Cántaro in english


pronunciation: pɪtʃɜr part of speech: noun
In gestures

cántaro = pitcher. 

Example: It refers to the story of the milkmaid who planned what to do with the money she would get for her milk, but dropped the pitcher on the way to market.


» a cántaroscats and dogs [Generalmente referido a la lluvia] .

Example: It was hailing cats and dogs the other day, and I was still tailgated by a moron in a large SUV (sport utilitarian vehicle).

» llover a cántarosrain + cats and dogstip it down with + rainpelt (it down) with + rainchuck it down (with rain)piss + it down with rainlash it down with + rainteem with + rainhammer + it down with rainthe heavens + openrain + pour downpour downpour down with + rainbe coming down in bucketsthe heavens + let loosebucket it down (with rain)pelt it downbe pissing it down (with rain)be pissing it down (with rain)rain + stair rodsrain + come down + in/like stair rodsrain + pitchforksrain + bucketsrain + torrentsrain + come down + in bucketsrain + come down + by the bucketfulrain by + the bucketful .

Example: Two years in a row now it has rained cats and dogs leading up to this event.

Example: When they left it was tipping it down with rain, with bolts of lightning all around them, but on Sunday they woke up to glorious sunshine.

Example: When we were in sight of Kew Gardens it suddenly pelted it down with rain so heavy the window wipers couldn't cope.

Example: The bad news from Durban is that it's chucking it down with rain and I can't see us starting on time.

Example: What Coleridge was getting at is that here in Manchester it constantly pisses it down with rain.

Example: It doesn't really matter which day of the week it is, or if it's lashing it down with rain, sleet or snow, there's always going to be a crowd.

Example: Whatever the fiord's mood, teeming with rain or with sun glistening on deep water, it will inspire you.

Example: She woke up and was greeted by a gray sky that decided to hammer it down with rain the second she got out of the house.

Example: These are some of the shots I took before the heavens opened and we bolted for the car.

Example: While the rain poured down, the course never became unplayable because of unseasonably dry weather over the winter in San Diego.

Example: It poured down just after 9:30pm and the roads were like rivers.

Example: Perhaps inevitably as soon as the washing was hanging up, the sky darkened and it started to pour down with rain.

Example: For about the last month we've had rain almost every day and some of it was coming down in buckets.

Example: Then the heavens let loose and people sought shelter anywhere and everywhere they could.

Example: It was another five hour journey, and despite being summer, it bucketed it down with rain for at least two hours of that.

Example: Unfortunately when we arrived at the football ground for our cup tie, it was pelting it down and the referee called the match off.

Example: The day when we arrived it was pissing it down with rain, so we were stuck in our hostel.

Example: The day when we arrived it was pissing it down with rain, so we were stuck in our hostel.

Example: If it's not blowing a gale and raining stair rods then it's three foot of snow and minus three... which isn't bad for a British summer!.

Example: He hadn't a clue what the time was and the rain was coming down like stair rods.

Example: It was raining pitchforks with the tines down, and it was no good walking unless you had fins.

Example: It's raining buckets again today, so as soon as we get more sun breaks, I'll head back out.

Example: On Saturday it was cold and raining torrents but people showed up.

Example: I woke up to the wind howling and the rain coming down in buckets, and from all indications, it's going to continue along those lines most of the day.

Example: The time of year has come upon us where the darkness sets in a little earlier every evening and the rain comes down by the bucketful.

Example: It was raining by the bucketful and when I came home my pants were dripping water for ages.

» lluvia a cántarospouring rainrain by the bucketfulpouring driving rain .

Example: And no matter how set everyone is to have a good time, it is difficult to do more than make the cheerful best of things if the picnic is held, for some crazy reason, on a stinking garbage dump in pouring rain.

Example: It started on Friday with abysmal weather howling wind and rain by the bucketful.

Example: He excused himself because he was snivelling a bit as a result of sitting outside on Sunday for five hours in pouring driving rain, freezing his nuts off.

Cántaro synonyms

mound in spanish: montículo, pronunciation: maʊnd part of speech: noun ewer in spanish: aguamanil, pronunciation: juɜr part of speech: noun twirler in spanish: twirler, pronunciation: twɜrlɜr part of speech: noun hurler in spanish: Hurler, pronunciation: hɜrlɜr part of speech: noun pitcherful in spanish: piadoso, pronunciation: pɪtʃɜrfəl part of speech: noun
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