Cáustico in english


pronunciation: kɑstɪk part of speech: adjective, noun
In gestures

cáustico = scathing ; caustic ; vitriolic ; pungent. 

Example: Fish is particularly scathing about reactionaries in the academic world who resort to a version of scaremongering about 'political correctness,' deconstruction, and other bogies.Example: While her characters are frequently intrinsic to theme and plot, her most caustic scenes deflate academic ambition and pretension.Example: This magazine had a particular interest in curious stories of libraries and bookmen, and was abundant in criticism both humorous and vitriolic.Example: The studies reported here addressed the question of whether the pungent element in chilies, capsaicin, suppresses taste and flavor intensity.


» en tono cáusticoscathingly .

Example: But the fact that nearly all of them refer to it, even if scathingly, suggests that it was more than just a passing fad.

» sosa cáusticacaustic soda .

Example: Some success was achieved in 1851 by boiling straw in caustic soda and mixing it with rag stock, but the resulting paper was still of poor quality and was little used by printers.

Cáustico synonyms

acid in spanish: ácido, pronunciation: æsəd part of speech: noun, adjective bitter in spanish: amargo, pronunciation: bɪtɜr part of speech: adjective acerbic in spanish: acerbo, pronunciation: əserbɪk part of speech: adjective acrid in spanish: acre, pronunciation: ækrɪd part of speech: adjective virulent in spanish: virulento, pronunciation: vɪrələnt part of speech: adjective vitriolic in spanish: vitriólico, pronunciation: vɪtriɑlɪk part of speech: adjective unpleasant in spanish: desagradable, pronunciation: ənplezənt part of speech: adjective blistering in spanish: abrasador, pronunciation: blɪstɜrɪŋ part of speech: noun venomous in spanish: venenoso, pronunciation: venəməs part of speech: adjective destructive in spanish: destructivo, pronunciation: dɪstrʌktɪv part of speech: adjective corrosive in spanish: corrosivo, pronunciation: kɜroʊsɪv part of speech: adjective acerb in spanish: acerbo, pronunciation: eɪkɜrb part of speech: adjective erosive in spanish: erosivo, pronunciation: ɪroʊsɪv part of speech: adjective sulfurous in spanish: sulfuroso, pronunciation: sʌlfɜrəs part of speech: adjective sulphurous in spanish: sulfúrico, pronunciation: sʌlfɜrəs part of speech: adjective
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