Cutáneo in english


pronunciation: kjuteɪniəs part of speech: adjective
In gestures

cutáneo = cutaneous. 

Example: As tropical countries become common travellers' destinations, more and more returning travellers are expected to present cutaneous lesions secondary to myiasis.


» afección cutáneaskin condition .

Example: Hydrocortisone cream is a topical corticosteroid which is used for reducing itching, redness and swelling associated with many skin conditions.

» célula cutáneaskin cell .

Example: Massage the shampoo into your scalp for a minute or two to help loosen dead skin cells and increase circulation to the scalp.

» conductividad cutáneaskin conductivityskin electrical conductivity .

Example: A polygraph (also known as a lie detector) is a device that measures blood pressure, pulse, respiration and skin conductivity while the subject is asked a series of questions.

Example: The standard method of polygraphy depends on four measurements: heart rate, breathing rate, blood pressure, and skin electrical conductivity.

» de uso cutáneouse + topically .

Example: Balsam is used topically for scabies, prurigo, and pruritus as well as taken internally for bronchitis and to lessen mucous secretions.

» enfermedad cutáneaskin disease .

Example: Cutaneous mycoses are the most common fungal skin diseases seen in dogs.

» erupción cutánea con picazónitchy rash .

Example: At one point the plastic coating on my eyeglass temples wore away, and I got an itchy rash over the tops of my ears.

» erupción cutánea con picoritchy rash .

Example: At one point the plastic coating on my eyeglass temples wore away, and I got an itchy rash over the tops of my ears.

» injerto cutáneoskin graft .

Example: In similarly superficial wounds that were larger, the wounds were covered with skin grafts.

» lesión cutáneaskin lesion .

Example: The fever was resolved and the skin lesions started to remit during the following 3 weeks.

» melanoma cutáneocutaneous melanoma .

Example: Although sun exposure is a risk factor for melanoma, cutaneous melanomas can arise frequently in areas of the body not exposed to the sun.

» micosis cutáneacutaneous mycosis .

Example: Cutaneous mycoses are the most common fungal skin diseases seen in dogs.

» problema cutáneoskin problem .

Example: Digestive upsets, like diarrhea and constipation, or skin problems, like acne, are examples of ways stress can wreak havoc on our bodies by unbalancing the systems that help us feel calm and healthy.

» reacción cutáneaskin reaction .

Example: Some groups of medical drugs are already well-known for their potential of causing skin reactions.

» trastorno cutáneoskin disorder .

Example: It is used as an antiseptic cream to treat skin disorders such as minor wounds and burns, cuts, abrasions and nappy rash.

Cutáneo synonyms

cutaneal in spanish: cutaneal, pronunciation: kjutənil part of speech: adjective
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