pronunciation: oʊvɜrfloʊ
part of speech: noun, verb
desbordamiento = spillover.
Example: We're close to spillover, as the reservoir is about a foot from coming over the top.
» desbordamiento del río
= river surge
Example: The old bridge was destroyed by a river surge and people are trying to raise money to rebuild it.
Desbordamiento synonyms
in spanish: inundar,
pronunciation: flʌd
part of speech: noun
in spanish: invadir,
pronunciation: oʊvɜrrən
part of speech: verb
in spanish: escapada,
pronunciation: rʌnɔf
part of speech: noun
in spanish: desbordamiento,
pronunciation: oʊvɜrspɪl
part of speech: noun
in spanish: efusión,
pronunciation: aʊtpɔrɪŋ
part of speech: noun
in spanish: desbordante,
pronunciation: oʊvɜrfloʊɪŋ
part of speech: adjective
run over
in spanish: atropellar,
pronunciation: rʌnoʊvɜr
part of speech: verb
brim over
in spanish: rebosar,
pronunciation: brɪmoʊvɜr
part of speech: verb
spill over
in spanish: desbordarse,
pronunciation: spɪloʊvɜr
part of speech: verb
well over
in spanish: más de,
pronunciation: weloʊvɜr
part of speech: verb
bubble over
in spanish: burbuja sobre,
pronunciation: bʌbəloʊvɜr
part of speech: verb