Cutis in english


pronunciation: skɪn part of speech: noun
In gestures

cutis = complexion ; cutis ; skin. 

Example: A content analysis of magazines from 1989-94 shows that blacks in advertisments have lighter complexions and more Caucasian features.Example: Her body was taut with ire, her cutis flushed with it, and all he could ponder about was how sightly she was.Example: A strip of paper or vellum was pasted on to the spine to reinforce it, and a skin of the right size was stuck down over the spine and the outside of both boards.


» limpieza de cutisfacial .

Example: This is the ultimate -- a complete body exfoliation, a massage, manicure or pedicure and a facial.

» mujer con un cutis de porcelana típico inglésan English rose .

Example: Her appeals has always been that of an 'English rose'.

Cutis synonyms

hide in spanish: esconder, pronunciation: haɪd part of speech: verb, noun struggle in spanish: lucha, pronunciation: strʌgəl part of speech: noun scramble in spanish: lucha, pronunciation: skræmbəl part of speech: noun bark in spanish: ladrar, pronunciation: bɑrk part of speech: noun peel in spanish: pelar, pronunciation: pil part of speech: noun, verb scrape in spanish: raspar, pronunciation: skreɪp part of speech: verb, noun stub in spanish: talón, pronunciation: stʌb part of speech: noun pare in spanish: cortar, pronunciation: per part of speech: verb pelt in spanish: piel, pronunciation: pelt part of speech: noun, verb abrade in spanish: desgastar, pronunciation: əbreɪd part of speech: verb shin in spanish: espinilla, pronunciation: ʃɪn part of speech: noun rind in spanish: corteza, pronunciation: raɪnd part of speech: noun sputter in spanish: chisporroteo, pronunciation: spʌtɜr part of speech: noun, verb clamber in spanish: trepar, pronunciation: klæmbɜr part of speech: verb shinny in spanish: brillante, pronunciation: ʃɪni part of speech: verb cutis in spanish: cutis, pronunciation: kjutɪs part of speech: noun tegument in spanish: tegumento, pronunciation: tegjəmənt part of speech: noun
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