Cúmplase in english


pronunciation: kəmplaɪ part of speech: verb
In gestures

cumplirse = hold + true ; hold ; ring + true. 

Example: A simple past tense describes more effectively what was done and the present tense may be used in dealing with facts, properties etc, which still hold true.Example: Some theorists hold that one stage must be completely worked through before the next stage can be entered.Example: The old axiom 'there's no substitute for experience' still rings true.

cumplir1 = abide by ; fulfil [fulfill, -USA] ; satisfy ; make + good (on) ; uphold ; come + due. 

Example: Any library coming into OCLC has to agree to abide by those standards.Example: We can only depend upon a rectangular building to fulfil this if it has a small floor area.Example: This will satisfy the second objective of an author catalogue, in that it becomes easy to review the extent of a library's collection of works by a specific author.Example: You should be careful before contacting this woman because she does not make good on what she says.Example: It's about time that we go back to these principles and make sure that the quality of cataloging is upheld.Example: Whenever the rent came due, or she had to have her car repaired, she called on the generosity of her family and they responded.


» autoridades encargadas de hacer cumplir la leylaw enforcement authorities .

Example: If you suspect that dogfighting is happening in your neighborhood, contact local law enforcement authorities.

» cumplir concomply (with)conform to .

Example: Both UKMARC and UNIMARC comply with ISO 2709, the international standard for bibliographic record interchange on magnetic tape.

Example: These basic permutation rules are modified somewhat to conform to bibliographic requirements.

» cumplir (con) lo acordadofulfil + Posesivo + agreement .

Example: Often snappy and sarcastic, she's only serious when it comes to fulfilling her agreements.

» cumplir (con) lo convenidofill + Posesivo + agreementfulfil + Posesivo + agreement .

Example: The grave digger became so conscience-smitten for not filling his agreement that he buried the money he had received for the work.

Example: Often snappy and sarcastic, she's only serious when it comes to fulfilling her agreements.

» cumplir (con) lo prometidodeliver + the goodscome up with + the goodskeep (to) + Posesivo + word(s)live up to + Posesivo + word(s)deliver + Posesivo + promisestick to + Posesivo + word(s) .

Example: The article is entitled 'Canadian librarians explore ways to deliver the goods in tough times'.

Example: They will come up with the goods; the police know what they are doing; they would not have mounted such a massive operation based on nothing.

Example: Much to my surprise, they kept their word.

Example: Obama is living up to his word that he will remove the main forces out of Iraq.

Example: Its not that he fails to deliver his promises, people just take them and blow them out of proportion, and then get disappointed.

Example: She firmly declined his offer, and stuck to her words all the way = Ella rechazó con firmeza la oferta que él le hizo y mantuvo su palabra hasta el final.

» cumplir (con) + lo prometidobe as good as + Posesivo + word .

Example: He was as good as his word, and invited me to take a tour around the packing plant with Patricia, the manager there.

» cumplir (con) + Posesivo + deberdischarge + Posesivo + dutyfulfil + Posesivo + duty .

Example: How this international agency discharges its political and economical duties is examined.

Example: By making a special effort to serve the needs of the lower socioeconomic groups, the public library is seen as fulfilling its duty to serve all the community.

» cumplir (con) + Posesivo + deudamake + good on + Posesivo + debt .

Example: She plans to make good on her debt and said 'I've set up an installment plan to fully pay off my debt'.

» cumplir (con) + Posesivo + obligaciónlive up to + Posesivo + obligationfulfil + Posesivo + obligation .

Example: Danish libraries must include video in their services if they wish to live up to their obligation as regards giving users the possibility of personal enrichment = Las bibliotecas danesas deben incluir el vídeo en sus servicios si desean cumplir con su oblicación de dar a los usuarios la posibilidad del enriquecimiento personal.

Example: This agreement must build in incentives to participating libraries as well as methods of censuring those participants which do not fulfil their obligations to the other participating libraries in the network = Este acuerdo debe incorporar incentivos para las bibliotecas participantes así cómo la forma de llamarle la atención a aquellos participantes que no cumplan sus obligaciones con las otras bibliotecas de la red.

» cumplir (con) + Posesivo + obligaciones oficialesbe on official dutybe on official business .

Example: Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands was back on official duty today, her first engagement since her son's skiing accident.

Example: An Ivory Coast man arrested while allegedly trying to buy weapons last week in New York was on official business, a spokesman for his government says.

» cumplir (con) + Posesivo + palabrakeep (to) + Posesivo + word(s)live up to + Posesivo + word(s)stick to + Posesivo + word(s)stand behind + Posesivo + word(s)be as good as + Posesivo + wordmake + good on + Posesivo + word .

Example: Much to my surprise, they kept their word.

Example: Obama is living up to his word that he will remove the main forces out of Iraq.

Example: She firmly declined his offer, and stuck to her words all the way = Ella rechazó con firmeza la oferta que él le hizo y mantuvo su palabra hasta el final.

Example: This girl is all talk, she doesn't have what it takes to stand behind her words.

Example: He was as good as his word, and invited me to take a tour around the packing plant with Patricia, the manager there.

Example: She threatened to burn the house down and she made good on her word -- two children were killed in the arson incident.

» cumplir (con) + Posesivo + promesakeep (to) + Posesivo + word(s)live up to + Posesivo + word(s)deliver + Posesivo + promisestick to + Posesivo + word(s)fulfil + Posesivo + promisemake + good on + Posesivo + promisebe as good as + Posesivo + wordhonour + Posesivo + promisehonour + Posesivo + pledgemake + good on + Posesivo + pledge .

Example: Much to my surprise, they kept their word.

Example: Obama is living up to his word that he will remove the main forces out of Iraq.

Example: Its not that he fails to deliver his promises, people just take them and blow them out of proportion, and then get disappointed.

Example: She firmly declined his offer, and stuck to her words all the way = Ella rechazó con firmeza la oferta que él le hizo y mantuvo su palabra hasta el final.

Example: If the contractor defaults in his performance and fails to fulfill his contractual promises, the surety can itself complete the contract, or pay damages up to the limit of the bond.

Example: She is finally making good on her promise to auction off a piece of jewelry for charity.

Example: He was as good as his word, and invited me to take a tour around the packing plant with Patricia, the manager there.

Example: Wealthy Lilian will honour her promise and put a roof over Melissa's head, but only if she can earn her keep.

Example: The mother of a teenager who was murdered by a man he met on the Internet has called on the Prime Minister to honour her pledge to fix a legal loophole to stop sexual predators.

Example: She has indeed made good on her pledge to become a donor and has now given blood 39 times.

» cumplir con + Posesivo + responsabilidaddo + Posesivo + share .

Example: Let's by all means do our share, but we have to give the other ignorant person who uses the term Hottentot a chance to find out its meaning.

» cumplir (con) un acuerdohonour + a commitmenthonour + an agreementfill + Posesivo + agreement .

Example: Some unnecessary duplication of materials has been reduced because it is now agreed that certain libraries will honour commitments to collect books, serials and other materials in a particular subject intensively and to make the materials available to users from other member libraries.

Example: Nevertheless, it has never yet been seriously argued that there should be restrictions placed on any retail outlets wishing to sell books, so long as they honour the Net Book Agreement.

Example: The grave digger became so conscience-smitten for not filling his agreement that he buried the money he had received for the work.

» cumplir (con) una deudahonour + a debt .

Example: Labor spent the money when it was needed and is taking steps to tighten the purse strings to begin honouring the debt it has accrued.

» cumplir (con) una obligaciónfulfil + Posesivo + obligationhonour + an obligation .

Example: This agreement must build in incentives to participating libraries as well as methods of censuring those participants which do not fulfil their obligations to the other participating libraries in the network = Este acuerdo debe incorporar incentivos para las bibliotecas participantes así cómo la forma de llamarle la atención a aquellos participantes que no cumplan sus obligaciones con las otras bibliotecas de la red.

Example: According to the market regulator, the traders would be required to mandatorily honour the obligation of delivering the shares at the time of settlement = Según el regulador del mercado, los operadores de bolsa deberían cumplir forzosamente con la obligación de la entrega de las acciones en el momento del acuerdo.

» cumplir (con) un compromisolive up to + commitment .

Example: The consultant frequently is expected to live up to a commitment never made or a problem can be so defined as to beg the solution.

» cumplir (con) un contratohonour + a contract .

Example: However, we will honor any long term contracts at the then-current rate.

» cumplir (con) un criteriomeet + a standard .

Example: Such performance appraisal assures the organization that the individual is meeting the standard set and also reassures the individual that the contribution being made is significant.

» cumplir (con) un deberfulfil + Posesivo + duty .

Example: By making a special effort to serve the needs of the lower socioeconomic groups, the public library is seen as fulfilling its duty to serve all the community.

» cumplir (con) un plazomeet + a deadlinecomply with + a deadlinekeep + a deadline .

Example: Sometimes authors write 'pseudo abstracts' to meet deadlines for articles or for talks to be delivered.

Example: If Iran fails to comply with the deadline imposed by the Security council, America is likely to lead the call for economic sanctions.

Example: Then there are personalities who can never keep a deadline and live in a time dimension of ever-melting horizons = Y, además, existen aquellos que nunca pueden cumplir un plazo y vivien en una dimensión temporal de horizontes en continuo deshielo.

» cumplir con un principiocomport with + principle .

Example: As far as he was concerned Taylor's methods comported well with the principles of humanism.

» cumplir con un requisitocomply with + a requirementfulfil + a requirement .

Example: Their registration will not be officialized until the student complies with this requirement.

Example: Additional facilities have been added to fulfill special library requirements.

» cumplir la condición de la búsquedamatch + request specification .

Example: The second search strategy is the more conventional Boolean type; for this, the output is of course not ranked -- a document either matches the request specification or it doesn't.

» cumplir la leyobserve + the lawcomply with + the law .

Example: The Court of Justice of the European Communities is a court of appeal composed of eleven independent judges assisted by five advocates-general to ensure that in the interpretation and application of the treaties the law is observed.

Example: Do people comply with the law because they fear the consequences?.

» cumplir las condiciones parabe eligible for .

Example: Since this mishap was not work related he was not eligible for Workmen's Compensation.

» cumplir las expectativascome up to + expectations .

Example: This article contains a discussion of the role that library schools can play in training students to come up to the expectations of the staff of libraries.

» cumplir las normasabide by + rules and regulationsplay by + the rules .

Example: It has been stated that the applicant for library membership is usually required to sign a declaration of agreement to abide by the library's rules and regulations.

Example: Morbid curiosity may seem like a guilty pleasure, but that's how we learn what happens when we don't play by the rules.

» cumplir las reglasplay by + the rules .

Example: Morbid curiosity may seem like a guilty pleasure, but that's how we learn what happens when we don't play by the rules.

» cumplir lo que se dicelive up to + Posesivo + claim .

Example: The system has lived up to its claims, fulfilling all specifications and proving highly reliable = El sistema ha cumplido lo dijo, haciendo realidad todas sus especificaciones y demostrando ser muy fiable.

» cumplir los requisitoscome up to + requirements .

Example: In over 2/3 of jobs, fewer than 1/3 of the applicants came up to the employers' requirements.

» cumplir los requisitos parabe eligible for .

Example: Since this mishap was not work related he was not eligible for Workmen's Compensation.

» cumplir + Posesivo + aspiraciónmake + Posesivo + vision a realityrealise + Posesivo + visionfulfil + Posesivo + vision .

Example: To make this vision a reality will require a number of major obstacles be overcome.

Example: The government aims to realize this vision through six programs.

Example: The library must then choose between the various options available to fulfil this vision.

» cumplir + Posesivo + cometidodo + Posesivo + jobget + the job donedo + the job .

Example: Splash flaps protect the car paint, whether you like the look of them or not, they do their job.

Example: The best cardio workout for burning fat is one of high intensity that gets the job done in as little time as possible.

Example: Just got back from a hike that had plenty of climbing, slick rock, sand, and cobbly trails, and these boots really did the job.

» cumplir + Posesivo + funcióndo + Posesivo + jobget + the job donedo + the job .

Example: Splash flaps protect the car paint, whether you like the look of them or not, they do their job.

Example: The best cardio workout for burning fat is one of high intensity that gets the job done in as little time as possible.

Example: Just got back from a hike that had plenty of climbing, slick rock, sand, and cobbly trails, and these boots really did the job.

» cumplir + Posesivo + misióndo + Posesivo + jobget + the job donedo + the job .

Example: Splash flaps protect the car paint, whether you like the look of them or not, they do their job.

Example: The best cardio workout for burning fat is one of high intensity that gets the job done in as little time as possible.

Example: Just got back from a hike that had plenty of climbing, slick rock, sand, and cobbly trails, and these boots really did the job.

» cumplir + Posesivo + objetivofulfil + Posesivo + goal .

Example: This paper discusses plans to enhance the service provided and to fulfill the goals of fast and accurate information transfer.

» cumplir + Posesivo + obligacióndo + the dance .

Example: I actually flew out on a job interview, did the dance, and flew home, all without knowing anything about what the company was willing to pay.

» cumplir + Posesivo + responsabilidadcarry out + Posesivo + responsibility .

Example: The vast majority of depository libraries are grossly understaffed and receive inadequate resources from their host institutions to carry out their responsibilities.

» cumplir + Posesivo + sueñolive (out) + Posesivo + dream(s)realise + Posesivo + dreamfulfil + Posesivo + dreammake + Posesivo + vision a realityrealise + Posesivo + visionfulfil + Posesivo + visionmake + Posesivo + dream come true .

Example: A formidable woman, Augusta dared to live her dreams and in the process made a lasting contribution to her world which trickles down into ours.

Example: Ironically, there are very few who have realized the capitalist dream of easy profits and the concept of a new knowledged-based economy now looks somewhat disheveled.

Example: What gets in the way of dreaming and fulfilling bigger dreams?.

Example: To make this vision a reality will require a number of major obstacles be overcome.

Example: The government aims to realize this vision through six programs.

Example: The library must then choose between the various options available to fulfil this vision.

Example: And they worked night and day to make their dream come true.

» cumplir + Posesivo + turnotake + Posesivo + turn at .

Example: In complete fairness to him, he always keeps busy on things that have to be done, and he takes his turn at the reference desk like everyone else.

» cumplirsehold + truehold [Verbo irregular: pasado y participio held]ring + true .

Example: A simple past tense describes more effectively what was done and the present tense may be used in dealing with facts, properties etc, which still hold true.

Example: Some theorists hold that one stage must be completely worked through before the next stage can be entered.

Example: The old axiom 'there's no substitute for experience' still rings true.

» cumplirse (de acuerdo con) lo previstowork out + according to planrun + according to planturn out as + expectedturn out as + plannedturn out + according to plango + according to plango to + plan .

Example: Hopefully things will work out according to plan, so far so good and things are falling into place.

Example: Our team would be happy to assist and advise you to ensure that your events run according to plan from start to finish.

Example: We have enough life experience under our belts to know that things don't always turn out as expected.

Example: A woman is reconsidering her marriage after life didn't turn out as planned after she married right out of high school.

Example: Of course, things never quite turn out according to plan in this topsy-turvy world.

Example: That's the catch: life almost never goes according to plan.

Example: A few months back I had a week were it seemed everything was not going to plan.

» cumplirse (según) lo previstowork out + according to planrun + according to planturn out as + expectedturn out as + plannedturn out + according to plango + according to plango to + plan .

Example: Hopefully things will work out according to plan, so far so good and things are falling into place.

Example: Our team would be happy to assist and advise you to ensure that your events run according to plan from start to finish.

Example: We have enough life experience under our belts to know that things don't always turn out as expected.

Example: A woman is reconsidering her marriage after life didn't turn out as planned after she married right out of high school.

Example: Of course, things never quite turn out according to plan in this topsy-turvy world.

Example: That's the catch: life almost never goes according to plan.

Example: A few months back I had a week were it seemed everything was not going to plan.

» cumplir una condenaserve + timeserve + Posesivo + sentencedo + timeserve + Posesivo + term .

Example: All aspects of the criminal justice system are included, from bargaining with the police to considering plea bargaining to serving time.

Example: This programme programme offers juvenile delinquents an option of training, rehabilitation and social insertion during the period that they are serving their sentence.

Example: He did time after doing a job with buddies who left him holding the bag.

Example: Mozambique and Zimbabwe will soon exchange prisoners to serve their terms in their countries of origin.

» cumplir una condiciónmeet + a conditionsatisfy + a conditionfill + requirement .

Example: DOBIS/LIBIS searches through the order file for orders meeting these conditions and reports its progress through the file with a screen like that shown in Figure 148 on page 138.

Example: This article outlines the advantages of logical programming or defining all relevant knowledge to satisfy logical conditions or IF-THEN rules, instead of a traditional algorithmic programming language.

Example: A sentence may fill every requirement of syntax and be meaningless: Austin cites Chomsky's example 'Colourless green ideas sleep furiously'.

» cumplir un acuerdofulfil + Posesivo + agreement .

Example: Often snappy and sarcastic, she's only serious when it comes to fulfilling her agreements.

» cumplir una funciónfulfil + a function .

Example: Not all catalogues or other tools for the organisation of knowledge aim to fulfil all these functions, but this list shows the range of functions.

» cumplir una misiónaccomplish + a missioncomplete + a mission .

Example: The library emerged as the vehicle to accomplish this mission.

Example: In hand-to-hand combat, the soldier must have the attitude that he will defeat the enemy and complete the mission, no matter what.

» cumplir una pena de cárcelserve + timeserve + Posesivo + sentencedo + time .

Example: All aspects of the criminal justice system are included, from bargaining with the police to considering plea bargaining to serving time.

Example: This programme programme offers juvenile delinquents an option of training, rehabilitation and social insertion during the period that they are serving their sentence.

Example: He did time after doing a job with buddies who left him holding the bag.

» cumplir una políticauphold + a policy .

Example: Every member of this university community is expected to uphold this policy as a matter of mutual respect and fundamental fairness in human relations.

» cumplir una promesalive up to + Posesivo + promisekeep + Posesivo + promisestick to + Posesivo + promise .

Example: Increasingly, organizations are looking towards information systems planing in an effort to force information technology to live up to its promise = Cada vez más, las organizaciones están dirigiendo su mirada hacia la planificación de los sistemas de información para obligar a la tecnología de la información a cumplir sus promesas.

Example: Suppose you are abducted by a highway robber, who intends to ransom you and in return for your release you promise to deliver the ransom yourself; should you subsequently keep your promise?.

Example: I didn't think she'd stick to her promise and she hasn't = No pensaba que cumpliría su promesa y no lo ha hecho.

» cumplir una reglaobserve + rulecomply with + a rule .

Example: If you do not observe this rule, the resulting class number will be either meaningless or, at least, have the wrong meaning.

Example: Besides the lending of materials, most libraries offer a photocopying service and in this connection definite rules must be complied with.

» cumplir una responsabilidadaccomplish + a responsibility .

Example: To accomplish this responsibility, the elements of due process must also be applied to selection.

» cumplir una sentenciaserve + Posesivo + sentence .

Example: This programme programme offers juvenile delinquents an option of training, rehabilitation and social insertion during the period that they are serving their sentence.

» cumplir una tareaaccomplish + a task .

Example: The goal may be of little value or of high scientific or cultural significance, but energy is put forth to accomplish a task.

» cumplir un enunciado lógico de búsquedasatisfy + a logic statement .

Example: Here the number of documents satisfying the previous logic statement (i.e. 6 documents) is indicated.

» cumplir un objetivofulfil + Posesivo + goalmeet + an objectivemeet + a purposesatisfy + a purposeserve + a functionserve + a purposemeet + a targetfulfil + an objective .

Example: This paper discusses plans to enhance the service provided and to fulfill the goals of fast and accurate information transfer.

Example: Author catalogues and indexes can be designed to meet different objectives.

Example: Union catalogues may be compiled to meet differing purposes, and thus can be expected to exhibit a variety of styles.

Example: It is sufficient to satisfy this purpose that the rural inhabitant should be rendered a happier (and not necessarily a more learned) man.

Example: An area is a major section of the entry, comprising data of a particular category or serving a particular function.

Example: It should, therefore, be clearly understood that these catalogs will have to continue to be based on the traditional main entry if they are to serve the purposes they were intended to serve.

Example: Paid employees can have targets set for them and their prospects may well depend upon their meeting these targets.

Example: The traditional catalogue is failing to fulfill this objective at an ever increasing rate.

» cumplir un requisitomatch + criterionmeet + a criterionmeet + a specificationsatisfy + a requirementfill + requirement .

Example: It should be possible to search for a set of records that match certain criteria.

Example: Quite frequently a user will be satisfied with a few items on a topic, as long as they are relevant, and meet other criteria such as language, date and level.

Example: A thesaurus is normally tailored to meet the specification of a particular application.

Example: No one catalogue can satisfy all the requirements of all users simultaneously.

Example: A sentence may fill every requirement of syntax and be meaningless: Austin cites Chomsky's example 'Colourless green ideas sleep furiously'.

» hacer cumpliruphold [Verbo irregular: pasado y participio upheld]enforce  .

Example: It's about time that we go back to these principles and make sure that the quality of cataloging is upheld.

Example: Economic necessity will enforce an improvement in the provision of patent information in Hungary.

» hacer cumplir la disciplinaenforce + discipline .

Example: Librarians with teaching experience are also better able to enforce discipline.

» hacer cumplir la legislaciónenforce + legislation .

Example: A campaign to enforce legislation controlling the use of VDUs has achieved success in only one USA state.

» hacer cumplir la leylaw enforcement [En inglés, el concepto realmente denota "cómo hacer cumplir las leyes"]enforce + the lawlegal enforcement .

Example: The bibliography presents studies on the use of various communications media to inform the public on issues, such as mass transportation, driving safety, water resources, health, pollution, and law enforcement.

Example: But instead of trying to enforce the copyright law, they are claiming royalties which the private video libraries are willingly paying.

Example: Where harm over the Internet is caused by viruses, hidden in 'crannies' in the network, traditional legal enforcement is more difficult.

» hacer cumplir las normativasenforce + the rules and regulations .

Example: In the United Kingdom the role of the police officer is to enforce the rules and regulations to make the country a safer place to live.

» hacer cumplir una normaenforce + a standardenforce + a policyenforce + a ruleenforce + a norm .

Example: Not only are the standards written, but there is a body called the Peer Council which works very hard at enforcing the standards.

Example: Clearly a more formal structure will be necessary if the commissioners are to establish and enforce policies on bodies such as Interpol.

Example: Armed with powers to enforce the rules that have long underpinned international trade and economic stability, it was expected to play a central role in managing global integration.

Example: Normativity (also known as prescriptivism) is the idea that there are correct and incorrect ways of using language, and institutions to enforce the norms (schools, reference books, editors, computer spell-check programmes, language mavens..).

» hacer cumplir una políticauphold + a policy .

Example: Every member of this university community is expected to uphold this policy as a matter of mutual respect and fundamental fairness in human relations.

» hacer cumplir una reglaenforce + a ruleenforce + a norm .

Example: Armed with powers to enforce the rules that have long underpinned international trade and economic stability, it was expected to play a central role in managing global integration.

Example: Normativity (also known as prescriptivism) is the idea that there are correct and incorrect ways of using language, and institutions to enforce the norms (schools, reference books, editors, computer spell-check programmes, language mavens..).

» no cumplirfall + short ofwelsh on .

Example: This, however, falls short of exploiting the full potential of the microcomputer to revolutionize the way in which business documents, memoranda, reports etc. are produced and disseminated.

Example: I am afraid that double dealer Brookenfuehrer has welshed on the deal.

» no cumplir con el plazo de publicaciónmiss + a publication deadline .

Example: However, in producing a bulletin one is often torn between including the scanty, undigested and possibly inaccurate details of a new proposal and holding fire until fuller information is available, and thereby missing a publication deadline.

» no cumplir con + Posesivo + deberbe remiss .

Example: Yet readers would be remiss to rely solely on any single source for handling such sensitive and critical situations.

» no cumplir con un plazomiss + a deadline .

Example: A lot of people miss the deadline every year due to lack of time or plain laziness.

» no cumplir las condiciones parabe ineligible for .

Example: A list of occupations which are ineligible for granting of a work permit in Ireland to non-European Union citizens.

» no cumplir las expectativasfall + short of + Posesivo + expectations .

Example: The quality and quantity of interactive multimedia in institutions of higher education has fallen short of expectations.

» no cumplir lo esperadofall + short of + Posesivo + expectations .

Example: The quality and quantity of interactive multimedia in institutions of higher education has fallen short of expectations.

» no cumplir lo prometidofall + short of + Posesivo + promise .

Example: There is growing unease in management circles that IT investments are falling short of their promise.

» no cumplir los requisitos parabe ineligible for .

Example: A list of occupations which are ineligible for granting of a work permit in Ireland to non-European Union citizens.

» no cumplir una normafall (far) short of + a norm .

Example: The highest of these actual rates fell short of the later norm by more than 10 per cent.

» no cumplir un objetivofall + short of goal .

Example: Library of Congress treatment of Jewish materials falls short of the goals of access and equity.

» no cumplir unos criteriosfall (far) short of + criteria .

Example: Libraries, therefore, fall far short of the criteria of Peters and Waterman.

» no cumplir unos requisitosfall + short of requirements .

Example: She then discussed strategies employed when reports fall short of requirements.

» organismo encargado de hacer cumplir la leylaw enforcing agency .

Example: I have no doubt that the concerned law enforcing agencies will act with promptitude against the offenders.

» que cumple los requisitosqualifying .

Example: Any UK grant scheme may serve to provide qualifying grants.

» que no cumple las condiciones necesariasineligible  .

Example: Wimbledon have been deducted three points by the Football League for fielding an ineligible player.

» que no cumple los requisitos necesariosineligible  .

Example: Wimbledon have been deducted three points by the Football League for fielding an ineligible player.

» que no se puede hacer cumplirunenforceable  .

Example: The existing official statements tend to be overly simplistic and unenforceable.

» que se puede hacer cumplirenforceable  .

Example: By-laws are prohibitive -- ie they tell people what they are not allowed to do -- and they are enforceable at law.

» tener un deber que cumplir conhave + a responsibility to .

Example: And further, that libraries as social institutions in a multicultural society have a responsibility to all elements in that society.

cumplir2 = be due. 

Example: The date due calculated by the circulation programs is always checked against the list of dates the library is closed to ensure that a document is not due when it cannot be returned.


» al cumplir la fechaat term .

Example: When its resources allow, the EIB may grant loans on which capital is repaid in full at term (bullet loans).

Cúmplase synonyms

adhere in spanish: adherirse, pronunciation: ədhɪr part of speech: verb follow in spanish: seguir, pronunciation: fɑloʊ part of speech: verb acquiesce in spanish: ceder, pronunciation: ækwies part of speech: verb accede in spanish: acceder a, pronunciation: æksid part of speech: verb assent in spanish: asentir, pronunciation: əsent part of speech: noun, verb abide by in spanish: acatar, pronunciation: əbaɪdbaɪ part of speech: verb conform to in spanish: conformarse a, pronunciation: kənfɔrmtu part of speech: verb
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