Cúmulo in english


pronunciation: kjumjələs part of speech: noun
In gestures

cúmulo = cumulus ; cumulus cloud. 

Example: Lastly, Constable shows an interest in the physical processes that generate the different cloud types, particularly cumulus and also in the formation of dew.Example: Waterspouts are almost always produced by a swiftly growing cumulus cloud.


» cúmulo de conocimientorepository of knowledgeknowledge repository .

Example: Before knowledge was recorded individuals formed the repository of knowledge, the bridge between successive generations and between those who generated new information and those who required to use it.

Example: Like evil trolls guarding the gates, the copyright controllers are trying to hold sway over our actions and create walled gardens around knowledge repositories.

» cúmulo de saberknowledge repositoryrepository of knowledge .

Example: Like evil trolls guarding the gates, the copyright controllers are trying to hold sway over our actions and create walled gardens around knowledge repositories.

Example: Before knowledge was recorded individuals formed the repository of knowledge, the bridge between successive generations and between those who generated new information and those who required to use it.

» cúmulo de sabiduríaknowledge repositoryrepository of knowledge .

Example: Like evil trolls guarding the gates, the copyright controllers are trying to hold sway over our actions and create walled gardens around knowledge repositories.

Example: Before knowledge was recorded individuals formed the repository of knowledge, the bridge between successive generations and between those who generated new information and those who required to use it.

» producirse un cúmulo de circunstancias quecircumstances + converge .

Example: The economically told chronicle of Slake's adventures is an eloquent study of poverty, of fear, and finally of hope as circumstances converge to force Slake from his temporary limbo.

» un cúmulo dea treasure trove of .

Example: Librarians can capitalize on this treasure trove of experience by incorporating it into the resource scenario.

Cúmulo synonyms

cumulus cloud in spanish: cúmulo, pronunciation: kjumjələsklaʊd part of speech: noun
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