Cúpula in english


pronunciation: doʊm part of speech: noun
In gestures

cúpula = dome. 

Example: The library, contained in a dome 56 feet in diameter and 22 feet high, will occupy 48,000 square feet and is expected to open in late summer 1986.


» con cúpuladomed .

Example: Entrance is at a domed foyer at ground level and seating provided in the new facility accommodates over 200 students.

» cúpula bulbosaonion domebulbous dome .

Example: Some scholars postulate that onion domes were borrowed by Russians from Muslim countries.

Example: The bulbous domes and tapering minarets built with marble stand strong and beautiful even to this day.

» cúpula de cebollaonion domebulbous dome .

Example: Some scholars postulate that onion domes were borrowed by Russians from Muslim countries.

Example: The bulbous domes and tapering minarets built with marble stand strong and beautiful even to this day.

» Cúpula de la Roca, laDome of the Rock, the .

Example: In this study, tourists' visitation patterns to four heritage sites of religious significance (the Wailing Wall, the Temple Mount, the Dome of the Rock, and the Holy Sepulchre) are explored.

» Cúpula Sixtina, laSistine Ceiling, the .

Example: The seers -- the sybils and prophets -- of Michelangelo's Sistine Ceiling reveal imperfections of bodily sight (such as near- and far-sightedness), emphasizing their spiritual foresight.

» en forma de cúpuladome-shapeddomed .

Example: The distinctive feature of the library is the dome-shaped ceiling with cross beams in stained pine = La característica distintiva de la biblioteca es el techo en forma de cúpula con vigas cruzadas de pino teñido.

Example: Entrance is at a domed foyer at ground level and seating provided in the new facility accommodates over 200 students.

Cúpula synonyms

covered stadium in spanish: estadio cubierto, pronunciation: kʌvɜrdsteɪdiəm part of speech: noun domed stadium in spanish: estadio abovedado, pronunciation: doʊmdsteɪdiəm part of speech: noun
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