Desgarre in english


pronunciation: ter part of speech: verb
In gestures

desgarrar = tear ; rive ; rend ; rip ; rip + Nombre + apart ; rip + Nombre + up ; break + Nombre + apart ; tear + Nombre + apart. 

Example: The material chosen should be strong, easy to clean, difficult to tear and anti-static; velour is usually preferable to boucle.Example: The novel presents a social world riven by contradictions that can best be understood through Marxian categories.Example: Christian Science, a faith that has epitomize a quiet, disciplined spirituality, is being rent by discord.Example: He punched her in the head and forced her to another room where he pinned her to the floor and ripped her shirt trying to remove it.Example: An 18-month-old girl was 'ripped apart like a doll' by a dog in a horrific attack at a family home, witnesses have disclosed.Example: He drew out his knife and ripping the otter up he began to flay him.Example: He had been there to help her when she needed him during those long dark hours when the fear of losing her son had almost broken her apart.Example: It tore her apart when you broke her heart, but she's still right there loving you.


» desgarrar el corazóntug at + Posesivo + heartstringspull at + Posesivo + heartstringspluck at + Posesivo + heartstrings .

Example: Their statements were right on point and tugged at the heartstrings.

Example: Almost 20 years later, with Ireland pulling at her heartstrings, Falvey made her first journey back home.

Example:  As if that wasn't sweet enough, he plucked at her heartstrings even more when he gave her a bouquet of handpicked flowers.

» desgarrarserupture .

Example: In conversing with her you hadn't got to tread lightly and warily, lest at any moment you might rupture the relationship, and tumble into eternal disgrace.

» desgarrarse las vestidurasrend + Posesivo + clothing .

Example: In ancient Israel, rending your clothing was what you did as a ritual sign of mourning.

desgarre = tear ; tearing ; rip. 

Example: The best concentration of PVA solutions for restoring is 8 per cent for mending tears and suturing cuts.Example: Inside, her vagina was still stretched and it had a few tearings.Example: Officials say a ruptured section of pipeline that spewed oil into a southern Michigan river had a lengthwise rip less than five feet long.


» desgarre muscularmuscle strainpulled musclestrained muscle .

Example: The following categories of complaints are considered: eye strain and visual fatigue; migraine; epilepsy; muscle pain, aches, and strains; skin rashes; and stress.

Example: A pulled muscle, especially involving the thigh, is a common injury among runners and people who play basketball, hockey or football.

Example: A bad strained muscle can take approximately three to four weeks to heal while a mild one will just take a week to get healed.

Desgarre synonyms

charge in spanish: cargar, pronunciation: tʃɑrdʒ part of speech: noun bust in spanish: busto, pronunciation: bʌst part of speech: noun split in spanish: división, pronunciation: splɪt part of speech: verb, noun shoot in spanish: disparar, pronunciation: ʃut part of speech: verb, noun snap in spanish: chasquido, pronunciation: snæp part of speech: noun, verb buck in spanish: dólar, pronunciation: bʌk part of speech: noun rent in spanish: alquilar, pronunciation: rent part of speech: noun, verb pull in spanish: Halar, pronunciation: pʊl part of speech: verb, noun rip in spanish: Dep, pronunciation: rɪp part of speech: verb, noun binge in spanish: borrachera, pronunciation: bɪndʒ part of speech: noun pluck in spanish: arrancar, pronunciation: plʌk part of speech: verb, noun rupture in spanish: ruptura, pronunciation: rʌptʃɜr part of speech: noun bender in spanish: juerga, pronunciation: bendɜr part of speech: noun toot in spanish: sonar, pronunciation: tut part of speech: noun teardrop in spanish: lágrima, pronunciation: terdrɑp part of speech: noun deplume in spanish: privar plumas, pronunciation: dɪplum part of speech: verb displume in spanish: desplumar, pronunciation: dɪsplum part of speech: verb deplumate in spanish: deplumar, pronunciation: dɪplumeɪt part of speech: verb shoot down in spanish: derribar, pronunciation: ʃutdaʊn part of speech: verb booze-up in spanish: Emborráchate, pronunciation: buzjup part of speech: noun
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