Dandi in english


pronunciation: dændi part of speech: noun
In gestures

dandi = dandy. 

Example: The androgynous dandy lived the idea of beauty, had contempt for bourgeois values, and was elitist and estranged from women.

Dandi synonyms

good in spanish: bueno, pronunciation: gʊd part of speech: adjective keen in spanish: afilado, pronunciation: kin part of speech: adjective great in spanish: genial, pronunciation: greɪt part of speech: adjective cool in spanish: guay, pronunciation: kul part of speech: adjective, verb swell in spanish: hinchar, pronunciation: swel part of speech: noun, verb neat in spanish: ordenado, pronunciation: nit part of speech: adjective bully in spanish: matón, pronunciation: bʊli part of speech: noun, verb gallant in spanish: galante, pronunciation: gælənt part of speech: adjective, noun beau in spanish: galán, pronunciation: boʊ part of speech: noun dude in spanish: tipo, pronunciation: dud part of speech: noun nifty in spanish: hábil, pronunciation: nɪfti part of speech: adjective fop in spanish: petimetre, pronunciation: fɔp part of speech: noun groovy in spanish: maravilloso, pronunciation: gruvi part of speech: adjective cracking in spanish: agrietamiento, pronunciation: krækɪŋ part of speech: noun peachy in spanish: aterciopelado, pronunciation: pitʃi part of speech: adjective sheik in spanish: jeque, pronunciation: ʃik part of speech: noun smashing in spanish: imponente, pronunciation: smæʃɪŋ part of speech: noun, adjective bang-up in spanish: bang-up, pronunciation: bæŋmʌp part of speech: adjective clotheshorse in spanish: tendedero, pronunciation: kloʊzhɔrs part of speech: noun slap-up in spanish: bofetada, pronunciation: slæpəp part of speech: adjective corking in spanish: taponamiento, pronunciation: kɔrkɪŋ part of speech: adjective fashion plate in spanish: placa de moda, pronunciation: fæʃənpleɪt part of speech: noun not bad in spanish: no está mal, pronunciation: nɑtbæd
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