example: Her feeling of well-being was soon rudely shattered.Example: But the early cylinder machines worked less accurately than the platens, tending to slur the impression and batter the type.Example: This article argues in favour of the term 'conservator' rather than 'restorer' of books as the former does not conjure up a picture of the Victorian artisan vandalising documents with irreversible treatments simply for effect.Example: This article describes the experiences of a fledgling information system in dealing with a hurricane which wreaked devastation on some of the most remote areas of Hawaii = This article describes the experiences of a fledgling information system in dealing with a hurricane which wreaked devastation on some of the most remote areas of Hawaii.Example: The library was badly vandalised and the intruders overturned 10 large bookcases, tore paintings down, emptied catalogues, and smashed intercoms, chairs, tables and windows.Example: If solutions are not found to meet this challenge, users' hunger for multimedia could pull the Internet apart.Example: The rigours of the climate and the effects of war and political unrest have ravaged this country's cultural heritage.Example: He is a stickler for detail and can tear apart a budget or a balance sheet faster than anyone.Example: In places the waters had swept container lorries loaded with goods yards off the road where they now lay twisted and mangled and almost unrecognizable as vehicles.Example: Books can seldom be disbound for the benefit of bibliographers (although it is worth remembering that they sometimes have to be rebound, when they are completely dismembered), but we can now see through printing ink by means of betaradiography.Example: If they do muster up the courage to participate, they have learned what it is like to lose: they describe it as being 'slaughtered,' 'blown away,' or 'shredded'.Example: If they do muster up the courage to participate, they have learned what it is like to lose: they describe it as being 'slaughtered,' 'blown away,' or 'shredded'.Example: They had made a secret deal with Otto Reich to wreck Cuba's economy.Example: Storms in this part of the world are common and the people didn't seem to bat an eyelid at the prospect of a 135km wind ripping through their town.Example: Microscopists think very little about plucking an innocent and unsuspecting insect from the garden, killing it, and pulling it to bits for study under a microscope.Example: One by one, he wiped the floor with opponents who had spoken in the debate -- with a ferocious blend of rant, rhetoric and rumbustious counterattack.Example: The theory of Scandinavian racial purity cherished by Hitler and the Nazis has been rubbished by new scientific research.Example: The global outbreak of swine flu has spread fear through the travel sector, blighting any green shoots of recovery from the financial crisis.Example: Cattle ranches are chewing up the Amazon rainforest.Example: An 18-month-old girl was 'ripped apart like a doll' by a dog in a horrific attack at a family home, witnesses have disclosed.Example: The current owners purchased the business from the previous owners because they had apparently ran it to the ground.Example: Lots of people using the English language make my skin crawl, mostly for the way they butcher it.Example: The aggravated situation provides new arguments for supporters of military intervention, and knocks the bottom out of the adherents of the diplomatic process.Example: I'm really trying to understand why she is being crucified by the media.Example: Anything less than a win and he'll be slaughtered by the media for the next week.Example: He had been there to help her when she needed him during those long dark hours when the fear of losing her son had almost broken her apart.Example: It was the size of a truck and was breaking apart as it crashed down, throwing out little bits of hot shrapnel that zinged past me.Example: It tore her apart when you broke her heart, but she's still right there loving you.more:
» destrozar completamente = blow + Nombre + to bits ; blow + Nombre + out of the water ; blow + Nombre + to pieces ; total .
Example: Even the most stable of industries, the most focused of business models and strongest of brands can be blown to bits by new information technology. Example: Tall television towers and large skyscrapers blow the 'lightning never strikes twice' myth out of the water. Example: If you sit on the lid of progress, you will be blown to pieces. Example: Her intentions were to find her bearings and get back on the road, but when she totalled her car after encountering an oversized wolf, she had no choice but to extend her stay.» destrozar el corazón = make + Posesivo + heart ache .
Example: The idea that he was far away in more ways than just distance made her heart ache.» destrozarse = come + undone ; go to + rack and ruin ; come apart at + the seams ; fall apart at + the seams ; go to + ruin ; fall (in)to + ruin(s) ; fray around/at + the edges .
Example: Ultimately, thought, understood as part of high culture, has come undone. Example: It is a marvel to think that this is the place a few years back thought to be irretrievably gone to rack and ruin. Example: The emergency services were frantically racing against the clock to try and hold together their city which was coming apart at the seams. Example: Society is falling apart at the seams, causing individuals who have not been able to cope with the changes to feel unprotected and hopeless. Example: Action is urgently needed to stop our village going to ruin = Se necesitan medidas urgentes para evitar que nuestro pueblo se vaya a la ruina. Example: The abbey fell into ruin after the dissolution of the monasteries by Henry VIII, and now very little of it remains. Example: There are some signs that growth in the advanced economies may be fraying at the edges, and China may be embarking on another mini downturn.destrozo = defacement ; smashing ; ravages ; rampage ; decimation ; rack and ruin ; shambles ; breakage.
Example: Finally, a few copies of an edition seem generally to have slipped through with their cancellanda uncancelled, so that examples of the original settings may sometimes be found (occasionally slashed by the warehouse keeper's shears, deliberate defacement which escaped notice).Example: The traditional sacred silence has even been replaced by a wonderful and imaginative smashing of the 'sound barrier' between silent print and the world of activity.Example: Problems faced maybe entirely new ones, such as protecting the library's stock from the ravages of climate or of insects.Example: These nocturnal rampages by gangs of werewolves included chasing women, eating prodigiously, being splattered with mud, and caterwauling generally.Example: Over the past decades librarians have been variously outraged and resigned to budget cuts and spiralling prices, leading to the decimation of their holdings.Example: The policies that the Mugabe government have taken have lead the country to economic and political rack and ruin.Example: The article is entitled 'From shambles to showplace'.Example: If you brush or comb your hair too often or in the wrong way, this can lead to breakage.more:
» causar destrozos = wreak + devastation .
Example: This article describes the experiences of a fledgling information system in dealing with a hurricane which wreaked devastation on some of the most remote areas of Hawaii = Este artículo describe las experiencias de un sistema de información nuevo al verse afectado por un huracán que devastó algunas de las zonas más remotas de Hawaii.» destrozo intencionado = mutilation .
Example: His article, 'The skeleton in the closet: public libraries art collections suffer appalling losses,' examines the problem of theft and mutilation of art materials in public libraries.» destrozo producido por las condiciones ambientales = environmental damage .
Example: Aspects of physical condition, including pH, brittleness, mutilation, and environmental damage were surveyed = Los aspectos del estado físico que se estudiaron fueron el pH, la fragilidad, la mutilación y los daños producidos por las condiciones ambientales.