Cuádruple in english


pronunciation: kwɑdrupəl part of speech: adjective, noun, verb
In gestures

cuádruple = four-pronged ; fourfold ; quad. 

Example: From Truman's approval for nuclear weapons testing in Nevada on 18 Dec 1950 the AEC adopted a four-pronged approach: inundating the public with positive information on nuclear power; emphasising defence needs; highlighting the nonmilitary benefits of testing; and reassuring the citizenry that testing was not hazardous to health.Example: By the end of June 1980, Adviceline had attracted 289 enquiries, a fourfold increase on the number of enquiries originating from the same area in the corresponding period the year before.Example: If, for instance, a press could take 32 octavo pages together in a forme, then an octavo book would be printed on quad sheets (of double the usual dimensions in both directions), each of which would be cut up after printing and folded into four 8-leaf sections.

Cuádruple synonyms

multiple in spanish: múltiple, pronunciation: mʌltəpəl part of speech: adjective fourfold in spanish: cuádruple, pronunciation: fɔrfoʊld part of speech: adjective quadruplicate in spanish: cuadruplicado, pronunciation: kwɑdrʌpləkət part of speech: noun, adjective
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