Cámara in english


pronunciation: kæmɜrə part of speech: noun
In gestures

cámara1 = vault ; chamber ; room. 

Example: Film and videotape are stored on the premises in vaults situated at the back of the library and are air conditioned to ensure a constant temperature.Example: In the central chamber about 100 sheets (130 litres) of A4 paper can be treated so as to imitate and accelerate their exposure to highly polluted air.Example: The open-plan flexible library can be enonomical since overseeing is facilitated by the openness rather than be dividing the building into rooms or halls, thereby requiring less staff.


» ayuda de cámaravalet .

Example: Patients will be greeted by valets and taken immediately to their rooms.

» cámara al vacíovacuum chamber .

Example: More serious is the objection that this scheme would involve putting the film inside a vacuum chamber, for electron beams behave normally only in such a rarefied environment.

» cámara de combustióncombustion chambercombustor  .

Example: The combustion chamber is lined with fireproof bricks.

Example: A simple gas turbine is comprised of three main sections a compressor, a combustor, and a turbine.

» cámara de comerciochamber of commerce .

Example: Many of these early magazines, like Philadelphia, which 1st appeared around 1900, began as generic chamber of commerce publications.

» cámara de congelaciónwalk-in freezer .

Example: A pair of bungling burglars nearly froze to death after they locked themselves in a restaurant's walk-in freezer during a botched break in.

» cámara de fríowalk-in fridge .

Example: He confessed to police he hid the six-year-old's body in a walk-in fridge after strangling him.

» cámara de gasgas chamber .

Example: That is to say, they do not deny the Holocaust, but are sceptical of claims of 6 million dead, gas chambers, and an extermination policy.

» cámara de la muerteexecution chamberdeath chamber .

Example: The inmate was escorted into the execution chamber and was strapped onto a gurney with ankle and wrist restraints.

Example: This is a new death chamber at San Quentin where the condemned are put to death by lethal injection.

» cámara del corazónheart chamber .

Example: The right ventricle is a heart chamber responsible for pumping deoxygenated blood to the lungs.

» cámara de seguridadstorage vaultsecurity camerasurveillance camera .

Example: This article emphasises that in the choice of storage vaults for historic photographic materials, the relationship between the artefacts and their users must all be considered.

Example: Security cameras in a shopping mall have recorded the video footage of a man taking a dump in a plant pot during daytime.

Example: 8,000 surveillance cameras will be intalled this year in the most crime-ridden areas of the city and in places frequented by tourists.

» cámara de torturatorture chamber .

Example: For six years, the torture chamber lay hidden in the cellars of what had once been an orphanage for deaf children.

» cámara de vaporsteam chamber .

Example: This article presents a steam chamber to dissolve stubborn adhesives, to fix running colours and for other purposes pertaining to restoration.

» cámara frigoríficacold vaultcool vaultwalk-in fridge .

Example: The article 'Cold and cool vault environments for the storage of historic photographic materials' was written in recognition of the sesquicentennial of the introduction of photography to the public.

Example: The article 'Cold and cool vault environments for the storage of historic photographic materials' was written in recognition of the sesquicentennial of the introduction of photography to the public.

Example: He confessed to police he hid the six-year-old's body in a walk-in fridge after strangling him.

» cámara humidificadorahumidity chamberhumidifying chamber .

Example: The article is entitled 'Humidity chamber for flattening maps at the Arizona Department of Library, Archives and Public Records'.

Example: The flattening was done using a small room as a humidifying chamber, plastic bakers' shelves to support the maps, humidifiers, plexiglass sheets and blotting paper.

» música de cámarachamber music .

Example: Completed bibliographies covering Australian compositions have appeared on: instrumental and chamber music; orchestral music; keyboard music; vocal and choral music; dramatic music.

» orquesta de cámarachamber orchestra .

Example: This article attempts to draw lessons for library management from a cooperative, leaderless orchestra in the USA, the Orpheus chamber orchestra.

» pared con cámara de airecavity wall .

Example: The type of insulation required depends on whether the building has cavity walls or solid walls.

cámara2 = camera ; cam. 

Example: The true meaning of the cliche 'A picture is worth more than ten thousand words,' is never more evident than when students first see themselves on camera after simulating reference interviews in the classroom.Example: They were seen posing on cam showing their boobies and wearing gee-strings.


» acaparar la cámarahog + the camera .

Example: Horsa, as usual, managed to hog the camera for much of the time although the rest of the group got an occasional look in.

» cámara corporalbody camera .

Example: Should the federal government provide funds to buy body cameras for local police officers?.

» cámara de rodar películasmovie camera .

Example: In spite of much complexity, they perform reliably; witness the humble typewriter, or the movie camera or the automobile.

» cámara desechabledisposable camera .

Example: He then made her suck his cock while he took her picture with a disposable camera.

» cámara de seguridadstorage vaultsecurity camerasurveillance camera .

Example: This article emphasises that in the choice of storage vaults for historic photographic materials, the relationship between the artefacts and their users must all be considered.

Example: Security cameras in a shopping mall have recorded the video footage of a man taking a dump in a plant pot during daytime.

Example: 8,000 surveillance cameras will be intalled this year in the most crime-ridden areas of the city and in places frequented by tourists.

» cámara de televisióntelevision camera .

Example: A television camera was positioned 5000 ft from the base of a rocket launching pad.

» cámara de usar y tirardisposable camera .

Example: He then made her suck his cock while he took her picture with a disposable camera.

» cámara digitaldigital camera .

Example: Digital cameras are increasingly affordable, easy to use and can provide a limited solution for libraries needing electronic images.

» cámara fotográficaphotographic camera .

Example: Scientific equipment for the examination of rare books, manuscripts, and documents include the atomic particle accelerator; electron microscopy; photographic cameras, and ultraviolet lamps.

» cámara lentaslow motionstop motion .

Example: For example, the most recent range of video recorders includes features like freeze frame, slow motion, fast motion and rapid search for individual frames.

Example: And the beauty of this was captured in stop motion, which makes it looks like the tattoo creates itself.

» cámara ocultahidden camera .

Example: He then rented a hidden camera and weaseled his way into the private ceremony to take a shot of the singer.

» cámaras de seguridadvideo security system .

Example: Webcams mean that everyone can operate their own video security systems without spending a packet.

» cámara webwebcam [En Internet, página web que conectada a una cámara muestra los hechos que acontecen en tiempo real. Abeviatura de Web camera] .

Example: The article 'How to set up your own Web cam' describes ways of linking cameras, including camcorders, to a World Wide Web personal web site to make available to the world at large images of personal spaces and other similar areas.

» chupar cámarahog + the camera .

Example: Horsa, as usual, managed to hog the camera for much of the time although the rest of the group got an occasional look in.

» equipo de cámaracamera crew .

Example: Would you be embarrassed if you took a pee against a car only to find out there's a camera crew inside filming you?.

» móvil con cámaracameraphone .

Example: Picture quality is utterly shite due to use of a cameraphone.

» sistema de seguridad por cámarasvideo security system .

Example: Webcams mean that everyone can operate their own video security systems without spending a packet.

cámara3 = cinematographer ; cameraman ; camera operator. 

Example: Film, a new medium of communication 100 years ago, developed into an art form for directors, cinematographers, and a new breed of actors.Example: The bride and groom had doubts about about their choice of wedding cameraman when he turned up looking scruffy and dishevelled.Example: Wider use of digital cameras has enhanced the number of angles and the clarity that a camera operator can provide.

cámara4 = inner tube. 

Example: This article explains how to patch an inner tube from a bicycle tire.


» rueda sin cámaratubeless tyre .

Example: Chapter 12 covers the following: waxing a car; repairing tubeless tires, and repacking front wheel bearings, checking the timing belt, the ignition key, and the inlet manifold.

» sin cámaratubeless  .

Example: Fixing a tubeless wheelbarrow tire is fairly easy, if you know how, and can mean the difference between completed a job or leaving it half done.

cámara5 = house. 

Example: The first committee involving both houses of Congress in the new capital of Washington, D.C., was the Joint Committee on the Library of Congress, founded in 1802.


» Cámara de DelegadosHouse of Delegates .

Example: Could the USA end up with a House of Delegates rather than a House of Representatives?.

» Cámara de los Comunes, laHouse of Commons, the .

Example: After 1728, the initiative for investigating and remedying the state of the public records passed to the House of Commons.

» Cámara de los Lores, laHouse of Lords, the [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo] .

Example: It has recently been decided that the United Kingdom parliamentary archive, which is the responsibility of the House of Lords Record Office, will not include European Communities material.

» Cámara de RepresentantesHouse of Representatives .

Example: Could the USA end up with a House of Delegates rather than a House of Representatives?.

» Presidente de la Cámara, elSpeaker of the House, the .

Example: Proposals made by the Speaker of the House will be considered approved by assent when, after having been announced, no objection or opposition is raised.

Cámara synonyms

television camera in spanish: camara de television, pronunciation: teləvɪʒənkæmɜrə part of speech: noun photographic camera in spanish: camara fotografica, pronunciation: foʊtəgræfɪkkæmɜrə part of speech: noun
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