Cúspide in english


pronunciation: kʌsp part of speech: noun
In gestures

cúspide = peak ; pinnacle ; cusp ; peak ; crest ; climax ; high point ; high point. 

Example: Make a note of the story's climax in your mind, so that you can indicate to the children by pause, by quickening of the pace, the peak of the tale.Example: There are, it is assumed, 'high' and 'low' forms of culture, especially in the field of the creative arts which are conceived of as somehow the pinnacle and foremost end of human life.Example: These are known as cusps, those transition zones where a planet is moving from one horoscope sign to the next.Example: Rob's death came as he neared the culmination of a personal quest to climb the highest peaks on each of the seven continents.Example: In the crest of the timeworn Black Mountains lies the summit of Mount Mitchell, the highest point east of the Mississippi.Example: And its episodic plot, without the kind of mystery climax that has to be led up to without interruption means that the gaps between readings won't spoil the effect.Example: Michael Buble says playing in Dublin was a high point of his career.Example: Located at a high point above the Sea of Galilee, the hotel is within walking distance from tourist sites.


» alcanzar la cúspide dereach + the pinnacle ofreach + the height of .

Example: This 'civilization' has reached the pinnacle of its development, because it has birthed the seeds of its own transformation.

Example: Founded in 1546 after the discovery of a rich silver lode, Zacatecas reached the height of its prosperity in the 16th and 17th centuries.

» en la cúspideat the top of the tree .

Example: The people at the top of the tree are enjoying the best things in life -- the richest 2% of adults in the world own more than half of all wealth.

» en la cúspide deon the cusp of .

Example: Although this approach worked well for the very young and the very old, patrons on the cusp of these age groupings may have been misclassified.

Cúspide synonyms

leaflet in spanish: folleto, pronunciation: liflət part of speech: noun
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