Cutícula in english


pronunciation: kjutəkəl part of speech: noun
In gestures

cutícula = cuticle. 

Example: Conidium spores are sticky and can directly penetrate the leaf cuticle.


» célula de la cutículacuticle cell .

Example: A strand of hair is made of dead cuticle cells arranged like scales around a core of protein.

» cutícula del cabellohair cuticle .

Example: Damaged hair cuticles can cause split ends and give your hair a rough look.

» cutícula del pelohair cuticle .

Example: Damaged hair cuticles can cause split ends and give your hair a rough look.

» de la cutículacuticular .

Example: In the highly social stingless bees, cuticular compounds are either produced by the bees themselves or acquired from plant resins.

Cutícula synonyms

epidermis in spanish: epidermis, pronunciation: epədɜrməs part of speech: noun
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