Cábala in english


pronunciation: kɑbɑlə part of speech: noun
In gestures

cábala1 = conjecture. 

Example: Abstracts should be precise and distinguish clearly between conjecture and established fact.

cábala2 = cabal. 

Example: This cabal has seized control and we need to overcome this global cartel and bring about fundamental change in our political and economic structures.


» una cábala dea cabal of .

Example: Laboring under a tax system written by a cabal of loan shark bankers and rubber stamped by a spineless Congress, people are being robbed of their wealth and separated from their rights.

Cábala synonyms

kabbalah in spanish: kábala, pronunciation: kəbɑlə part of speech: noun kabala in spanish: kabala, pronunciation: kəbɑlə part of speech: noun cabbala in spanish: cábala, pronunciation: kɑbɑlə part of speech: noun kabbala in spanish: kabbala, pronunciation: kəbɑlə part of speech: noun cabbalah in spanish: Cabalá, pronunciation: kæbələ part of speech: noun
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