Custodia in english


pronunciation: kʌstədi part of speech: noun
In gestures

custodia = guardianship ; custody ; curatorship ; safeguarding ; safekeeping [safe-keeping] ; curation ; stewardship. 

Example: The early libraries in England were often gifts of individuals entrusted to the guardianship of their respective municipalities.Example: This article redefines the archival principle of provenance as the entire history of an item's origin, its use and custody.Example: The city librarian has commonly been a general cultural consultant, often with more than one hat, with the curatorship of the museum and/or art gallery as additional offices.Example: Working together, librarians and indexers can ensure that one of the primary objectives of the Society of Indexers, the safeguarding and improvement of indexing standards, becomes a reality.Example: The records were forwarded to Australia from the 30s to 50s for safekeeping.Example: A short history of the collection is followed by details of acquisitions policy, curation, conservation and uses made of the collections.Example: The librarian's professional values include service, commitment to truth-seeking and intellectual freedom and a sense of responsibility (stewardship of knowledge).


» bajo custodia policialin (police) custody .

Example: Twelve people are known to have died in police custody since January 2013 compared to nine in the whole of 2012.

» bajo + Posesivo + custodiain + Posesivo + safekeeping .

Example: Financial institutions are custodians and are therefore legally responsible for the items in their safekeeping.

» cadena de custodiachain of custody .

Example: Chain of custody ensures the laboratory results relate, beyond all reasonable doubt, to a specific sample provided by a particular individual.

» custodia compartidashared custodyjoint custody .

Example: Children in shared custody have fewer emotional and behavioural problems and higher self-esteem than children in sole custody.

Example: Joint custody arrangements, especially after an acrimonious split, can be exhausting and infuriating.

» custodia de los niñoschild custody .

Example: This paper chronicles the growing frequency of child abduction by divorced parents who are warring over child custody.

» custodia legallegal guardianship .

Example: Also, if a child is living with someone who is not a relative, a legal guardianship is required for the child to receive government benefits.

» custodia policialpolice custody .

Example: He was facing numerous drug related charges and escaped from police custody while receiving treatment for minor injuries.

» custodia únicasole custody .

Example: Children in shared custody have fewer emotional and behavioural problems and higher self-esteem than children in sole custody.

» poner bajo custodia policialtake + Nombre + into police custody .

Example: Criminal suspects have the right to remain silent when taken into police custody.

custodiar = keep ; police ; lodge ; curate ; stand + guard over. 

Example: Guard book or scrapbook type arrangement, with possibly a loose-leaf format, is suitable for organising and keeping cuttings, letters and other small items.Example: For many centuries local authorities have been responsible for policing Weights and Measures Acts and regulations and, where a breach of legislation was uncovered, would prosecute in the criminal court.Example: The actual report has been lodged at the British Library but has not been published.Example: This requires a self-confident profession with a positive duty to explain information rather than a restricted negative duty to curate books.Example: Librarians are doomed if they are seen by their patrons as standing guard over information and seemingly barring access to it.

Custodia synonyms

hold in spanish: sostener, pronunciation: hoʊld part of speech: verb, noun hands in spanish: manos, pronunciation: hændz part of speech: noun detention in spanish: detención, pronunciation: dɪtenʃən part of speech: noun
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